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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 3, 2021
I ordered a phone on November 6th online and was offered $790.00 to trade my existing phone in (trading iPhone 12 ProMax for 13 ProMax) - Mind you my phone is less than a year old and battery drains so fast. Have troubleshooted and no help from Apple care.

This phone was backordered 3-4 weeks and Apple sent me a shipping email earlier this week letting me know it would ship soon. Except they had my item(s) to be delivered to my old address in a different state, not the Apple store as I requested on original purchase. This also happened with an iPad I ordered around the same time.

After multiple calls to Apple, Apple's business team locally, and chat support - Apple continued promising it would submitted to be rerouted (and if the item ships incorrectly, chat support in writing told me my trade-in value would be honored.)

Well after multiple false promises, Apple created a label then shipped my trade-in kits, iPhone, and iPad to the wrong location - and still charged me.

The resolutions I was offered (I received several which I declined):

-Go to store and get a different color phone than what I ordered and receive $115.00 in merchandise (a silicone case, apple charger which I already have, and screen protector) - then trade my phone in for $140 less than what was agreed upon Nov 6.

- On phone, after fighting tooth and nail solution was to reorder the phone and set up a new trade-in for $700 online. That's re-negging on an agreement I PAID FOR and made in writing November 6th!

Why should I the consumer be penalized $90 - $140 due to a shipping issue that Apple never resolved?!

On top of that, after submitting my request on Monday 11/29 for my iPad to be shipped to the correct state, I was told it takes 48 hours to turn around.

Well on Thursday (more than 72 hours) Apple did the same thing and SENT MY iPAD to the WRONG LOCATION!

These items are business purchases and neither Apple or UPS would reroute my packages for me and are now telling me I can't be refunded until my items are back at the warehouse. But a supervisor at Apple stated that there's no guarantee that my items will make their way back to the warehouse (and in turn my refund wouldn't come) -

Why won't Apple honor the written agreement I PAID for in early November through the online store!? I was literally charged over $1,700 for business merchandise that is stuck in limbo and made a contract between the consumer and Apple!

I'm now without the work items I needed for my work trip coming up and I'm beyond upset. I've submitted a report to the BBB and the FTC because this entire situation is not right.

I paid for and agreed to receive a phone to trade mine in for $790.00.

Apple should be ashamed of how they treat long-term customers and have lost a loyal life-long customer and business owner because of this. I am so disgusted and let down by how I've been treated as a consumer and can't believe Apple is allowed to get away with this sort of stuff.

Is this common within these threads? Am I out of line for being pissed off?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 3, 2021
And on top of that - I spent at least 4-6 hours trying to resolve this this week. Only to be without my purchases I've waited nearly a month for + in the midst of a credit card dispute with Apple Card.

Seriously man I love their products but this has really really upset me


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 3, 2021
I did go to the store. And was directed to order online. So thanks for your smartass comment


macrumors 604
Aug 19, 2017
How did your old address get used? Did you not correct your old shipping address to your current address before you ordered the phone and iPad?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 3, 2021
How did your old address get used? Did you not correct your old shipping address to your current address before you ordered the phone and iPad?
I have several addresses on file for business purposes (office, etc.) - But I selected for the items to ship to the local store.

Half of my order went to the store (the cheap stuff) and the backordered items were shipped incorrectly.


macrumors 604
Aug 19, 2017
I have several addresses on file for business purposes (office, etc.) - But I selected for the items to ship to the local store.

Half of my order went to the store (the cheap stuff) and the backordered items were shipped incorrectly.
That's unfortunate, I hope you get it sorted out. Sometimes dealing with issues like this can be challenging. I'm sorting out an issue with Apple right now too and it's taking longer than I'd like.


macrumors G5
Oct 14, 2005
I have several addresses on file for business purposes (office, etc.) - But I selected for the items to ship to the local store.

Half of my order went to the store (the cheap stuff) and the backordered items were shipped incorrectly.

Every time I've placed an online order from Apple, I get an immediate confirmation email that shows the shipping address that I chose.

Were the backordered items shipped to an address that is different than what the order confirmation shows?


macrumors 68020
Aug 1, 2008
I ordered a phone on November 6th online and was offered $790.00 to trade my existing phone in (trading iPhone 12 ProMax for 13 ProMax) - Mind you my phone is less than a year old and battery drains so fast. Have troubleshooted and no help from Apple care.

This phone was backordered 3-4 weeks and Apple sent me a shipping email earlier this week letting me know it would ship soon. Except they had my item(s) to be delivered to my old address in a different state, not the Apple store as I requested on original purchase. This also happened with an iPad I ordered around the same time.

After multiple calls to Apple, Apple's business team locally, and chat support - Apple continued promising it would submitted to be rerouted (and if the item ships incorrectly, chat support in writing told me my trade-in value would be honored.)

Well after multiple false promises, Apple created a label then shipped my trade-in kits, iPhone, and iPad to the wrong location - and still charged me.

The resolutions I was offered (I received several which I declined):

-Go to store and get a different color phone than what I ordered and receive $115.00 in merchandise (a silicone case, apple charger which I already have, and screen protector) - then trade my phone in for $140 less than what was agreed upon Nov 6.

- On phone, after fighting tooth and nail solution was to reorder the phone and set up a new trade-in for $700 online. That's re-negging on an agreement I PAID FOR and made in writing November 6th!

Why should I the consumer be penalized $90 - $140 due to a shipping issue that Apple never resolved?!

On top of that, after submitting my request on Monday 11/29 for my iPad to be shipped to the correct state, I was told it takes 48 hours to turn around.

Well on Thursday (more than 72 hours) Apple did the same thing and SENT MY iPAD to the WRONG LOCATION!

These items are business purchases and neither Apple or UPS would reroute my packages for me and are now telling me I can't be refunded until my items are back at the warehouse. But a supervisor at Apple stated that there's no guarantee that my items will make their way back to the warehouse (and in turn my refund wouldn't come) -

Why won't Apple honor the written agreement I PAID for in early November through the online store!? I was literally charged over $1,700 for business merchandise that is stuck in limbo and made a contract between the consumer and Apple!

I'm now without the work items I needed for my work trip coming up and I'm beyond upset. I've submitted a report to the BBB and the FTC because this entire situation is not right.

I paid for and agreed to receive a phone to trade mine in for $790.00.

Apple should be ashamed of how they treat long-term customers and have lost a loyal life-long customer and business owner because of this. I am so disgusted and let down by how I've been treated as a consumer and can't believe Apple is allowed to get away with this sort of stuff.

Is this common within these threads? Am I out of line for being pissed off?
If you're unhappy with the recommended actions/resolutions from the support channels you've contacted so far I'd recommend that you email Tim Cook directly (Google his email address, I'm not going to post it here). It won't be seen by Tim Cook but it'll be reviewed by somebody on his executive support team and they'll usually get back to you within like 1-2 business days. Since you've already tried going through the normal support channels and you haven't got the issue resolved I'd say this is the next step. Escalate the issue up and make sure you clearly state all of the information in the email so they have it before contacting you. Good luck, but this sounds like a mess!
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macrumors 6502
Sep 28, 2021
I don’t understand what would make them ship half the order to a completely different state? Isn’t there a place to choose which address something gets shipped to? I’m sure apple isn’t going to flip a quarter to choose which address to send something to if you have multiple addresses on your account. There’s gotta be something you missed.
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