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macrumors member
Oct 23, 2007
Could someone pls post til following:

  • In what resolution do you run WoW
  • What graphic options in game is enabled or disabled?
  • What mac system is it running on? (im especially interested in iMac 24" 2.4)
  • Benchmarks in 25man? Shattrath? Soloing? (lets get some facts pls)

There are many good observations and experiences with wow on leopard, but tbh, we really need some hard facts, since 20fps can be great to some, while a lot requires 30+ to be satiesfied.

Then i got a couple of questions:

What is the best gaming tweaks for mac? Do i need certain tools to pump up the performance? How about Ventrillo? Is iMac 64bit or 32bit? and does the 32bit osx ventrilo work with leopard on iMac?

Im getting a iMac 24", 2.4, 1gb (upgrading to 2gb right away), 320gb soonish, and only game im gonna use it for, is WoW, so just want this to run the smoothest way possible, so need all help and advice for tweaking this game.

All other games will be run on my PC gaming rig.

Thanks a lot.


macrumors newbie
Oct 7, 2006
I've been having FPS problems since I installed Leopard for playing WoW. FPS is around 4 to 5 fps now. Anyone else has this problem ?

I used to play with all video settings on high when I was running Tiger but thats not really possible anymore with Leopard. Now I have to put all my settings off and on lowest video settings to let it run smooth


macrumors 6502a
Nov 5, 2005
I've noticed a drop in FPS when playing WoW in Leopard vs Tiger. I'm getting ~30fps in towns and ~20fps while outside/raiding. Before this it was ~50fps in towns and about 30fps while raiding. Everything at high, resolution set at my desktop default 1440x900.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 23, 2002
here is a screen shot of my settings
i am running it on a mbp 2.4 the stuttering was my main problem not frame rates. now seems to be nice and smooth.


  • ScreenShot_110107_130755.jpeg
    402.5 KB · Views: 209


Staff member
Dec 7, 2002
New Zealand
I've had a few intermittent graphical artefacts such as the one attached since clean installing Leopard. This is on an X1600-based MBP. Rob, would you like me to email you with anything or is this a known issue?


  • ScreenShot_103007_212841.jpeg
    394.6 KB · Views: 167


macrumors 6502
Sep 14, 2006
Jutland, Denmark
In my case, there was not much difference. I have the machine in my sig, and on Tiger it ran very well. Smooth framerate in 1600x1000. It was also smooth in full 1920x1200, but there was a little stuttering from time to time, so I took it down a notch to 1600x1000. I see no noteworthy difference in Leopard. If I have to say something, the framerate might be a little better. My50 cents.. ;)
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