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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 15, 2002
I;ve read just about enough of these OS X on x86 bs. I'm truely tired of people claiming that this would be a good move for apple. Lets think about this for a moment. x86 a architecture that was originally developed in what 1979? I would like anyone who can name something that was built in 1979 and is still considered top of the line today please do. x86 has had a good run but now it's time for it to step aside for something alittle more modern. It seams many of you complain about he Ghz and how AMD is better then intel yada yada yada.... You'd think after over 15-20 years they would be able to make speed improvements. It's common sense. If they couldn't then they wouldn't be around now. Why is everyone surprised when intel and AMD break the 2 ghz and 3ghz barrier. They will hit a wall sooner rather then later

Now lets talk about PowerPC an architecture formed in 1992 a mear 10 years old. How long did it take for Intel to break the Ghz barrier and how long did it take moto and ibm? The powerPC is just coming into it's own. SO why i ask would Apple jump ship to x86? It doesn't make sense, Jump from a up and coming architecture to a dying one? Yeah the dying one looks great now but how will it look in a year or 2.

When microsoft does have to change architectures, and they will, they are going to have to all kinds of problems doing so. We're ahead of the game Apple already did it and it ran fairly smoothly. Infact we went through 2 transitions the migration to powerpc and the migration to OS X so Apple is a company for the future they are ahead of the game. In a few years when all the big names(Dell, Microsoft, Hpaq....) start transitioning they are going to be at a week point and thats when apple will look like the brightest solution. And one more thing. just a question. How long will it be before windows is unix based???? because i think then there is grounds for a lawsuit. correct me if i am wrong


macrumors 6502
May 2, 2002
What's this about a lawsuit? MS will NEVER go UNIX, because Win2k was meant to replace UNIX. They are die-hard against UNIX in every way shape and form (although they did steal parts from Linux to fix gaps in Win 2k) Anyhow, upon the other subject, I totally agree, I like PowerPC, it gives me something to brag about :) And besides, you're right, the P4 was supposed to get rid of the x86, but did it? No. And now they're stuck with it, so I think with the coming of the Power4 arcitecture, we're on the gravey train :D

Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
Wintel crippled the CHRP's future by killing Windows NT for PPC, MS crushed Dr. DOS with a simple message and stunted OS/2's growth with ease.

Why would Apple ever want to confront MS on Wintel's home turf?

Don't think Intel,

Think Pink ...


macrumors member
Dec 21, 2001
Re: Wintel OS X....just won't happen

Originally posted by Macpoops

When microsoft does have to change architectures, and they will, they are going to have to all kinds of problems doing so.

Why is that? NT4 ran on 4 architectures. i386, Alpha, RISC, and believe it or not PPC.

We're ahead of the game Apple already did it and it ran fairly smoothly.

Exactly, it went smoothly. So why can't we switch to x86, then ditch it in 5 years?

How long will it be before windows is unix based???? because i think then there is grounds for a lawsuit. correct me if i am wrong

Probably a long time. NT really isn't that bad a base to build off of. As for the lawsuit, why would is be grounds for a lawsuit for MS but nobody else who makes UNIX based operating systems?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 15, 2002
Well balliet. How many architectures does NT run on now? And why would Apple switch to x86 just to ditch it? Apple has always abandon dying technology. Serial ports(dead), floppy(dead), zip disks (dead), crt(dead, well except the emac), OS 9(dead). Anyone want to add?

Corporately it would be a very bad manuver to because it would waste needed funds. that could go to r and d for the next innovative computer incarnation
Originally posted by shadowfax0
What's this about a lawsuit? MS will NEVER go UNIX, because Win2k was meant to replace UNIX. They are die-hard against UNIX in every way shape and form (although they did steal parts from Linux to fix gaps in Win 2k) Anyhow, upon the other subject, I totally agree, I like PowerPC, it gives me something to brag about :) And besides, you're right, the P4 was supposed to get rid of the x86, but did it? No. And now they're stuck with it, so I think with the coming of the Power4 arcitecture, we're on the gravey train :D
Not Linux. And they didn't steal either. Steal != borrowing. Windows NT networking technologies are borrowed (fully, 100% legally) from BSD.

And man, what was Macpoops on?! I guess he doesn't realize the G4 isn't scaling that much at all while the x86s continue to scale well. Yes x86s do hit brick walls, but they knock them down by coming up with new technologies to bypass the brick walls, and quickly.

