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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 22, 2004
An interesting video by a huge Apple fan, and in general mostly Apple product YouTuber that typically doesn't interject to much opinion about the devices he shows, but basically said within the video that before he had the idea for the video he hadn't had any reason or desire to put on the AVP for a few days. Ouch. He pretty much says out loud what I feel like the bigger YouTubers want to say but for what ever reason don't, while also highlighting all the great things about AVP. What my question is, is who actually owns this device? Just people with to much money and YouTubers so they have something to talk about?

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macrumors 6502a
Sep 17, 2023
It remains to be seen if Apple Goggle or iGoggle (Note: Vision Pro name is a marketing name. The product is really a computing goggle) is a future computing. Will all computer users be comfortable to use iGoggle continuously for hours especially for working 8 hours or more consistently? If yes, iGoggle will be adopted in masses and become a future computing. If not, then it is just a niche product. Keep calm, observe if masses would like to wear a goggle for their life style continuously for life and be happy on any outcomes😊 Life is too short to be unhappy😊


Sep 25, 2016
You don't own the VP. It's obvious. There is so much coolness you can do with the VP and you don't have to be rich to own it. I'll watch the video later - look forward to it and report back.

I do have the VP. Use it for work and play. To me, it's a device that makes the world my monitor. Every day I've used it, something new, or cool, has been experienced. And, it's only the beginning. But, I love and understand technology. Most don't.


Apr 7, 2012
An interesting video by a huge Apple fan, and in general mostly Apple product YouTuber that typically doesn't interject to much opinion about the devices he shows, but basically said within the video that before he had the idea for the video he hadn't had any reason or desire to put on the AVP for a few days. Ouch. He pretty much says out loud what I feel like the bigger YouTubers want to say but for what ever reason don't, while also highlighting all the great things about AVP. What my question is, is who actually owns this device? Just people with to much money and YouTubers so they have something to talk about?

I own it, coolest first generation tech device that I have used since the iPhone. Not saying this is the next, blah blah blah. But I love this thing, like working on it, love entertainment on it. Sports etc. seems like it will only get better over time. Sure it has plenty of issues, but I am okay with that, haven't been excited using a tech device in years.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 14, 2010
You don't own the VP. It's obvious. There is so much coolness you can do with the VP and you don't have to be rich to own it. I'll watch the video later - look forward to it and report back.

I do have the VP. Use it for work and play. To me, it's a device that makes the world my monitor. Every day I've used it, something new, or cool, has been experienced. And, it's only the beginning. But, I love and understand technology. Most don't.
I think you got that wrong. Most understand technology and understand how over expensive the VP is for what you get. It makes no sense when you can do more with a $500 Quest 3. Sure the VP has better resolution but that’s really about it.. VP is currently not a smart buy unless you are rich and don’t care about throwing away money.
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macrumors 65816
Aug 29, 2009
I think you got that wrong. Most understand technology and understand how over expensive the VP is for what you get. It makes no sense when you can do more with a $500 Quest 3. Sure the VP has better resolution but that’s really about it.. VP is currently not a smart buy unless you are rich and don’t care about throwing away money.

I own a Quest and a VP. I think the Quest is an amazing value and if all you want to do is have some fun gaming experiences and some experimental mixed reality stuff it is fine. To say it can “do more” just because it has more apps and games is completely overselling the Quest.

The VP is in a completely different class when it comes to mixed reality. The eye tracking, hand tracking, higher quality pass through. No distortion when objects (like your hands) are close to the cameras, hand occlusion which lets you see your own hands in front of virtual objects. Lighting and reflections mapped onto virtual objects based on what the camera is seeing. Once you use it with mixed reality apps it completely destroys what Meta has right now.

Is it 7 times the price better? Probably not, but it’s still objectively better, and I will not say what is a smart purchase or not because I am respectful of other’s circumstances.

For those that can utilize the VP to its fullest (and it is absolutely early days for that) there is a ton of value to be had. There definitely needs to be more apps before I can recommend it to others, but it’s only been a month.

Love the tech and can’t wait to see what people do with it.


Sep 25, 2016
I think you got that wrong. Most understand technology and understand how over expensive the VP is for what you get. It makes no sense when you can do more with a $500 Quest 3. Sure the VP has better resolution but that’s really about it.. VP is currently not a smart buy unless you are rich and don’t care about throwing away money.
Quest3? LOL. May want to do some better comparisons there. Gaming is the only thing Quest has an advantag over. No comparison hardware wise.
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Sep 25, 2016
Watched the video and found it to be a fair review. I don’t agree with his conclusions. Not only do I look forward to using the VP daily, I miss it when I’m not using it. And that’s with it’s buggy behavior. Which - is impressively rare.

As for comfort, I find wearing it for hours at a time isn’t an issue. I do tend to readjust it periodically, but there are many times when I put it on and it’s crazy comfortable. The weight, when set up right, isn’t much of an issue. What matters there, though, is ensuring you have the right setup. My demo used a different light seal and it sucked. Tried a different one, and it improved. The Apple app used to measure your face is buggy and needs some work. Do a scan and you are likely to have different results.

The eye tracking issues, they are amazing and work most of the time (like magic). I do have issues at times when there are many small icons close to each other. Two ways I’ve addressed that is pulling the app to me, using my finger; or using my Apple track pad.

