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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 28, 2019
Hi there,

So once upon a time, I had Windows installed on my iMac. It would crash not only periodically but frequently, which made it all but unusuable, EXCEPT it would run games just fine for some reason. (???) Yet, Word or the Internet were doomed to failure...until a friend of mine put the Desktop Settings to "best performance" (none/limited animations), and then it never crashed again.

I've done a new install recently since I have a new SSD, and I was running into the same problem as before, except with a quirk. I was getting the black screen, and then we put "best performance" on again - it definitely crashes LESS, but it isn't at ZERO this time. When it does crash, almost 100% of the time it is when surfing the internet, but moreover it is an authentic freeze in every way: the screen does not go black; everything just STOPS and that's that, frozen, dead. Restart.

Where do I go from here? :/

I appreciate all your help!
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