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Original poster
May 29, 2023
Hi guys. I don't even know if this is the right place to share this but I'm gonna post it any way.

The problem is that my YouTube history started showing some random videos that I never watched. I discovered this issue about 5 days ago. Right after I realized about it, I changed my Google password immediately cuz I thought I got hacked into my account. I also went into Google settings and looked at the list of devices that have logged into my account but I don't see any suspicious devices. But even after doing these things, random videos kept adding up on my history. Fyi, my password has been a random combination of numbers, symbols, and alphabet. Two-factor authentication has been turned on as well.

One possible reason for this problem could be my 13,2(2012) iMac 27". It is running macOS Monterey through Opencore Legacy Patcher. Both OCLP(0.6.6) and macOS(now12.6.6, but was not up to date when I started having this problem) are up to date. When I realized about this potential cause, I just simply shut it down. After that I stopped seeing those weird videos on my history. I booted it up today, updated to latest MacOS as mentioned above but several hours later I started seeing those videos again.

Has anyone had the same problem? Do you have any ideas on what could be the problem? Is there a place where I can look into to see whether it's a hack or just a bug? Honestly, It's so disgusting to see things I never watched....Btw, I don't share my account or devices with anyone. I'm the only one using my devices.
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