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macrumors member
Original poster
May 13, 2011
Iowa City, IA
Any opinions welcome on a decision to try and lighten my university backpack up.

I'm thinking of a rMB+iPad Pro set up for the handwriting and annotation abilities paired with the regular computing of the macOS, but they come at a price of around $2463.00 with edu discount.

The Lenovo Yoga 900s is similar in hardware to the rMB, and seemingly has the abilities of both Apple devices in one device and comes out to a price of $1169.00 with edu discount.

My books are digital for the most part, I'd be annotating PP slides and doing scratch work and such for math HW and other note type things. I do a lot of report writing incorporating pictures and data plots and such. I also do a lot of research and just find the multitasking of the larger OS's better for what I do.

I tried a Galaxy Note 10.1 with a digitizer pen for a semester and found android too confining as my primary school machine. After a while I just ended up using my late 2011 MBP after I uploaded my notes to dropbox.
So I know Androids out. It seems that in terms of the resources I need, MacOS and iOS as a pair, or Windows in the Yoga/all in one type set up could do what I need to do on a daily basis.

Does anyone out there have any experiences doing something similar? Is it a successful idea, or really not that great to go paperless? Also, I'm looking at 2 devices, versus 1 device, where the 2 devices come out to double the cost. Is it crazy to go the Apple direction?

Sure, I prefer the macOS for a lot of reasons, but Windows 10 doesn't seem so bad from my use of it at school for various things. I admit though, I've never really ventured into the Windows world though, and have no idea what kind of pitfalls one can run into buying into that world. Lenovo seems reputable enough.
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