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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 24, 2020
Running macOS 10.14.7 Mojave
(via the dosdude patch)
on an unsupported MacBookPro 9,2
with Intel HD Graphics 4000

When I started up FCPX 10.3.4,
I received an error message : Graphics configuration not supported

Any input would be appreciated.


macrumors member
Mar 21, 2011
Why in the world would you be using 10.3.4 to begin with?? A more than 5-year-old version?

Either way, the Intel Graphics simply don't meet the system requirements… just as it says!
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macrumors 68020
Mar 4, 2022
United States
Running macOS 10.14.7 Mojave
(via the dosdude patch)
on an unsupported MacBookPro 9,2
with Intel HD Graphics 4000

When I started up FCPX 10.3.4,
I received an error message : Graphics configuration not supported

Any input would be appreciated.
Ok, time out...

  1. There is no such thing as 10.14.7, only 10.14.6
  2. Mojave is a natively supported OS on a MacBookPro9,2; thus, you do not need to use DosDude's patcher.
  3. If you want to upgrade to Monterey/Ventura to get the latest version of FCP, use OpenCore Legacy Patcher.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 24, 2020
@lin2log & @rm5
Thanks for chiming in!
You guys gave me some ideas here....

"Why in the world would you be using 10.3.4 to begin with?? A more than 5-year-old version?"

- Yes it IS! I have my reasons for using it.

I had taken a "patched" (via dosdude) hard drive with macOS 10.7
running in an older MBP,
and swapped this drive into the MacBookPro9pt2,
thinking it was going to work.

(To my regret, maybe I should have included this information earlier)
Everything else operates smoothly,
Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat etc

I was thinking I wouldn't have to format & install
a fresh HD with a fresh legit install of Mojave.

Option 01 : just migrate/transfer
the info from my aforementioned hard drive (the one from an older MBP)
over to the NEW Mojave Freshly installed HD in the MacBookpro9,2
However wouldn't that require an Apl ID to do so? I don't have a registered with Apl type Apl ID

Option 02 : Keep looking for a workaround, using the drive that is in the MacBookPro9,2
that is running of of a "patched" macOS Mojave.


"There is no such thing as 10.14.7, only 10.14.6"
- A typo, my bad. THIS ^^^ is also true.

"Mojave is a natively supported OS on a MacBookPro9,2; thus, you do not need to use DosDude's patcher."
- That is also true. I explains above how this came to be. I thought I could just swap the hard drive with the patched Mojave 10.14.6 into the MacBookPro9,2 and all would be fine.

Although, you got me thinking there as well...

Option 3 : See if there is an update available for the patcher itself. (from dosdude)

"If you want to upgrade to Monterey/Ventura to get the latest version of FCP, use OpenCore Legacy Patcher."

- I don't actually need to use the latest ver$ion of FCP. The latest of 'everything" here, would sure help to troubleshoot my issues.
Possibly at some point int he future though......

I realize my arrangment is not proper, I am thinking of ways to get the gear that I do have, to fit together if they can.


macrumors member
Mar 21, 2011
I have my reasons for using it.
Because you prefer it simply not work and you'd rather spend endless time and energy on some hacky mess of a system. Got it. 👍🏼

Oh wait…

I don't have a registered with Apl type Apl ID
Aha. Translation: I never even bought FC, I just pirated it. That's my "reason". Bravo. Good luck with that. I don't need to waste my time with that kind of nonsense. 👋🏼
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