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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Dec 27, 2020
Sydney, Australia
I've been holding out with my iPhone SE for 4 years now, it's been a great ride. I do wish I could keep this phone for longer, but as it's about to lose iOS 16 support, I can see the time is coming when I'll need to upgrade.

Problem is, there's no iPhone with a 3.5mm headphone jack anymore. I love the headphone jack – I've constantly got a pair of wired headphones, and it's so easy to swap between the iPhone and a MacBook whenever needed (or any other device, including vintage Macs). As far as I can see, there is no replacement for this level of convenience.

I'll probably end up with an iPhone 13 mini (smallest possible, still wish it were smaller and lighter though), and a lightning-headphone dongle. Dongle life seems miserable... and I know I'll lose it after a couple swaps throughout my week.

Anyone who uses wired headphones have a solution for this that works well? The best solution I could imagine would be some kind of custom case that slightly extends the iPhone and gives you headphone + lightning split...


Jul 18, 2011
I bought a Khadas Tea amplifier to use with my 13 pro max, but as it turned out, I prefer wireless headphones for a reason.



macrumors regular
Sep 16, 2019
I also use iPhone SE 2016, and I'm not planning to upgrade. The headphone jack is one of many reasons. I find removing it was meant to promote AirPods sales and improve Apple's bottom line, nothing more.
Except for a dongle, I cannot see a good solution.
But although iPhone SE 2016 does not support iOS 16, it should still get security updates for a few more years. For example, iOS 12 is still getting them. iOS 13 and 14 aren't, but that's because every device supporting them also support iOS 15.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
It's a dongle. Already have it, don't want that solution.
Are you adverse to Earpods that use the lightning connector? I'm not an audiophile so I couldn't tell you what was good or bad, but I have a pair of wired EarPods that use the lightning connector.

No dongle. Just plug in to the lightning port. Possibly you'd object because you also would not be able to charge at the same time?

Finally, in regards to wireless, I use a bone conduction headset. Leaves my ears free to hear my normal environment. Sound is transmitted directly to my ears through bone conduction. I don't get any interference from ear wax or hearing loss. The set I have is from Shokz (formerly Aftershokz). They've since improved things and released a newer model.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Dec 27, 2020
Sydney, Australia
Are you adverse to Earpods that use the lightning connector? I'm not an audiophile so I couldn't tell you what was good or bad, but I have a pair of wired EarPods that use the lightning connector.

No dongle. Just plug in to the lightning port. Possibly you'd object because you also would not be able to charge at the same time?
That’s more convenient, sure, but the main problem is then I need to carry 2 sets of headphones at all times.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 29, 2010
Are you into IEM’s by any chance? If so, depending on your connection, you can get aftermarket cables that go into lightning, it’s the only solution to having to use the dongle. I personally alternate between Westone W80’s and Shure 845’s and have multiple dongles and lightning cables for them.


macrumors 68020
Jun 15, 2010
I bet eBay is flooded with cheap dongles. Just buy one for each of your wired headphones and leave them connected
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