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4GLTE lover

macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 7, 2013
I am getting an iphone 5 soon and a lifeproof case not sure whether to get white or black case. Does the white one tend to get more dirty than the white one? Also do you think a black iphone 5 in a white/gray lifeproof case would look good?
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macrumors regular
Jun 11, 2010
North MS
I have a white iP5 and a white LP case. I would think either the black or the white phone would like fine with either case really. I think it just depends on your every day use. I am pretty OCD about my phone. For example, my screen is always clean. I keep a lint free cloth in my pocket at all times along with hand sanitizer. I also work in health care and am not "out in the elements" much or exposed to dirty areas during a normal work day. So, the white is what I prefer and it works for me.

If you are asking if the white is susceptible to dirt like the white rubber parts of an Otterbox Defender case, my answer is absolutely not. The white on the LP case is a hard plastic and doesn't "attract" dirt like the while rubber skin on the Otterbox. I had picked up one of the white rubber/black plastic Otterbox Defender cases, but returned it within 3-4 days because it was such a dirt magnet so I used the grey rubber/white plastic Otterbox Defender until the LP was released. I actually think they may have discontinued the white rubber/black plastic Otterbox Defender due to the dirt issue because it isn't offered on-line and I haven't seen it in any Best Buy or AT&T stores.

My suggestion is to purchase your LP from Best Buy and if you don’t like the white you can return it for the black or vice versa. Also, there is a serial number on the back lower right hand corner of the LP package to be on the look-out for. The higher the number, the better because they are still making improvements to the case. I have returned mine four times, but I'm actually happy with this one.
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macrumors member
Jan 10, 2013
New York
I agree with UMRebel. You're going to be more than satisfied with the Lifeproof case. Although, I have noticed that through extended use you will definitely see scuff marks on the white more so than you would on the black. I keep my device extremely clean as well, but white is always going to show blemishes more than black. As for using a black/white case with a black/white iPhone - the Lifeproof case completely covers your iPhone. You will not be able to tell what color your iPhone is once it has been installed into the case. I have a black iPhone and after using a Lifeproof case for almost a year I forgot what color my iPhone was ;) Hope this helps.


macrumors 603
Sep 24, 2012
Hey, Rebel
How how high of a number did you get with your latest LF case?
Is it one with the hard clear plastic pieces glued to the inside of the back shell?


macrumors regular
Jun 11, 2010
North MS
@Hooterville- I can't remember what number mine is but I'm thinking it is in the 205xxx range. Got it right before Christmas. It has the clear pieces in the back of the case and the black foam removed from the inside front around the ear piece. Screen protector has very little pillowing toward the top and really none at the home button which makes the screen much more responsive than the other versions I had. The only thing I want at this point is no rainbowing (which I have a little of but it can only be seen when the screen is off) and a clearer screen protector and I will never ask for another LP case revision. They seem to have used some kind of coating to the inside of the screen protector. I suppose to reduce the rainbowing or reduce glare, but I hate it. I want it to be crystal clear like my iP4 version was. I was also worried about the clear pieces rubbing on the back of my phone so I just applied part of a self-clinging screen protector to the areas where the clear pieces come into contact with the phone so I don't worry about that anymore.
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