I do agree it’s a bit slower to use than a desktop. But it’s mainly due to getting used to it, and how the apps actually work. The little I’ve used Excel on my iPad or iPhone, I’m wasn’t used to the interface. But I find, with the VP, I’m getting it and getting faster. In some cases, it’s pretty easy and faster than using the desktop app. What makes it better, though, is what I’ve posted before - the ability to have all your apps in your sight at all times. On a desktop, I find I use Alt-tab a lot. Here, I just move my head. And if I want an app in front of me, I just move it, then move it back. To me - this is the killer app for this device.

The pass through - it’s good enough. I can have something on my TV and as long as it’s not broadcast in actual 4K (as opposed to upscaled) it’s doable. I’d like to have better cameras for this purpose, and maybe the ones installed are better than they are using them. But it’s okay. It alleviates feeling isolated and allows me to interact with people around me. In fact - they can watch something on the TV while I watch what I want on the VP. And we can interact, where before, we’d have to be in different rooms.

A bit about the interface and seeing XR related content. You can go to the Apple web page, select various products, view in VR, View in Your Space, whatever the link is, and do that for all the products you want to have a virtual Apple Store in front of you. As you play with whatever object you select, and move it around, you’ll notice it takes on the light and features IN YOUR ROOM. Pulled the VP up, looking away from my window, the VP glass reflected it. It’s crazy what Apple did with this.

So - this site is full of naysayers. And as I’ve said, people who just don’t get technology. Good for you- but if you don’t like this thing, just go away! Why on earth do you want to keep looking for “bad” things about this device and keep posting about it? Why are you so infatuated with it? I NEVER go to Android forums and trash talk those devices. It’s a complete waste of my time and I know enough about them I’d never choose to use them. Not like I do with Apple devices. It’s really mind boggling. Is it you really want the VP but due to seriously bad financial decisions, you’re over leveraged and don’t have enough credit? That’s got to be it.


macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2014
The eye tracking issues, they are amazing and work most of the time (like magic). I do have issues at times when there are many small icons close to each other. Two ways I’ve addressed that is pulling the app to me, using my finger
When are icons too close to each other? In native VP apps? Or compatible iPad apps?
And do you mean that pulling the app closer to you allows you to use eye tracking with better accuracy because icons have more space between them? Or do you mean you just pull it closer to use your finger?

The pass through - it’s good enough. I can have something on my TV and as long as it’s not broadcast in actual 4K (as opposed to upscaled) it’s doable.
What do you mean here? What does your TV resolution have to do with being able to watch it with pass through?


Sep 25, 2016
When are icons too close to each other? In native VP apps? Or compatible iPad apps?
And do you mean that pulling the app closer to you allows you to use eye tracking with better accuracy because icons have more space between them? Or do you mean you just pull it closer to use your finger?

What do you mean here? What does your TV resolution have to do with being able to watch it with pass through?

Icons too close - generally on web pages. I use Outlook Web - it’s one of them I tend to have issues with. Pulling the app closer to me allows me to use my finger to make the selection with “touch”.

TV - great question. I have Verizon FIOS. My STBs are all “4K” but if the broadcast isn’t 4K, it’s upscaled. There are a few 4K channels on FIOS. When content is broadcast using 4K from camera, through production, to my box, I’ll switch to one of those. Picture is absolutely beautiful on my 4K TV (LG OLED). Happened to have one of those pop up recently. Viewing through the VP was horrible. Colors were off, picture not very clear. It was too much for the VP to process. Could have been a mix of resolution, color depth, scan rate. Come to think of it, wonder what ATV looks like with true 4K content?


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
I don’t think it is completely the future of computing but may have a place in the market. It’s a wearable and I think that is its main stumbling block as a lot of people don’t want to be working with things on their face.

It’s also one of those products right now that doesn’t seem to have an awful lot of exposure unless you go looking for it. I’ve spoken to people about what they think and so many have no clue Apple have even launched it. They are even less interested when the price of it is mentioned. It’ll be an interesting journey I think and I have my doubts Apple can deliver an experience with mass appeal.
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Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
It’s also one of those products right now that doesn’t seem to have an awful lot of exposure unless you go looking for it. I’ve spoken to people about what they think and so many have no clue Apple have even launched it.
You are in the UK, right? So it's not launched there yet. Here in the US, there's been a lot of coverage in major news shows, Tim Cook has given interviews on a few. So I expect awareness is higher here than in UK.


Jan 2, 2016
Ownership seems skewed towards tech enthusiasts and content creators. It'll be intriguing to see if it gains wider appeal over time.


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
You are in the UK, right? So it's not launched there yet. Here in the US, there's been a lot of coverage in major news shows, Tim Cook has given interviews on a few. So I expect awareness is higher here than in UK.

We have a bit of a cost of living crisis going on and a country dipping in and out of recession. The TV these days are just reporting people going through hard times so it’s probably not the best time to launch a £3.5k head computer and expect a lot of exposure anyway.

You’re right it’s not released here yet, but we do have a glimpse at what the rest of the developed world is up to, despite the rumours.
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macrumors 65816
Dec 19, 2008
No distortion when objects (like your hands) are close to the cameras,
From my understanding, this is more of a implementation decision rather than a hardware or software advantage on Apple's part. Apple's method is actually simpler to implement.
In the Quest 3, the scale and positioning of objects near the headset is more accurately represented than on the Vision Pro. The Quest 3 warps the view to simulate the cameras being in the same place as your eyes, while the Vision Pro more directly feeds the video passthrough to the displays.

With Meta seeing that most people prefer Apple's approach, I wonder if they may add an option to use the more direct method. The one difficulty is the controllers. If you are showing a rendered version of the controllers over the un-warped passthrough video of the controllers, they won't line up.
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