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macrumors 603
Dec 2, 2006
the OC
when i replaced my dual g5 with a white 2.0 ghz macbook, i was really impressed by how much that little machine felt so much snappier despite being the same clock speed. the only thing that bothered me about the macbook, though, was its small screen size; going from 20" to 13" isn't the easiest thing to do. hooking it to an external display helped at first but then aggravated the experience a little bit, because things like dashboard and exposé seemed a bit choppy. i blame the integrated graphics, though a lot of people on these forums say they have no problem. regardless, this prompted me to replace the mb with a macbook pro, and i have no performance complaints so far. and i really couldn't see myself owning a real desktop machine again. :)


macrumors regular
Jul 10, 2004
I do. But with a couple of problems.

Couple of days ago, I was going to give a presentation (it was the day I received my MBP!). I connected the projector's VGA connector while my new MBP is sleeping. As I open the lid, Mac awakes, and freezes. It won't sleep again so I had to hard restart after trying several minutes. This is annoying as I've never had this problem with my old but reliable powerbook g4.

The other thing is yesterday, when I was working, suddenly Mac OS X won't accept any keyboard inputs --- including its built-in keyboard and my USB external keyboard. The funny thing is special keys like ESC, F1-F12, and Command etc keys are functioning. So I can switch back and forth among applications, but I can't type / delete anything.

I had to restart my computer and this problem's gone.

I hope these are just software bugs and can be fixed in upcoming OS releases.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 31, 2007
I do. But with a couple of problems.

Couple of days ago, I was going to give a presentation (it was the day I received my MBP!). I connected the projector's VGA connector while my new MBP is sleeping. As I open the lid, Mac awakes, and freezes. It won't sleep again so I had to hard restart after trying several minutes. This is annoying as I've never had this problem with my old but reliable powerbook g4.

The other thing is yesterday, when I was working, suddenly Mac OS X won't accept any keyboard inputs --- including its built-in keyboard and my USB external keyboard. The funny thing is special keys like ESC, F1-F12, and Command etc keys are functioning. So I can switch back and forth among applications, but I can't type / delete anything.

I had to restart my computer and this problem's gone.

I hope these are just software bugs and can be fixed in upcoming OS releases.

Heh, both of those issues have occurred with my TiBook.


macrumors newbie
Jun 7, 2007
no problems

I use my macbook pro as my main computer and have no problems at all actually less


macrumors member
Mar 20, 2006
Im using my PB for 2 years now as my main machine, since my PC died. I got to say, if you're a new switcher you're going to be missing a few things. But dont worry, they could be replaced on the Mac.

Coverting Videos to iPOD:

If you used Videora on PC, use iSquint for Mac. People will recommend other ones, and I've tried them all, and they all miss one feature: 100% guaranteed demuxing. Only iSquint does it EVERY TIME. What demuxing does is it separates the video and audio in a MPEG file so that they can both be converted into MP4. If you use anything else, all you'll get is an MP4 video, with no sound. ffmpeg claims to demux well, and it does, just not 100% of the time. Download ffmpeg also, so that you'll have a separate program to demux, and/or convert audio files to MP3. iSquint doesnt allow for much customization, but like Videora, its simpel and gets things done.

Video Playback:
Download VLC because it plays almost all your video files with accurate timelines. Also, there will be some WMV3 files you cant watch with Quicktime AND VLC, so use iSquint to convert them to a viewable format.

I found chatting to be wonderful on iChat, am going to try Adium.


You know that feature on Windows, where your .gifs will automatically "play" in their thumbnail forms? Well, you're going to miss that simpel feature in Mac, cause it doesnt do that. :(

There are some programs out there that is very useful, but you have to pya.

Overall, my experience with the osx as my main computer is this: Its great but lacks some things. Something that really annoys the hell out of me is iPhoto. People praise it, but I dont know why! Its orginization is an effin MESS! They all get seperated by dates, and than by more dates, and than by more dates! If anyone could tell me what to do, it'd be great! Not only that, it separates it by thumbnail, and original! Ugh. What happened to the simple days of adding a photo to the folder you want, and thats it. I feel like there are a bunch of duplicates I dont know about roaming in my harddrive somewhere.

