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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 4, 2000
Nor Cal
I saw someone who put a wirelss web cam on their saltwater reef tank to view during the day.

I looked into the Lynksys device and it seemed to be PC exclusive.

Does anyone have some advice on a wireless web cam for Mac?

I need wireless cause the tank is of course not in the same room with the computer and I know the area gets reception cause my XBOX is wireless connected to the net.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Irie J


macrumors 68030
Dec 7, 2002
Florida, USA
Any of the wireless web cam things should work if they display on a standard web page; i.e. to view the cam, you go to (or whatever the address of the web cam is).

Edit: The linksys WVC54GC (wireless/wired webcam) has this in the description that tells you that it should work without a problem: "Built-in stand-alone web server, no PC necessary"
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