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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Just caught the premier of Falling Skies. It did not really click for me. The aliens looked like they are cut and pasted in. :(


macrumors 6502
Feb 12, 2008
I haven't watched TV at all the past two years, but the last time I had a TV I did watch and enjoy Dexter, although from what I understand it has gotten worse lately. The only thing I miss about having a TV are: Seinfeld and Simpsons reruns before going to bed. :s
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macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Downton Abbey- Good human drama series on PBS, Masterpiece theater about a pre-WWI English family (titled) and their servants. Part 4 was this last Sunday. According to IMBD it was first shown in Oct 2010. Don't know if it is available on demand.

Ah this is a great series, ITV out did themselves :p cannot wait for Series 2 :D

Oh btw PBS has edited slightly, don't know what effect it has but editting in general is bad :(

Downton Abbey is terrific, really brilliant a great series; it is the one programme that I have really been looking forward to. Actually, the second series is scheduled to start on ITV on Sunday 18, (next week) and, while I shall catch that, (rather unfortunately,) I shall miss the remainder of it until it is shown as a repeat as I shall be away....


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Downton Abbey is terrific, really brilliant a great series; it is the one programme that I have really been looking forward to. Actually, the second series is scheduled to start on ITV on Sunday 18, (next week) and, while I shall catch that, (rather unfortunately,) I shall miss the remainder of it until it is shown as a repeat as I shall be away....

Is this a follow-on to the original I was referencing? I'll have to check PBS listings.


macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Yes. Series Two is scheduled to start on ITV (British TV) next week and I believe that it will be broadcast in the US early next year (January, if the British media I have read are correct). If you recall, the first series ended with the Earl of Grantham announcing that war had been declared (August 1914); series two, apparently picks up a little while later and takes the characters through the period of the First World War.

I'll be away from Monday week until mid November in a place where I'll have no opportunity whatsoever to see it - so, I'll have to wait for the re-runs on either Irish or British TV, when I return, or hope that some kind soul will record it for me.



macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Yes. Series Two is scheduled to start on ITV (British TV) next week and I believe that it will be broadcast in the US early next year (January, if the British media I have read are correct). If you recall, the first series ended with the Earl of Grantham announcing that war had been declared (August 1914); series two, apparently picks up a little while later and takes the characters through the period of the First World War.

I'll be away from Monday week until mid November in a place where I'll have no opportunity whatsoever to see it - so, I'll have to wait for the re-runs on either Irish or British TV, when I return, or hope that some kind soul will record it for me.


DVR (digital video recorder) is the solution. Good luck! :)


macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
DVR (digital video recorder) is the solution. Good luck! :)

Thanks for the advice, but, sad to say, I doubt it'll happen. Alas, my brother's TV has died in the past week, and he has homework to do on buying a digital compatible set so won't buy yet for a few weeks - and my mother has no intention of entering the DVR age - even to get her to watch one is a major achievement.

It seems that my choice is to wait for re-runs - possibly early next year - or, drop copious hints and perhaps receive a boxed set as a Yuletide gift - or, even buy it myself when it becomes available.


Edit: At least, I'll get to see episode one of the new season - it'll go out tonight. After that, I'll miss the rest of the season.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Spongebob Squarepants.

Do you have a short attention span? (if you reply I'll explain). BTW, I love that show. :)

Thanks for the advice, but, sad to say, I doubt it'll happen. Alas, my brother's TV has died in the past week, and he has homework to do on buying a digital compatible set so won't buy yet for a few weeks - and my mother has no intention of entering the DVR age - even to get her to watch one is a major achievement.

It seems that my choice is to wait for re-runs - possibly early next year - or, drop copious hints and perhaps receive a boxed set as a Yuletide gift - or, even buy it myself when it becomes available.


Edit: At least, I'll get to see episode one of the new season - it'll go out tonight. After that, I'll miss the rest of the season.



macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Anyone here think that regular broadcast TV for the most part SUCKS? It is why a subscription to the likes of HBO, Showtime, or Stars, etc seems to be a must. (comment focused on U.S. TV offerings) :)

Glee, Biggest Loser, NCIS, NCIS, NCIS, Survivor, CSI, Criminal Minds, XFactor, XFactor Results, CSI NY, and tons of reality bases shows, how to buy, fixup, decorate a house, unbelievably awful social programs like Housewives of Bitchtown (made that up ;)). It's all most enough to make one retch.

Now that I have that off my chest, what shows are you excited about for the fall season...any?

