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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 29, 2014
So, after using the AVP for a week now, I just happened to notice a white spot that only appears in the left eye. If I close my left eye, the one in the right looks perfect, but there's definitely a spot in the left.

It is somewhat transparent and changes colors as I slowly move my head, and isn't always noticeable unless I look for it, but it looks like a fine circle. I am fine with the glare of the headset around the lenses, but this one in the middle is different. And there's this inconsistency since it's only happening on the left side.

Dead pixel or something under the glass? Or maybe it's my eye itself. Could it just be a glare itself? Anyone experiencing anything similar?


macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 29, 2014
Just spitballing here but have you tried wiping the lenses with the included cloth?

I appreciate the reply. I should've included that - I tried wiping the lenses down with the official cloth and even the whole front of the device to see if that helped, and it didn't unfortunately.


Nov 8, 2017
New York
I appreciate the reply. I should've included that - I tried wiping the lenses down with the official cloth and even the whole front of the device to see if that helped, and it didn't unfortunately.
Sorry to hear. If this thing is bothering you and it appears to be a permanent blemish, I would take it back. Everyone should still be in the return period and $3.5K + is just way too much money to settle on anything other than perfection. You don’t owe Apple anything.

One more thing… back in 2021 when I had COVID, I had a spot in the vision of my left eye that looked similar to like when you look at a bright light source and the after image appears as a purple/green spot for about 20-30 mins and then disappears (it comes from a protein called Rhodopsin or Visual Purple). Except mine was yellow. It lasted a couple weeks and my Ophthalmologist saw nothing out of the normal. Do you think it could be something like that?


macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 29, 2014
Sorry that happened - that would be horribly annoying. And I do not see this "spot" anywhere else except while in the headset, so I'm definitely thinking something is up with the left screen. Guess I'll be contacting AppleCare support today.


Nov 8, 2017
New York
Sorry that happened - that would be horribly annoying. And I do not see this "spot" anywhere else except while in the headset, so I'm definitely thinking something is up with the left screen. Guess I'll be contacting AppleCare support today.
No worries. It’s long gone now 👍🏻.

Yeah, well if it’s not there when it’s off your face, probably the headset then. You mentioned in the OP that maybe it’s your eye itself so just throwing that out there. Anyways, factory defects do happen.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 29, 2014
Thanks, yeah, I've used a lot of VR headsets and I've never had something like this happen, so I was suspecting some sort of extra light reflection in my left eye or something. I'd take it if that's the case, but for the price I may as well be sure.
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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 29, 2014
Just an update, AppleCare Support determined it was faulty and wants to replace it. Sadly they couldn’t offer me an Express Replacement even though I have AppleCare+ so I have to send it back in first😞


Nov 8, 2017
New York
Just an update, AppleCare Support determined it was faulty and wants to replace it. Sadly they couldn’t offer me an Express Replacement even though I have AppleCare+ so I have to send it back in first😞
Bummer but at least you’ll be getting a new device. How long do you have to wait?


macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 29, 2014
Bummer but at least you’ll be getting a new device. How long do you have to wait?
Yeah, I’m glad they’re taking care of me at least. They said the box should ship within 2 days, and then 5-7 business days of processing once they receive the original back. Hopefully it’s a bit quicker.
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