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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 11, 2002
...does anyone actually want Apple to rush the Meroms to the market? Don't get me wrong. I'm waiting like everyone else, but I'd rather that Apple work out all the kinks than to send new MBP's out into the world with the same nonsense. I'll wait as long as I need to. My rev B PB 12" (1GHz) was flawless and I expect the same from my next laptop.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 11, 2002
Maybe I'm just paranoid, but it seems to me that people are still complaining that they are receiving their 'books back from AppleCare with remaining problems. Another site now shows "peeling" MacBooks. Perhaps these problems are all the minority, but they still make me nervous. I'm about to drop close to $2500 on a new laptop. I want minimal to no issues.

Of course, when I bought my 12" PB, everyone was complaining about the white spotted PB screens (15 and 17).


macrumors G5
Oct 14, 2005
None of the MacBook (Pro) issues were processor related either, were they? Well, maybe the processor whine, but I thought there was a new logic board for the MacBook Pros that fixed that. :confused:

Either way, if the new processor is just to be dropped in the existing designs, I think Apple's gotten most of the bugs worked out of the MacBook (Pros) (assuming the new logic board + heatsinks fix the MacBook's Random Shutdown issue).


macrumors regular
Jan 31, 2006
My macbook pro is flawless, and I never worried that it wouldn't be. Apple is selling more and more computers every year and so the probability of unhappy customers increases respectively. There will always be those customers who get a lemon and are upset about it.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 11, 2002
I think this is my "normal" ritual. Gotta get those last minute questions in... and everybody's opinions on whether they think the problems are gone. Simple fact is, regardless of swappable drives or magnetic latches, I am buying a Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro when released. Not concerned about the "newer" Core 2 next year.


macrumors 68040
Mar 24, 2006
miles01110 said:
The longer Merom is delayed, the longer my MBP isn't outdated :)

Not that it matters, I am glad I bought it after WWDC. Had I waited, I would have gone nuts by now. Best machine I've ever had.



macrumors regular
Nov 10, 2005
Tacoma, WA
I'm probably going to get one this next month for school and for gaming... I'm not really concerned about waiting for a Merom book. The current ones can run Oblivion pretty damn well and I don't need much more power than that.

Is the Merom upgrade supposed to be that much better?


macrumors regular
Sep 13, 2006
I think most of the problems are resolved for Macbook/Pro, random shutdown, discolouration, battery, etc....

The only problems I see with Apple are not with the computers, but with their Quality Assurance team.....If it actually exists at all...................


macrumors 65816
Mar 1, 2006
Look outside the box. There will always be some sort of QA concerns, but you have to be able to distinguish whether those are signifcant or not. The only true problems I would consider significant are probably just the MBP's whine and battery recall. Everything else is just a bltching and complaints from highly expecting people. Also, try imagining the # of people who DON'T have problems that don't post.

I still have problems w/ my mbp, but that's because I think i somewhat got one of the lemons. But the problems are somewhat minor.

Just get the notebook and you won't regret it.


macrumors Core
Jul 24, 2006
The Ivory Tower (I'm not coming down)
n8236 said:
Look outside the box. There will always be some sort of QA concerns, but you have to be able to distinguish whether those are signifcant or not. The only true problems I would consider significant are probably just the MBP's whine and battery recall. Everything else is just a bltching and complaints from highly expecting people. Also, try imagining the # of people who DON'T have problems that don't post.

I still have problems w/ my mbp, but that's because I think i somewhat got one of the lemons. But the problems are somewhat minor.

Just get the notebook and you won't regret it.

I agree....the media and forum attention that is devoted to the problems with the Macbook and Macbook Pro are way out of proportion to the number of units affected.
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