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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 24, 2005


macrumors G5
'Coz the seller called it a Flat Screen monitor and carefully chose the photo angles so that you couldn't see it was a Flat screen CRT. The poor schmuck that bought it prolly expects they're getting a LCD Flat Panel monitor in the bundle.

There's gonna be tears....


macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2003
District of Columbia
CanadaRAM said:
'Coz the seller called it a Flat Screen monitor and carefully chose the photo angles so that you couldn't see it was a Flat screen CRT. The poor schmuck that bought it prolly expects they're getting a LCD Flat Panel monitor in the bundle.

There's gonna be tears....

Hrm, the pics don't suggest flat panel to me, but from the angle taken it doesn't even look like a flat screen. It looks like the glass panel is flat, but the screen itself (behind the glass) looks like it curves away. Maybe its just the angle, though, which is admittedly pretty unusual and must be intendended to hide something.

It sounds like more money than its worth. To the OP: sorry, but them's the breaks.

Lord Blackadder

macrumors P6
May 7, 2004
Sod off
CanadaRAM said:
'Coz the seller called it a Flat Screen monitor and carefully chose the photo angles so that you couldn't see it was a Flat screen CRT. The poor schmuck that bought it prolly expects they're getting a LCD Flat Panel monitor in the bundle.

There's gonna be tears....

That would be nasty, if it's true.:mad:

Of course, you can easily see the refresh line in the pics, but a lot of people wouldn't know...

As for the price, G4 tower prices have remained stable or even risen a little over the last 12 months. I bought a dual 533 last year as the basis for a heavily upgraded Mac, and the reseller prices on similar machines have not changed since then.


macrumors 68000
Dec 4, 2002
My house!
It looks to me like its a flat CRT, not a flat panel (LCD). You can actually consider a flat CRT a flat screen, so he's not lying. If I were the bidder, I would have asked him specifically if it was a flat CRT, or LCD display.

In any case, its still a lot of money for that computer. You can buy much better Macs for the same price on eBay. There will be tears, and negative feedback, I guarantee it.


mklos said:
There will be tears, and negative feedback, I guarantee it.

Then again, the seller's only got 2 feedback to begin with. What's to stop him re-registering again? I've never understood why people buy expensive things from sellers with low feedback.

I once read that you should allow £1 per positive feedback - ie only buy a £500 item from someone with 500 positive feedbacks or more, which seemed fairly sensible to me.


macrumors 68000
Aug 19, 2003
Denver, CO
Lord Blackadder said:
That would be nasty, if it's true.:mad:

Of course, you can easily see the refresh line in the pics, but a lot of people wouldn't know...

if someone doesnt know the difference in a flat panel monitor and a flat screen monitor, then they probably wouldnt be able to tell a difference in the pictures.


macrumors G5
mklos said:
It looks to me like its a flat CRT, not a flat panel (LCD). You can actually consider a flat CRT a flat screen, so he's not lying.
Yeah, catalog sellers and stores pull this one all the time 19" FLAT SCREEN Monitor - and include a frontal shot of the screen angled such that you can't see the housing behind the bezel, so someone who doesn't know the market could well make the wrong assumption. Not lying, but....


macrumors regular
Feb 7, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
The buyer may also be guilty of not knowing how much the computer is actually worth not counting the crummy monitor pics. I've been quite surprised many times at how much people are willing to pay for iBooks and other Macs on eBay. People often overpay for used items on eBay...

Too bad, so sad.

Lord Blackadder

macrumors P6
May 7, 2004
Sod off
CanadaRAM said:
Yeah, catalog sellers and stores pull this one all the time 19" FLAT SCREEN Monitor - and include a frontal shot of the screen angled such that you can't see the housing behind the bezel, so someone who doesn't know the market could well make the wrong assumption. Not lying, but....

I see that all the time too, it's a common ploy at places like Microcenter and Best Buy...

Still, dual 450s are going for $400-$500 from some resellers so this price, while pretty high for ebay, is not outside the realm of possiblity.
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