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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 3, 2009
hi guys, i received my windows 7 pro copy today

when i try to install it it seems to lock up my air solid as a rock have to reboot to get it back.

anyone else experience this....?



macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 3, 2009
Where does it exactly "lock" up. It does take forever for the beginning "Extracting Files"

it locks up n extracting the writes are locking the drive...but nothing works....left it for 2 hours and it did nothing.

this is on both paralells and fusion.


macrumors 601
Dec 5, 2007
Yay Area, CA
1gb ram / 40gb hdd / external usb with win7 disc

1 core.

my windows 7 is 64bit version

Okay, here's a suggestion that might or might not make any real difference.

Set the allocated ram to 512MB (you can always allocate more later). Using the external USB drive, create a CDR via Disk Utility of the Windows 7 disk. Afterwards, point Parallels or VMWare Fusion to the CDR file instead of using an actual drive. Try reinstalling again.

I know the "Extracting files" does take a while, it took me ~15 minutes via Boot Camp.


Mar 7, 2007
Midwest America.
Okay, here's a suggestion that might or might not make any real difference.

Set the allocated ram to 512MB (you can always allocate more later). Using the external USB drive, create a CDR via Disk Utility of the Windows 7 disk. Afterwards, point Parallels or VMWare Fusion to the CDR file instead of using an actual drive. Try reinstalling again.

I know the "Extracting files" does take a while, it took me ~15 minutes via Boot Camp.

I installed Windows 7 pro on my MBP and actually made the ram the max but kept the drive size low (default) and it installed pretty easily. It actually works which I found amazing. Using the latest Fusion and installing as a Vista OS choice. I was actually expecting more problems. I did try to install Vista after it first came out in the first version of Fusion and it blew up with a lot of video crashes and was slow. Now, not so bad. Usable...Well, as usable as Windows on a MBP could be.


macrumors 601
Dec 5, 2007
Yay Area, CA
Oh right.. you're using VMWare Fusion 2.0.6 probably... my bad, I'm in their beta program so I've been using 3.0 for a while now. Yeah, I agree with PinkyMacGodess. Try choosing Windows Vista x64 or Windows Server 2008 x64 and continue on.
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