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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 20, 2006
I put windows on my MBP awhile ago, and I bought cs:source a couple days ago. So far I've played for 2 hours and have a grand total of 2 kills with over 100 deaths. I just can't seem to get the hang of the game. I have no idea why. Any tips or help? BTW, cs source runs really well on my MBP 2.16 ghz 2 gig ram, core 2 duo--just in case anyone wants to know.


macrumors regular
Jan 17, 2007
Did you install Bootcamp and XP, are you running XP in something like Parallels, or are you running Crossover and installed Steam through that?


macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 20, 2006
I'm using vista through bootcamp. I average about 60-70fps on highest settings. This is all with the 128 vram graphic card. I'm pretty satisifed with it; i just wish I could get the hang of cs source.


macrumors regular
Feb 26, 2006
Are you using the trackpad, or a mouse? FPS's are a gigantic pain to use with trackpads (even third person ones like WoW are a nuisance sometimes). I highly recommend using a mouse if you're not, and always remember to be on your toes exptecting the worse, because anyone could be anywhere. :p
Shoot to kill, brudda.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 20, 2006
Are you using the trackpad, or a mouse? FPS's are a gigantic pain to use with trackpads (even third person ones like WoW are a nuisance sometimes). I highly recommend using a mouse if you're not, and always remember to be on your toes exptecting the worse, because anyone could be anywhere. :p
Shoot to kill, brudda.

yeah, I am. My Dad took away my mouse. He can't stand the mighty mouse I gave him for his Mini. I'm stuck with the trackpad till I get a new mouse.


macrumors 65816
Sep 18, 2006
Trackpad??? Forget any game, even rts! THe constant friction will make your trackpad unresponsive, at least this has happened to me, plus you can't react nearly quickly enough.


macrumors newbie
Apr 5, 2007
hi, you are not doing well because of the no mouse problem, but also because people having been playing counter strike everyday for years.


macrumors regular
Apr 13, 2005
Vancouver BC
I put windows on my MBP awhile ago, and I bought cs:source a couple days ago. So far I've played for 2 hours and have a grand total of 2 kills with over 100 deaths. I just can't seem to get the hang of the game. I have no idea why. Any tips or help? BTW, cs source runs really well on my MBP 2.16 ghz 2 gig ram, core 2 duo--just in case anyone wants to know.

I get slaughtered at that game with a mouse.... I wouldn't even attempt trackpad....


macrumors 6502
Jan 31, 2004
If you really want to find out if you suck or not, you need to stick at it for a few more hours or days. You also need to learn the map you are playing inside and out, otherwise you'll be getting p0wned by campers/those who know the map thoroughly.

I suggest picking one map and playing it over and over for a while. Another suggestion is to find a server with some good people on it (age above 14 or so and non-clannish) or you are going to get insults thrown at you. A good hint to change servers is when the whole clan is playing on their own server and you are just fresh meat and keep getting blown away. Find another server with some debutants on it.

I noticed a remarkable improvement in my aim after a week or so, plus I kept upping the response settings on my mouse every other day or so.You really get some twitch reflexes after a while :D

Of course, being almost 39 my reflexes aren't exactly the best anymore...:(


macrumors 6502a
Sep 7, 2005
I put windows on my MBP awhile ago, and I bought cs:source a couple days ago. So far I've played for 2 hours and have a grand total of 2 kills with over 100 deaths. I just can't seem to get the hang of the game. I have no idea why. Any tips or help? BTW, cs source runs really well on my MBP 2.16 ghz 2 gig ram, core 2 duo--just in case anyone wants to know.

This game has a steep learning curve. I don't mean in the basic how do i move around, select gun and shoot stuff. I mean, knowing the maps indepth and knowing when to move and when to hang fire.

When i started i probably wasn't getting 2 kills in every 100 deaths, but it wasn't a magnitude better. say 1 in 10. It can be demoralising. Reason i stuck with it was a mate, who i'm very competitive with and like chatting over Xfire with.

I've been playing since last October, and am now usually in the top quarter of the scoreboard. Oh and my mate still kills me 8 out of 10 times. ;-)



macrumors 6502
Oct 17, 2004
CSS is one of those games which has a quite a few people which are amazingly good. Its an older game now so most of the players are 'well-seasoned' at least. Some of my mates who play the game too much behave like as if they have an aimbot (but they certainly don't), they just constantly get headshots on any target (moving or not). CSS is all about headshots, observe somebody who's playing and notice how their gun always snaps to the persons head. The damage is worth it over the larger surface area of the body.

I suggest you play online for a few weeks, you'll get the hang of it. Just remember, there are a LOT of very good people who play the game religiously.


Jan 18, 2005
Let's get the ego out the way with -

I'm very good at HL2: Deathmatch. I, or my team, always comes first. Put me in Counterstrike? I suck. I cannot grasp that game at all, follows such a different play method.

I suggest a good mouse anyroad. I'm using a Microsoft/Razer Habu and it's near enough *perfect* for everything. Pricey but really gets the job done - and it's comfy as hell. Then just play your friends in small private games, get used to headshots, how each map works etc. Build your way up. I can't get out of the n00b stages and frequently take the roll of Terrorist on the Assault map (the one with the warehouse) for good shooting practice.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 20, 2006
The thing is, I'd play RB 6, halo 2, and gears of war on the xbox, and I'd always be the top or one of the top players on my team. I don't understand CS:Source at all. If anyone wants to play w/ me and help, my steam name is xsamerx. Thanks for all the help guys.


Jan 18, 2005
Mine is raggedjimmi
We should so start up a practice team.

I've added you v-ault :)

Andrew D.

macrumors 6502
Apr 17, 2007
Chicago, IL
Headshots are the only way, once you get yourself a mouse always aim up. With a pistol, aim up. With a rifle, aim up. With a shotgun, aim up. Only way to go with an FPS game. Good luck!


macrumors newbie
Apr 15, 2007
rosemead, Ca
Having just the most basic mouse out there will make a diffeence when plaing CS. I suggest this one, MS WHEEL MOUSE OPTICAL. Most importantly is to have a wheel on it for quick weapon change. I just bought CS for my macbook. Im just waiting for my win XP pro to arrive in the mail. Been playing on and off on CS on the PC for yrs. Someone is always better then you at the game, and its ment to be fun ^_^. Give the game a few days and you will get the hang of it. I also suggest de_dust2 as a training map.


Jan 18, 2005
Personally I'd suggest a mouse with at least 2k DPI. I never bothered with this kind of equipment before (previous gaming mouse was a Logitech V500- a laptop wireless mouse! aka, laggy and tiny). But since the Habu I've been getting so many more headshots (HL2) and just all round had it more precise. Also needs to have a DPI switching button. They're pretty much standard in the high end mouse market nowadays.

Now... lag free keyboards I don't understand. My BT Apple Keyboard has never displayed lag ingame.


macrumors regular
May 19, 2006
haha. ut2003 is totally playable with a trackpad. maybe its just me but godlike wasnt that bad.


macrumors 6502a
May 14, 2006
i got CS:Source when i got the Half Life 2 game of the year edition, and i sucked. but i played a TON after i beat Half Life 2 and eventually got pretty decent, but still not very good :D


macrumors newbie
Apr 15, 2007
I get a headache just thinking about playing an FPS with a trackpad, I had a hard enough playing WoW with one. I'm kind of picky, I need perfect conditions (mouse, keyboard, computer performance) to have fun playing a game - at least my PC at home is still good for something.
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