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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 4, 2015
Will trying out HSierra on an external usb ssd clone of my imac's hard drive result in a change to the firmware on the imac when I boot into it? Is there an option to keep the firmware the same? The reason I ask is this is a production machine so I don't want to find out that it no longer works properly with El Capitan when I reboot back into ElCap after trying out HSierra.
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macrumors member
Apr 22, 2015
Yes, it will update your firmware if you install it directly.
It is possible to run HSierra without the new firmware as long as you use a drive that is not APFS. If you have or can be loaned access to another mac that can install it, You can install onto the USB drive and the other Mac will get it's firmware updated but once its installed, it wont try to update again and you can move the USB drive to try it on the production iMac.


macrumors P6
Apr 3, 2014
Hong Kong
The new firmware only add APFS booting ability to your Mac, it will NOT affect it's ability to boot any OS that work with your current firmware.

For someone like us still running Mac Pro 5,1. We can even boot 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) with the new firmware.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 4, 2015
Good to know h9....! I was thinking that the firmware that gets updated might just be in the ssd. Anyone know if that's the case?


macrumors G5
Jul 11, 2009
Good to know h9....! I was thinking that the firmware that gets updated might just be in the ssd. Anyone know if that's the case?
No, it's not just the SSD. I'm not sure that the SSDs firmware gets updated at all with the installation of High Sierra. The operating system installer will not do anything to firmware on an external, 3rd party SSD.


macrumors P6
Apr 3, 2014
Hong Kong
Good to know h9....! I was thinking that the firmware that gets updated might just be in the ssd. Anyone know if that's the case?

The firmware is stored on your Mac's logic board. NOT on the SSD (or any other storage).

No, it's not just the SSD. I'm not sure that the SSDs firmware gets updated at all with the installation of High Sierra. The operating system installer will not do anything to firmware on an external, 3rd party SSD.

Even internal SSD, the SSD's firmware is totally isolated and independent to the Mac's firmware. I am 99% sure this OS firmware update won't touch the SSD's firmware.
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