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macrumors G3
Original poster
Jun 3, 2006
One Nation Under Gordon
Not sure if you know the MyBlu from Mavizen. I use it on my iPods to take calls from my main Nokia. I'd like to do the same with the iPhone - i.e. use a similar device as a remote... but also for it to act as a wired headset for the iPhone. The end result being that I can listen to the iPhone but take calls as well, but also take calls coming into the Nokia via Bluetooth - all via headphones of my choice, using the mic built into the remote.

Does such a device exist?

*Ideally I'd like it to pair with another iPhone as well via Bluetooth in addition to the above, so that I can field calls from a Nokia + 2 iPhones with a single headset/remote.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 2, 2008
i think you're being optimistic trying to pair two phones with one headset.

I had one of those products your linking to, i found it horrible to use as the combination of the two product cords made an ridiculously unmanageable long cord.

I dont know of any device, but cant think of any reason why the linked product wont work as you want it to. The only problem might be that the linked product might want to treat your iphone as an audio source only, and not a phone call source.


macrumors G3
Original poster
Jun 3, 2006
One Nation Under Gordon
Just to clarify:

I currently use a MyBlu attached to an iPhone, the MyBlu being paired to one of my Nokias.

The MyBlu is a bluetooth headset converter and iPod remote, but it's not designed for the iPhone - i.e. it has no mic feed to the iPhone. It's a self contained unit with the 2G shuffle-like controls and a built-in Mic, which plugs into the dock port of the iPod - which also powers the MyBlu. You then pair it to another phone via Bluetooth and when calls come in on the paired phone, the iPod is automatically paused and the audio comes in/out via bluetooth.

Why do I do this, you might ask - the answer is simple. The iPhone is quite a mediocre phone with poor signal pickup. So the N95/96 are my primary phones for actually talking. However, either one of my iPhones (which are synced with pretty much the same media) are better iPods.

With the MyBlu I'm able to listen to the iPhone, but take calls from the Nokia via Bluetooth on the same headset. Currently, when a call comes in on the iPhone, I have to actually pick it up in the usual way. If possible, I'd like to be able to pick up both the iPhone and a bluetooth paired phone on the same headset.

What I want is effectively a MyBlu on which the mic works for the iPhone which it is attached to, as well as working over a bluetooth pairing to the Nokia.

Does anything like this exist?
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