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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 26, 2018
…I'm looking to buy a new iPhone as my 6+ has broke. I really don't want to wait that long for a new one but know the keynote is expected to be around 12th of september.

If i do wait until then and pre-order, how long has it taken in past years for the phones to actually arive to the customers (I heard the X took until november but usually they ship before october?)


Jul 12, 2016
If past years are indicative of this year's results, new phone models won't arrive until close to Thanksgiving.

I Think your post needs some clarification. The phone that has been slightly rumored to be possibly delayed for 2018 was the 6.1 LCD iPhone. There is not anything really indicating the other 5.8/6.5 X models will be delayed this year. Last year was the exception with the 5.8 iPhone X likely due to supplier component constraints.

However, I think all three iPhone models will be ready to ship in September.
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