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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Sep 13, 2014
Philadelphia, PA USA
Just noticed this today when I took some quick photos of an Osprey plane flying over - 2, 3 specs in every shot, same spot with the overcast sky.

Anyone else have (or had) this issue?

Main question, does Apple Care take care of this?


** It's minimal, I realize that...but it slightly bugs me knowing it's there.




macrumors 68040
Original poster
Sep 13, 2014
Philadelphia, PA USA
The might sound silly, but are you positive that the camera lens is clean on the outside?

Yep, I checked and triple-checked. cleaned the lens with soft mirco fiber.
I used a small super magnified jeweler's loop. I can see the tiny dust specs inside.

Few inside actually, but it seems there are 3 larger ones that just keep showing up.

It's very similar to what happens to DSLRS over time, dust gets on the sensor. At least I can open that and blow out as must as I can. The older phones, like 5, 6+ I had no issues of opening those, the X/XS/Max model seems to be a little more intimidating and I'm not about to attempt that.

I'll head to the Apple store this week and ask them about it, but the last time I told them I had an issue (iphone 6_ batter bulging pushing out my screen) they told me "Well you must have dropped it?" No....I didnt! Some Apple employees are cool, then there are a few that simply have this attitude and could not care.
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