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macrumors member
Apr 18, 2004
bleimone said:
I have been reading these Windows on Mac forums ever since it was rumored that Apple was going to be switching to Intel and I simply cannot understand why people are so excited to be able to run Windows on Mac hardware. I understand that there are programs that are only for Windows that many people need to use, but the problems with Windows viruses, spamware, and crashing are still going to happen on Mac hardware. It is not the hardware that stops these from happening and I think if people begin switching hoping that Windows is going to work better on a Mac they are in for a rude awakening.

Remember what Ballmer said? Developers, Developers, Developers, Developers. The Windows Operating System has a HUGE advantage to OSX in terms of application diversity. There are many programs on the PC that just don't appear on the Mac platform.

bleimone said:
What makes Mac machines so amazing is the combination of both Mac hardware and Mac operating system. Apple creates the hardware to work with the software and vise verse. Some people hate the fact that Apple in there opinions are not willing to share, but personally I think this is what makes there products superior because they can focus on ensuring that their ONE operating system works amazingly on a wide (yet small) range of computer setups.

No one is debating this fact.

bleimone said:
I think anyone would be stupid to install windows on their mac machine and risk it ruining/crashing their harddrive and loose everything that made that machine sweet - OS X. Unfortunately this could do a lot of harm to Apples image because the uneducated/ignorant person will blame Apple for this screw up and never go back to the Apple world. Yet the real problem is the fact that Microsoft still cannot put a qaulity product out. What is great about America - we don't put up with crap - we complain until something is quality - yet somehow computers do not fit into the category. Windows realizes they can spend less time on good development and still make a great profit.

I think you are very wrong with this statement. This sounds like it's comming from someone who has never really used a windows PC as their main computer. For starters, running the Windows operating system will not-and can not destroy any hardware. Also, this notion that Microsoft can't put out a quality product is simply wrong. Windows XP is a wonderful Operating System. Sure it doesn't have a lot of the things included in OSX, and I will agree that OSX is much more user friendly and polished but that simply doesn't make Windows a bad platform. The reason OSX is great? It runs flawlessly on a small number of systems. The reason Windows is great? It runs pretty damn well on a vastly HUGE number of systems. Also, because Windows can't think for itself I don't think it has any say on what goes on during it's development. And I think it's plain ignorant to say that Microsoft doesn't put good development into their operating systems. This next version of Vista has had a very large portion of code rewritten to fix most security and stability concerns, it's going to be leaps and bounds better than Windows XP. Am I saying that Windows is better than OSX? No, I'm saying that Windows is good at doing what Windows does and OSX is wonderful at what OSX does.

bleimone said:
Just read the news for Vista - every month there is a new delay and its been almost 6 years since there last major release. And it was only recently that XP actually became usable and "Secure" - although I am hesitant to even use those words in the same sentence when discussing windows.

Actually XP was usable and secure since the begining, if people would make sure to keep their computers up to date they wouldn't have problems. Also if they wouldn't open shady applications and click random pop-ups there wouldn't be such a fuss.

bleimone said:
When will people see that Apple is superior and the way to go. Yes you can buy a Dell for $299, but when you try to equip it with programs and security equalling a Mac you're well over $1200 and thats with out a warranty. I just don't get it why people are so hesitant to switch - is it because of the Mac's they experiences in the 90's - yes OS 9 stunk visually/usability but it was solid to the core. OS X sweeps Windows XP and Vista without even breaking a sweat. I think the world would be a much happier place if people opened their eyes and weren't so afraid of the learning curve that must take place once you switch and jumped into the Mac world.

OSX is not always the best way to go. An Example would be the fact that there just arn't enough native apps for OSX. Also this notion that you somehow need to load a computer up with $500 worth of software is just wrong. There are Plenty of free apps that can replace this pay for software. For example, AVG Security is some of the best anti-virus you can get and it's free. Ad-aware, Spybot, and Windows Defender are all excelent, free applications to use to defend against spyware and malware. Open Office is a fabulous office application. Want photo editing, there is GIMP. Maybe there are better versions on OSX, but that doesn't matter, free is free. You should PM me and tell me why you think OSX is so much better than Vista since you seem to know so much about Vista.

bleimone said:
Maybe if Apple spent some marketing time negating the Myth's people have about Mac's maybe that would help. Okay I am done my rant...

Thanks for reading..

Maybe you're right. Or maybe Apple has tried that.

Again, am I saying that OSX is a shoddy product and that's why people don't switch? No. Do I think it's a fabulous thing that people can dual-boot? Yes. Why you might ask? People who use OSX have problems just like people who are 'locked into' the windows platform. Each product has their own plusses and the ability to run both on one machine is good FOR EVERYONE.

