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Administrator emeritus
Original poster
Jun 28, 2002
North Central Colorado
This thread has been moved due to MULTIPLE rule violations by MULTIPLE forum members. Anyone involved will be receiving private messages concerning the matter. Please keep your eyes open for them.


Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002

It would probably be a good idea to kill the thread where people were experimenting with getting around the word filter.

While there was no swearing, it's still too big a temptation if people find it.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2003
Sun Baked said:

It would probably be a good idea to kill the thread where people were experimenting with getting around the word filter.

While there was no swearing, it's still too big a temptation if people find it.

there was swearing in the thread actually
at least 3 people i saw were swearing.


macrumors 65816
Apr 28, 2004
who gives a ****? its called free speech. we are all (and i use this term in the lightest way possible...) adults here, if you can't handle a swear word...maybe you should have your mother tuck you in to bed and leave the night light on so the monsters under your bed don't get you...grow up.


macrumors 65816
Apr 16, 2002
Chicago, IL
I think Sun Baked is refering to the discussion we had a while back about a member who shall remain nameless, thanks to the language filter. In that thread there are no actual swears, however, Rower helped a few of us discover how to circumvent the language filter.

NusuniAdmin, were you refering to this thread before it was deleted? Can you or anyone else who read what happened in this thread before Mudbug intervened fill me in?


macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2003
Elan0204 said:
I think Sun Baked is refering to the discussion we had a while back about a member who shall remain nameless, thanks to the language filter. In that thread there are no actual swears, however, Rower helped a few of us discover how to circumvent the language filter.

NusuniAdmin, were you refering to this thread before it was deleted? Can you or anyone else who read what happened in this thread before Mudbug intervened fill me in?

yes i am referring to it before it was deleted


Administrator emeritus
Original poster
Jun 28, 2002
North Central Colorado
Sun Baked said:

It would probably be a good idea to kill the thread where people were experimenting with getting around the word filter.

While there was no swearing, it's still too big a temptation if people find it.

there in fact was swearing, and circumvention of our profanity filter just to make the point that it could be done. This is outlined in our forum rules as not only against the rules, but a pet peeve of the site admins, so it's not allowed. Those who broke the rules have been given a temporary time-out from the boards, and will be allowed to return later in the week. They know who they are now, and it's been dealt with.

And while I agree that we have free speech on our boards, we attempt to maintain a PG-13 atmosphere which most everyone should find acceptable. If you feel the need to swear uncontrollably, go right ahead, but spell it right. The filter will take care of you, and you can say anything you have to get off your chest as far as language goes.

Around here, watching what you say is like gravity: it's not just a good idea, it's the law.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2003
I know around here (literaly in my area) if you were to walk around the mall swearing at random things a cop would most definitly kick you out. I have seen this happen on several occasions.

And just a reminder the right to free speech means you can have an opinion about whatever you want...etc, but it does not mean you can abuse the meaning certain words..

I have a great idea how about yall start a special section of the forums called "swear away" and when u enter it has a warning saying extreme profanity will be shown...etc. but in there you can use all the swear words you want..... (/sarcasm) Then again if that did happen people would be able to get words out of their head before they do real posts....but the macrumors servers would fry from detecting that much profanity :p


macrumors 68000
Dec 6, 2001
Mudbug said:
And while I agree that we have free speech on our boards, we attempt to maintain a PG-13 atmosphere which most everyone should find acceptable

Even PG-13 is allowed to say **** at least once a flick, and even some brief nudity.

Where the **** is my brief nudity?!?!


Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
Mudbug said:
there in fact was swearing, and circumvention of our profanity filter just to make the point that it could be done. This is outlined in our forum rules as not only against the rules, but a pet peeve of the site admins, so it's not allowed. Those who broke the rules have been given a temporary time-out from the boards, and will be allowed to return later in the week. They know who they are now, and it's been dealt with.
I was talking about the thread where somebody showed us how to get around the profanity filter, there was no swearing in that thread -- but it is where ***** learned how to circumvent the filter.

That's why he was using that particular MacRumors member's name -- because it is in the profanity filter.

HINT: The person that showed us how circumvent the profanity filter could always delete the thread himself, or at least from post #32 on -- it's a ticking bomb that's too easy to find right now.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 19, 2003
BrianKonarsMac said:
who gives a ****? its called free speech. we are all (and i use this term in the lightest way possible...) adults here, if you can't handle a swear word...maybe you should have your mother tuck you in to bed and leave the night light on so the monsters under your bed don't get you...grow up.

well if you or anyone else needs to use constant swearing to prove a point maybe its time for a vocab test?


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
BrianKonarsMac said:
who gives a ****? its called free speech. we are all (and i use this term in the lightest way possible...) adults here, if you can't handle a swear word...maybe you should have your mother tuck you in to bed and leave the night light on so the monsters under your bed don't get you...grow up.

That's always a great attitude. Not all members are adults and free speech only applies to your own area outside forums. These forums are not a public place and people must follow the rules. If a country's rules were to be applied, they would be which country's? Enough people represent enough of the world that someone would lose their way of life.


