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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 7, 2005
compost heap
I'm thinking of getting Apple's wireless keyboard... I'm almost 100% sure there should be no problem, but I thought I'd ask anyway...

I don't suppose there should be any impact on the use of any audio software/hardware from using a wireless versus a wired keyboard? Nothing like a tiny-teeny time difference in signal transfer f.ex...? Or some other thing?


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 7, 2005
compost heap
frankblundt said:
I'm sure i've seen endless complaints by gamers about the responsiveness of bluetooth, so there must be some latency but i've not found it an issue myself.

Yeah, I wasn't expecting there to be any problems, but I thought I'd make sure :)


macrumors regular
Jul 10, 2004
speaking of the bluetooth mouse, yes, maybe it's a little "slow". but with bluetooth keyboard, there's no problem at all.

maybe the keyboard requires much lower data band-width than that of a mouse?
I don't know but the keyboard is just *perfect*.


macrumors 6502
Oct 25, 2003
Under the Sea
i have both the Apple Wireless keyboard and a micro BT mouse...

and have to say there is one BIG prob..


They go thru batteries almost every 2 months!!!
and the keyboard takes 4AA's!!

not only that but when they go inactive, you get this stupid
grey box that pops up on the screen that says.
"Connection Lost"

This doesnt sound all that bad but its super annyoing after acouple months.
and if your reading an ebook, or watching a movie the last thing you want is this grey box poping up all the time saying "Connection Lost"

Ive looks all over OS X and i cannt find a way to turn this stupid thing off.
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