I'm sorry for any spelling or grammar errors, it's too late at night.



macrumors newbie
Jul 22, 2005
i spend days without ever having resorting to using a mouse on my windows box. i wish i could say the same for my mac. it seems my hand is permanently glued to that thing.... :-( to me, thats the single most important reason why i stick with windows. i dont play games so i cant use that excuse.

like, whats the equivalent of windows CTRL-ESC then 'R' to run up any app i want? and why cant i open menus with ALT-[menu letter]? maybe i just dont know these secret commands yet....

that said, i will still be putting in my order for a macbook in the very near future :) although i suspect i wont ever try and get it dual booting - i'll just hold out for virtual pc.

DeeJay Dan

macrumors member
Feb 28, 2006
New York
jeffcrew said:
i spend days without ever having resorting to using a mouse on my windows box. i wish i could say the same for my mac. it seems my hand is permanently glued to that thing.... :-( to me, thats the single most important reason why i stick with windows. i dont play games so i cant use that excuse.

like, whats the equivalent of windows CTRL-ESC then 'R' to run up any app i want? and why cant i open menus with ALT-[menu letter]? maybe i just dont know these secret commands yet....

that said, i will still be putting in my order for a macbook in the very near future :) although i suspect i wont ever try and get it dual booting - i'll just hold out for virtual pc.

You don't need the esc in there just WinKey + R is run, WinKey + D is show desktop (works great if something if forcing a screen lock) WinKey + L takes you back to the login screen (locks computer, if password enabled) Alt + tab cycles through open Windows.

Alt + F4 usually closes a program

and the most important key combo

Ctrl + Alt + Del brings up task manager to kill frozen programs [of course if the whole freaking computer didn't freeze :D]

I typed all this out and just realized you're looking for a mac alternative to window's command. If I remember correctly, haven't used OS X in a while the AppleKey + plus letter is for drop downs.

As for the open any app. Configure a keyboard shortcut for terminal, you can open any app from there although you may have to learn a few Unix commands like sudo. It's probably easier just to use the icons then type out a full path in terminal though.


macrumors 65816
Sep 30, 2005
DeeJay Dan said:
As for the open any app. Configure a keyboard shortcut for terminal, you can open any app from there although you may have to learn a few Unix commands like sudo. It's probably easier just to use the icons then type out a full path in terminal though.

Alternatively, download Quicksilver - a very useful app which can be used as a launcher (amongst other things). You don't even need to type the full name of the app you want to run, just the first couple of letters and it's away. :)


macrumors 65816
Dec 9, 2005
I personally

If I have intel mac...I personally would rather install PC games and some softwares RATHER than installing CRAPPY XPee OS! :p ;)


macrumors 65816
Nov 3, 2005

Yes you can play games on a Mac. I'm referring to the majority of mainstream, current titles and the newest games that come out. This is probably the biggest argument against buying a Mac I've heard. If someone is a gamer why would they want to cripple themselves by adopting an OS that doesn't support "all the new games"?


macrumors regular
Dec 12, 2005
Washington, DC
DeeJay Dan said:
As for the open any app. Configure a keyboard shortcut for terminal, you can open any app from there although you may have to learn a few Unix commands like sudo. It's probably easier just to use the icons then type out a full path in terminal though.

It's not even as hard as that. Say that you're trying to open up iTunes...

From Terminal:
open -a itunes
Without using Terminal:
Hit Ctrl-Space to open up spotlight, type in "itunes" and then hit Cmd-Enter to select and run the first entry. iTunes will launch.


macrumors G3
May 4, 2002
Go Vegan
I have to use Windows once and a while, especially since my 3D Studio Max started I have to use the program, which is Windows only. Of course if Windows ran flawlessly on my iMac I could also play games on my intel Mac thus eliminating the need for my PC tower. Of course that is if full accelerated graphics support eventually works in Windows XP on a Mac. It'll happen one day but, until then I'll have to use my Windows PC when I need to run something my Mac can't. :)


macrumors regular
Mar 7, 2006
jalagl said:
The fun thing is that when the Intel Macs where announced, I thought everybody was going to run OSX on any PC hardware... but what has happened is that people are running Windows on the Intel Macs!!! :eek:

Weird world...

The os x on pc topic is alive and well, on this forum however, windown on intel macs is more of the concern. But I have seen people with os x on their pc's already.


macrumors 603
Dec 20, 2002
sunny los angeles
Machead III said:
I don't want to sound like a fanboy, but seriously, in terms of UI science and general quality control, XP is pretty poor.
That it is, but the same could be said towards Apple as well in terms of IxD and such.

jeffcrew - it's doable. navigating with the keyboard is an essential part of apple's accessibility features, especially voiceover. control+option+m goes to the menu cetera.

I'm gonna try to resist feeding the troll, but just as a comment, a lot of stuff I use for school is easier done (or, can only be done) on linux/windows. games are also part of it, but I can live without the games...however I can't live not doing homework assignments and failing classes just because I didn't wanna install XP on a computer to run visual studio or something inane like that.

That being said, I have a dedicated box I just VNC into for such purposes, and have another one running only gentoo, so I'm not much into installing windows on my mac (rebooting is a pain)
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