Moderator emeritus
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA
Sun Baked said:
HINT: The person that showed us how circumvent the profanity filter could always delete the thread himself, or at least from post #32 on -- it's a ticking bomb that's too easy to find right now.

Duly noted and done. :)


macrumors 603
Jun 25, 2002
LaLaLand, CA
So why is it filtered when I say it with a @ and 2 $'s, but not when I say the real word? Or should I try PM'ing one of you guys again?


macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2003
BrianKonarsMac said:
who gives a ****? its called free speech. we are all (and i use this term in the lightest way possible...) adults here, if you can't handle a swear word...maybe you should have your mother tuck you in to bed and leave the night light on so the monsters under your bed don't get you...grow up.

What does swearing have to do with free speech? --- You can say what you want, but no one will listen to you if what you say is idiotic. Don't abuse a right just cause you can.

Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
BrianKonarsMac said:
who gives a ****? its called free speech. we are all (and i use this term in the lightest way possible...) adults here, if you can't handle a swear word...maybe you should have your mother tuck you in to bed and leave the night light on so the monsters under your bed don't get you...grow up.
The point is lost on us, since NOT everyone here is an adult.

Eliminating the swearing, verbal assaults, and a lot of colorful/annoying stuff and/or pictures in the signatures makes for a more professional and friendly site.

If people want to act like a rude/annoying person who demands a site with "free speech", there are sites that cater to anything goes attitudes.

But, on those sites there is a good chance that legitimate computer problems will take a back seat to the hijinks and spam.


macrumors 603
Jun 25, 2002
LaLaLand, CA
Free Speech is only protected against Government retaliation, not a private web site telling you not to say doodie or something. It's also a right as well as a responsibility. Most people forget that when hiding behind an Amendment. Not that I'm directing this against you BrianKonarsMac, just wanted to point that out.
Personally, what I find interesting is that even though filters can remove the word from the screen, they can't remove it from the reader's mind.

I can say:

"Go **** yourself!"
"**** off!"
"Go to **** you God**** mother******!!"
"Kiss my ***"
"**** my ****!"

Technically, I've done nothing wrong. Slipped under the fence as it is.

Of course, if everything above is easily interpreted by you, then you really shouldn't mind, because you're looking for it. Because I really meant:

"Go love yourself!"
"Jump off!"
"Go to work you Godlike mother of mine!!"
"Kiss my ear"
"Hold my hand!"



macrumors 603
Feb 2, 2002
People like BrianKonarsMac and myself are mostly annoyed with the fact that people continue to react so negatively to a handful of words-- It's not like your kid's head will blow up if he hears, or even says the words. And if everyone just got over it, the kid would be fine. Swearing is not a problem, society deciding that certain words are, for some bizarre antiquated reason, somehow evil is the problem. That's what gives words their power, and could take it away. (Brian, i'm making assumptions here, correct me if i'm wrong)

There's a certain word-- you all know what i'm talking about-- that's considered far worse than any other. Describing part of the female anatomy. Most women will smack you for saying it, if you're a guy-- it's kind of absurd that four letters can evoke that reaction. So i've made a project out of it, questioning people on why they react so incredibly strongly. So far, after about two years of exploring the subject, the only two reasons I have are: 1) The word sounds harsh (phoenetically), and 2) Everyone else gets really mad about it, so I should too. Great reasons, huh.

But this is a private website, and the owner/mods call the shots, so if they censor, I won't complain. Be disappointed, yes; complain no. Just like, they won't complain to me if I make a website with nothing *but* swearing.

It's a common error to believe that you have free speech on a private messageboard.



macrumors 6502
Jun 25, 2003
paulwhannel said:
1) The word sounds harsh (phoenetically), and 2) Everyone else gets really mad about it, so I should too. Great reasons, huh.

Everyone gets mad about it because society has agreed, as with any word, what it means. It has a literal meaning referring to a part of anatomy, and an intent to be insulting. It is the intent part that people get mad about. You may not intend any insult when you say it, but then you are ignoring its meaning. So, say something to be insulting, people get insulted.

So, yes, great reason.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 11, 2003
It's interesting how that one particular 4 letter word for the female genitals seems to have no real male equivalent in severity - calling someone that is about the worst insult around and likely to result in a fight, whereas all the 'rude' terms for the male anatomy are only fairly insulting at worst, and are often used in a mild or joking manner.

It's a hangover from our generally mysogenist human history I suppose. Perhaps males do most of the insulting and have a higher regard for their own equipment than that of the fairer sex? Any pop psychologists want to give it a spin?


macrumors 68020
Sep 13, 2003
mvc said:
It's interesting how that one particular 4 letter word for the female genitals seems to have no real male equivalent in severity - calling someone that is about the worst insult around and likely to result in a fight, whereas all the 'rude' terms for the male anatomy are only fairly insulting at worst, and are often used in a mild or joking manner.

It's a hangover from our generally mysogenist human history I suppose. Perhaps males do most of the insulting and have a higher regard for their own equipment than that of the fairer sex? Any pop psychologists want to give it a spin?

if it's the world i'm thinking that's often the butt of jokes, particularly when used as ... Mike Hunt (LOL)

then i have a large handful of women that would disagree ... hell a few of the women i work with think that it's the funniest word ever
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