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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 28, 2018
Cape Town
Hi All,

So my recent dealings with Apple regarding my MBP 2017 13" keyboard and LCD issue have been relatively painless thus far but it has got me somewhat confused.

Who makes the decision on whether your repair falls under warranty or if its deemed accidental damage? Particularly when dealing with authorised service providers.

In my case all involved have been the;

in-store genius
in-store technician
Apple Telephonic Support (couldn't do much without seeing the device understandably)

The device is on its way to the Apple service centre technicians.

All so far have been happy to assure me that my damage will be covered by warranty but it needs to pass inspection and diagnostics. What exactly does this step determine? Does the in-store technician make notes for the service centre for repair or do they simply send it off and it's solely determined by off-site technicians? How much weight then, does a genius's or in-store technician's word actually hold?

It would be great to hear from those who have been a part of the Apple chain and technicians. Thanks all.


macrumors 68000
Oct 17, 2016
Why are you asking this? Have you accidentally damaged it and are hoping to sneak it past them? If so that's fraud, so be careful.

Otherwise managers discretion if it's on the fence. Normally whoever checks it in is the one to note any damage, and make comments for further inspection.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 28, 2018
Cape Town
@New_Mac_Smell I guess it does seem that way without some background info. But no, it’s a more “on the fence” issue. I had a key that got stuck protruding and did some damage to my screen. I was just curious because we only have Authorized resellers here in South Africa and from the store it gets sent to a service centre. I wasn’t sure if those in-store techs communicated with each other and then that gets Authorized by Apple before it’s serviced. I ask because when I deal with tech support it’s apple but when I talk to technicians it’s the authorised seller.

Thanks for the info though.
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