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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 18, 2002
I'm been thinking recently about who should replace Steve Jobs when he eventually leaves Apple (hopefully not for a long time).

The trouble is I can't think of anyone who would could come close to replacing him.

Steve's vision for what Apple is about has consistently driven Apple in 'the right direction', (would it be fair to say Steve is Apple?) but what will happen to this vision when he leaves, and who would make a good replacement?


macrumors newbie
Oct 17, 2001
Bartltt..small place in IL
you are rite that it will be hard for anyone to replace Mr. S. Jobs...but what u arent taking into account is that whoever does replace him won't be a veteran in silicon valley (they tried that numerous times and it did not work any of the times) but it will be a man/woman who was born, lives and breathes apple, I can only hope that Steve Jobs will not leave without findign the successor that is rite for everyone...


macrumors regular
Jan 6, 2002
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
no one can replace steve-o... someone will someday have to take over his job, but i hope its not for a really really really long time... Maybe someone at Apple whos already up there?

Jonathan Ives maybe? Isnt he the head of the hardware design? He'd prolly make sure that Apple stays up with style...

Or Phil Shiller? Isnt he a big guy in Apples marketing? He'd try different marketing strategies..

I'll do it! hehe, I dont take up much room, I dont eat a whole lot, I wouldnt ask for much money... Just a look at all the new stuff, and one of those planes that they gave Steve

hehehe, Steve, if youre lurking through the posts, never leave Apple :D


macrumors 6502
Jul 18, 2001
Sorry Six but no

After reading all the Jobs biographies or Apple related books I could find I think I at least somewhat understand his mind set. And what you said seemed like a pretty wimpy plee. See Jobs is wity, rebelious, and well thought out all in one. I know a few people that fit his mindset some what. But no one that I know has the sticktuitiveness that he does. But that quality was gained by Jobs over his life of bussiness troubles and miracles. So eventually steve will retire or step down to a board member or the like after he finds some one who he beleives to be able to run apple with a passion but not to passionate.


macrumors member
Jan 19, 2002
“I’m either going to be CEO or
chairman of the company forever. I turned Apple over to a bozo once.”
When asked the same question in mid-1998, Jobs replied, “Several
months ago, I woke up and decided that … I will do as best as I can
for as long as I can and not worry about what other people think. My
focus is on my family, Apple, and Pixar, in that order.”
shareholders meeting on April 22, 1998
A sample from Apple Confidential © 1999 Owen W. Linzmayer (


macrumors 68020
Jan 6, 2002
By the time Steve is ready to leave Apple (ie just before he dies), there will be a replacement.

The Steve.

Just like the Lisa was named after his daughter, the Steve will be named after the great man himself, but it won't be just any ordinary computer.

The steve will run on a G-Steve processor, which emulates Steve's brain precisely, allowing him to rule Apple forever.

The Steve will be housed in a Cube (because we all know how much Steve loves the Cube!)

G-Steve processor
Nvidia SteveForce 12
4 all purpose Steve ports
Super fast wireless StevePort
And Steve's image will appear on every wall of Cupertino HQ, so he can see all and participate in all events at Apple.

And luckily, the Steve comes with variable speed fans, so they can be cranked to the max when something doesn't go right.

:D What do you think?


macrumors 6502
Jun 5, 2001
Miami Beach
someone will be there

i'm sure that he will have one when his time is there. Apple is so attractive for great minds to work there and there must be a Steve Jobs JR. :) flooting around, undiscovered yet!


macrumors member
Jan 14, 2002
Green Bay, Wisconsin
The way Bill is funding apple education...

Bill Gates will be SJ's Successor. Windows will run on Macs, and Pigs will fly out our arses. Dogs and Cats living together - mass hysteria.

Find your religion and pray. May Steve remain immortal. Live forever to supply our tree's bounty of Apples for everyone. I wish we could all show up in Cuportino (sp?) and Steve would stand high upon a pedastal, have a single G5 box, pull it out and raise it above his head (music playing and and ora of bright light behind him) and he proclaims "this is the day of our salvation - G5's for everyone"

He then gives this machine to a blind man in the front row, after receiving this gift he is given sight. He reaches in the box again and pulls out yet another and gives it to a lady in a wheel chair, she stands in excitement - now she walks. This goes on with amazement.

Give me an Amen fellow mac brothers and sisters, we will all create in harmony, without device conflicts or microsoft patches to apply. No blue screens of death or IIS security issues to fret upon.

Sorry I got carried away. I just love Apple.
I love you all.


macrumors 68000
Dec 24, 2001
Carson City, NV
Might be asking the wrong question

If Steve is now the prototypical iCEO, then the question, for now, isn't who will or can replace him, but when will Steve sign on to run one of the entertainment companies.

Look for him to find his place in the Entertainment industry (read Disney or Sony) in 2 years.

BTW: I'm pretty sure that Carly Fiorina WON'T be a replacement.


macrumors newbie
Jan 7, 2002
Well, if there was ever an argument for cloning, this would be it. We could extract some of his DNA and ensure that we have Steve Jobs as head of Apple forever!
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