*New: Terra Nova (Monday, Fox, 8pm)- could be good, could suck. Logic question- If you go back in time to populate the land of the dinos, would'nt it be possible to eradicate your modern existence to begin with?
*New:Person of Interest (Thur, CBS, 9pm)- the premise is iffy to me, but if it has JJ Abrams name on it, I have to give it a chance.
*Parks and Recreation (Thur, NBC, 8:30pm)- I've heard a lot about this show. I'll have to give it a chance.

All Ready Watching:
*Modern Family (Wed, ABC, 9pm)- if it continues like previous seasons, a must comedy watch.
*Walking Dead (Sun, AMC)- Loved the first 6 episodes.
*The Killing (AMC)- This pulled me in. Some think as what was supposed to be a mini-series, the first murder should be over, but it's not. I tend to think it has just a little too much time on it's hands to explore interpersonal relationships.
*Boardwalk Empire (HBO, Sunday)- Not my favorite, but good enough to watch. I've liked Steve Buscemi more in other roles, like Fargo and The Island.
*Game of Thrones (HBO, Sunday)- Can't wait for this to come back (Jan?), but it pisses me off that they can afford this but not to continue Rome or Deadwood- bastards! ;)
*Masterpiece Theater (PBS, Sunday)- Not all the time, but there is some good stuff like Dowton Abbey...

*True Blood- How to ruin a great vampire series. I know I'll get some disagreement on this. I'm sorry but the Sookie Stackhouse series was not substantially about all things gay. I have nothing against gays, just when a producer/director decides to change everything around in the story and I mean everything!


Please do!

Me to. :) It's actually really funny even though it looks like it's for young kids. Mr. Krabs is a sicko and Patrick sometimes says some really funny lines.

And this is just wrong:

Krabs, Patrick, Squidward, Pearl, Gary, Mrs. Puffs are favorites along with others I can't think of off hand. That link was god awful. :p Here is my reference for asking about your attention span: Spongebob Attention Span Children TV Study :D
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macrumors 601
Jul 31, 2008
Northern VA
The new season of How I Met Your Mother starts tomorrow night on CBS.

Then, The Big Bang Theory starts on the 22nd.

Those will be my two shows for this year.


Jan 18, 2005
Spooks tonight. QI , Billy Connolly and Outnumbered are back on, Doctor Who is amping up for the series finale. Aside from Shooting Stars finishing for the year TV is quite great at the mo :)


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Spooks tonight. QI , Billy Connolly and Outnumbered are back on, Doctor Who is amping up for the series finale. Aside from Shooting Stars finishing for the year TV is quite great at the mo :)

Spooks sounds interesting (as in spies). Hey watch some "Biggest Loser" or "*Dancing with the Stars" to turn your opinion right around... :p

*My favorite was corrupt GOP politician Tom Delay waltzing around the stage... (NOT, btw I don't go near this show, I've seen moments of it, but don't watch it.)
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Recently watched premier of Tera Nova (Fox) and Person of Interest (CBS).

Both were disappointments. Person of Interest was watchable but I did not quite buy how info is passed to the main character to intervene in a near future crime. Sound familiar? (Minority Report)

When I was 12 years old, I'd have been thrilled with Tera Nova. But it's just a TV show, it looks, feels, smells, like a TV show, nothing memorable about this except the Australia location and the scenery. The characters and writing are surprisingly bland. The CGI was passable, but nothing special. They did take the time to explain that the journey back in time was a one way trip, and that it was to a different time stream so there was no problem with effecting their own past, in the future. Apparently they can communicate with where they came from. Some hints at intrigue, but they need to come a long way to become something I'd stick with. A show like The Walking Dead or The Killing runs circles around this show when it comes to human drama.


Moderator emeritus
Apr 27, 2005
San Francisco, CA
Watched the first episode of Pan Am (ABC). It's not bad, though my expectations weren't terribly high. Might be fun for a season. Don't anticipate I'll possibly watch it longer than that.

The return of Modern Family (ABC) and Parks & Recreation (NBC) is very welcome.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Watched the first episode of Pan Am (ABC). It's not bad, though my expectations weren't terribly high. Might be fun for a season. Don't anticipate I'll possibly watch it longer than that.

The return of Modern Family (ABC) and Parks & Recreation (NBC) is very welcome.

I'm gonna have to record P&R...


macrumors 65816
May 14, 2010
South FL
Can't believe one of the greatest shows ever wasn't mentioned... Sons Of Anarchy... pure raw grittiness.

I caught Terra Nova, seems cool. Can't wait for the 2nd season of Walking Dead.
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