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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 17, 2011
United Kingdom
I have an IPhone 13 but the 14 looks a basic upgrade other than a few camera tweaks it could offer nothing? I buy a new iPhone every year refuse to have old model so I will update either way. But should I go for the Pro as it offers more or with cost of living crisis in the world buy cheap similar to the 13 and still latest model? If it starts at 256gb memory be more of a deal breaker but the rumours are mixed? Is there much difference in day to day pictures between pro models with 3 cameras?


macrumors 6502a
Dec 13, 2013
Seems you might have two priorities, having the latest and potential budgetary constraint. I’d lean towards the 14 non-pro, so you fulfill both requirements. If you’re not satisfied with that, then you have a lurking hidden third (or fourth!) priority. Search within, seek your inner voice of truth…for iPhone season is upon us 🤣😉
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macrumors 68000
Dec 21, 2016
If you are a big camera user then you should be upgrading to a Pro as it at least has a better camera. The processor is irrelevant as 99.9% of consumers are unable to use even a small percentage of the power available in the A15 chip because they do nothing other than browse websites, play basic games and access social media feeds.

The improved camera and the new pill shaped FaceID are the only reasons to upgrade but that is hardly reason enough for the majority of users.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 17, 2011
United Kingdom
Did the Pro 13 take a much better photo than the current 13? I find pictures very good right now just wondering how much a change? I won’t use 8k video too much storage I actually record in HD to save space too
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