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Well, which is it?

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sorgo †

Original poster
Feb 16, 2016
Which is your preferred third-generation SE finish?


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sorgo †

Original poster
Feb 16, 2016
Midnight always
That color is super slick and I was greatly tempted by it, since it’s the color of my very first car. A super-dark blue that at first glance appears black.

Sadly however my dad has the same phone in the same color and although we don’t live together for some reason I just don’t want the exact same phone as him. Nothing against him personally, it’s probably a “me” problem more than anything. He also uses a PRODUCT(RED) Silicone Case which I ordered for the matching phone I ended up canceling, so I went ahead and just ruled out that color altogether.

Thus I ended up going with Starlight (+ Chalk Pink Silicone Case). I find something about the Kardashian-esque nude color scheme refreshing without being too on-trend, and the lightest-colored iPhone I’ve had was an 11 in Purple, so it should be a fun change hopefully without being too flashy or demanding too much attention.

I was gonna hold back my answer until there were more votes, but it appears my poll is kinda flopping ;)
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macrumors 68000
Dec 21, 2016
All my phones, other than my Gold SE1, are black so that’s what I would choose. They all look amazing though so enjoy your Starlight SE3!
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