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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 18, 2019
The internet traffic between our managed macOS Mojave laptops and the Apple Software Updates website is blocked for security reasons. So I can not use the regular System Preferences - Software Update to update native macOS software.

This is not an issue for me, because every time Apple release a Software Update, I wait a week or so and I visit the following URL and I download the specific package (in .dmg format), I save the .dmg package into a USB Stick and I update the macOS laptops and I am good to go.

Now, the problem is that Apple just released an important security update just for Safari 14.1.2.

My question is since that I believe this time it is just Safari the issue, is Apple going to publish just the Safari .dmg package update on the regular If not, how can I download just the Safari 14.1.2 in .dmg/.pkg format so I can install into our macOS Mojave laptops?

Thank you so much in advance for your help.


macrumors 601
Nov 17, 2017
I'm not sure of the answer to your question, but I just wanted to say I think that's bizarre that your company thinks Apple's software update server is not secure. Why are they making employees jump through hoops to keep their OS updated and secure?


macrumors 68040
May 14, 2008
Just wait a week like you normally would and download from the downloads site.
The world will not end in 7-10 days without the update.

You are best to wait a week anyway in case it $#%&'s up your machine (which is more common these days).


macrumors 68040
May 14, 2008
The internet traffic between our managed macOS Mojave laptops and the Apple Software Updates website is blocked for security reasons. So I can not use the regular System Preferences - Software Update to update native macOS software.
The safest option is the Mac update system.

If employees are permitted to download updates from elsewhere, there is a chance they could google updates, and dl from a dodgy source.

I bet you have access to FB/Tw/Inst etc.... ?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 18, 2019
@MarkC426 thank you so much. I was under the impression that security updates like Safari for example are not published at that URL Apple Support Download. But if you say yes, well then case solved ;-)


macrumors 6502a
Jan 9, 2010
South Congress AZ
Have you tried the softwareupdate command in Terminal? softwareupdate -l to list available updates. Each update will have a couple of lines. You want the update listed on the line with the asterisk. Be sure to quote the update name when you download it, like this softwareupdate -d "update name". You will find the resulting download in /Library/Updates. Safari updates do show and are downloadable using this process. I just downloaded the Safari security update (.pkg file) mentioned by the OP.
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