Also, while using Photoshop, everytime I save, it saves it as a "Photoshop Jpeg" or somehting. And it isnt recognizable by some websites like Photobucket, Myspace or Facebook! I would have to send it to my firend's MB (because he doesnt have photoshop), use his MB to upload the pictures for it to work!

I also miss a packaged paint program, anyone have any suggestions?


macrumors newbie
Aug 16, 2007
My MBP is my main machine. It comes with me just about everywhere I go. I have a PC at home which is mainly used for storage.


macrumors 68040
Oct 23, 2006
13.3" isn't as big as 20", but then again I can't use a 20" computer in my bedroom as well as my living room.

The notebooks are almost as powerful as the desktops, so you really aren't losing much by going down the MacBook path :)

I use an external screen. I sold my iMac because it's actually easier to have just a laptop, HDDs and an external monitor than trying to manage two computers... for me at least.


macrumors 6502
May 1, 2007
If you dont do gaming, the macbook is more than enough if you get an external lcd monitor, and wireless keyboard and mouse.
I using a 22" lcd monitor with my macbook (one side surfing internet and one side chatting/itunes), and bluetooth keyboard and mouse.
And with the 22", when Im doing homework, I can split the screen half, so one side is the question and one side is the answer.


macrumors regular
Jun 5, 2007
Wellington, NZ
with external monitor = yes.

the primary PC thing is how I justified buying my blackbook.

best thing about it is its quiet! show me a quieter pc.

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
Unfortunately I am using my MBP as a primary, and it is okay, but it doesn't beat the desktop. The power that you get out of them, the price, the expandability, the graphics options, etc.

For anyone using an iMac and a MacBook or MBP saying that laptops are almost as powerful is okay, but for power users, video editors, serious gamers, nothing will replace the desktop.


macrumors regular
Sep 19, 2006
I have a 1 Ghz. G4 eMac, and I'm also considering the switch to a MacBook (non-Pro) as my main Mac/PC. The only thing that irks me about the MB is the integrated graphics bit. But, otherwise, closing the lid, and usng an external display and keyboard/mouse makes it almost indistinguishable from a desktop, as others have mentioned.

Of course, you do miss out on the superior graphics of most desktop Macs and maybe a tad bit of horsepower compared to the iMacs (the Mac Pros are a different beast altogether and I wouldn't dream of comparing the two), but you gain lots of mobility, which is important to me.

I also want to hear more from primarily-MacBook users.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 14, 2007
Down by the bay.
I'd like to have a bigger screen, but that won't happen anytime soon.

This whole wrist pad changing colors is getting annoying too.

Other than that, I love my MB. :)


macrumors regular
Jan 6, 2003
My wife uses a 1st Gen Mid-Level MB (CD 2.0Ghz, 60GB, SuperDrive w/ 1.5GB RAM) and has no issues. Machine had an optical drive replacement early on in its life but other than the usual discoloring of the palmrest areas (not dirt cant' wipe it off), it's been rock-solid for her. We have a desktop Mac that acts as our central hub for audio/video content and she does her own little digital picture stuff in iPhoto on her machine.


macrumors 6502
Jul 15, 2007
I also use mine as my main computer. And as of this week it is my only computer, the only thing I miss is having a computer with a huge hard drive.


macrumors regular
Aug 21, 2007


You know that feature on Windows, where your .gifs will automatically "play" in their thumbnail forms? Well, you're going to miss that simpel feature in Mac, cause it doesnt do that. :(

by play do you mean animate or just a thumbnail preview? you can turn on icon preview in finder view options and get a little thumbnail of your image files.


macrumors member
Aug 20, 2007
United Kingdom
My MacBook is my main computer and I have no issues at all. Like many have said you can always plug up a Monitor, mouse, keyboard etc and you basically have a desktop. I use mine for everything expect gaming and have no issues at all!!! 13" Screen is fine aswell IMO.
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