Macpoops: The G4 has hit a HUGE brick wall and isn't getting further much at all. Yay for Motorola! :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Apr 2, 2002
Hong Kong
Re: Wintel OS X....just won't happen

Originally posted by Macpoops
I;ve read just about enough of these OS X on x86 bs. I'm truely tired of people claiming that this would be a good move for apple. Lets think about this for a moment. x86 a architecture that was originally developed in what 1979? I would like anyone who can name something that was built in 1979 and is still considered top of the line today please do. x86 has had a good run but now it's time for it to step aside for something alittle more modern. It seams many of you complain about he Ghz and how AMD is better then intel yada yada yada.... You'd think after over 15-20 years they would be able to make speed improvements. It's common sense. If they couldn't then they wouldn't be around now. Why is everyone surprised when intel and AMD break the 2 ghz and 3ghz barrier. They will hit a wall sooner rather then later

Now lets talk about PowerPC an architecture formed in 1992 a mear 10 years old. How long did it take for Intel to break the Ghz barrier and how long did it take moto and ibm? The powerPC is just coming into it's own. SO why i ask would Apple jump ship to x86? It doesn't make sense, Jump from a up and coming architecture to a dying one? Yeah the dying one looks great now but how will it look in a year or 2.

When microsoft does have to change architectures, and they will, they are going to have to all kinds of problems doing so. We're ahead of the game Apple already did it and it ran fairly smoothly. Infact we went through 2 transitions the migration to powerpc and the migration to OS X so Apple is a company for the future they are ahead of the game. In a few years when all the big names(Dell, Microsoft, Hpaq....) start transitioning they are going to be at a week point and thats when apple will look like the brightest solution. And one more thing. just a question. How long will it be before windows is unix based???? because i think then there is grounds for a lawsuit. correct me if i am wrong

tvs, cars, phones, radios, crt's, hard drives, speakers, movie theatres were all around in 1979 and have been constantly been improved upon... thats what allowd them to stay around.

i think that there may be some kind of transisition period in the future to better cpus.. but i think the x86 architecture will be around for a long while.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 23, 2002
err of course not, there wouldnt be a Win in WinTel it would be MacTel ahaha


macrumors member
Dec 21, 2001
Originally posted by Macpoops
Well balliet. How many architectures does NT run on now?

AFAIK 2k/XP are x86 only. There really isn't enough demand for other architectures to make it worth it. My point was, should the need to switch architectures come up, I don't think it would be too hard for MS to pull it off.

And why would Apple switch to x86 just to ditch it?

Because an Athlon is faster than a G4. Its probably a bad idea though. I just decided to mention it because you were pointing out how easily apple makes transitions.

Corporately it would be a very bad manuver to because it would waste needed funds. that could go to r and d for the next innovative computer incarnation

I agree, I was just saying that even if they did, it wouldn't be set in stone and they could always ditch it later, hopefully without too much trouble.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 15, 2002
My post was not focused on the G4. it was about the powerpc in general. I was stricly taking x86 vs. powerpc. yes the G4 has hit a wall but the Powerpc is still and up and coming technology.

Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
If MS is apply muscle to the fed govt to switch from POSIX to Windows, by cutting off support for POSIX and proclaiming Linux insecure - what chance would Apple have?

At least MS has a good chance to eliminate Macs in the FBI, since the head was interview CIOs that had successfully made the Windows switch.


macrumors 65816
Jan 19, 2002
Originally posted by Macpoops
Serial ports(dead)...

You mean like the new serial port newly introduced on the new Xserve, which
Originally posted by Macpoops
My post was not focused on the G4. it was about the powerpc in general. I was stricly taking x86 vs. powerpc. yes the G4 has hit a wall but the Powerpc is still and up and coming technology.
Yes, they are still 'new' but the ISA is the same. Same thing can be said for x86. It's still up and coming technology. Pretty much similar to the fact that you can run Linux on 386 and use the same binary on a 786 Athlon.

The only 'new' POWER stuff is from IBM. Motorola is laaaaaaagging.


macrumors regular
Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by Nipsy

You mean like the new serial port newly introduced on the new Xserve, which

The Xserve RS232 port is for serial management consoles, vitally important thing for a server, utterly useless for a workstation :)

Think of it as something of a "right tool for the job" thing.
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