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macrumors 68040
Apr 8, 2015
There are some scenarios I can think of that will put strain on an older battery:
- gaming
- recoding a movie
- Foreground and background tasks, such as listening to music or youtube while surfing.
- doing any of the above in hostile climates: such as Phoenix Az.

As long as usage is efficient, reading some material from your device without using any signal, low brightness...yeah the battery should support you.
My point is that this usage you describe will strain any battery, even one on the most efficient iOS version, the original one, even with 100% battery health.

Like I’ve often stated, people have used 1st-gen iPad Pros on iOS 9 for full-brightness Procreate and they get 4 hours (again, on iOS 9).

This is well-known, and independent from battery health or iOS updates (which, if the iOS version is adverse, will make the device unusable. Use an updated 1st-gen iPad Pro for that and you’ll be lucky to get 2 hours, if that), but it doesn’t mean that battery life on iOS 9 is amazing with that usage: it’s not.


macrumors 6502
Jan 14, 2012
Do I care, no the battery health is fine. I normally upgrade every two to three years but this time around I did it on a yearly basis from the 14 Pro to 15 Pro only because I made a goof ball decision for going with base storage which was not adequate for my usage. I never got into the battery health and never cared as long as the phone lasted the day yep I fine.

Being an average user consumer I don't give a hoot in holler in the lords hot spot about the battery I just felt that it is a big fade now about the battery of a consumable device. All care about is the fact that I can communicate with family and friends and it is reliable.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 24, 2022
and by doing that you're disabling features and lowering performance. what's the point buying an iphone if you are just going to leave it in low power mode 24/7? i get it if you've had the phone 4+ years and the battery was really bad and you couldn't or didn't want to replace the battery.
To maximize the length between battery charges of course. I don't need all those daft features chewing up battery power indiscriminately. In fact, probably most folk don't so it makes more sense for low power mode to be the default mode. Let those who need to use those edge case features disable it.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 27, 2008
Nope, not at all and my phones generally to to my parents after I use them and they have no problems either.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 15, 2012
I upgraded after a year, from the 14 Pro Max to the 15 Pro Max. Normally I don’t really bother with battery life, but I will admit to being shocked by the battery in my 14 Pro Max. At the time I shipped it off, the day before yesterday, it was at 87% of its original capacity. That seemed like a pretty freakin’ big drop for just one year.

The only explanation I can come up with is I was using a third party mag safe charger the entire year. Perhaps it was hard on the battery. I’m not using wireless charging with my new 15 Pro Max.


macrumors regular
Apr 10, 2015
Poland, Kraków
To be honest I don’t care. From my observation the more you care about it the more the battery will degrade over time. i cared about the battery health of my iP14PM last year, charged it mainly via cable with a 5w brick and finished the year with 89%. Now, I don’t care at all and charge my iP15PM whenever it needs to be charged - via MagSafe, fast charge etc. and after more then 3 months it has still 100% battery health.


macrumors 68040
Dec 14, 2010
I have AC+ for 2 years.
I will not upgrade my phone for another 2 or 3 years now - yet I do not care much about battery health. I prefer to enjoy and use my handset rather then worry about prolonging it and preserving the battery. If push comes to shove, I’ll just have the battery replaced.
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