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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 12, 2018
Hey all, I came on here because I saw a video of a guy playing YouTube in a browser (latest version of K Meleon) on Windows 2000 using a Pentium II clocked at 350mhz and 128mb of ram. The thing is, it was just a YouTube front-end site and it was designed in a way to look like YouTube from 2005. Interesting enough, the audio played perfectly fine although the video was extremely bad (PII after all). If anyone wants to try out the website it is ""
Would be even more curious if this could work on Classilla in OS 9...


macrumors 603
Jun 17, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
Thanks. Interesting - doesn't work for me on Safari/Tiger so guessing wouldn't work on Classilla.

Works in InterWebPPC though not especially efficiently - and the lag to playing makes me think this is a self hosted Invidious instance.

Links like Help and Sign Up error out so looks like the author has abandoned working on it.

Picture 1.png
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