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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 12, 2012
Out of dozens of zombie games, Zombie Smasher HD stands out. You can experience the same excitement as the film Resident Evil: Retribution brings. Applying GRAVITY SENSOR and touch screen, Zombie Smasher HD shows you perfect and marvelous gaming experience. Through out of the focus of the gaming experience, there are three special attacking ways, Jump, Sprint and Spin!


Gravity Sensor+ Touch Screen + Competitive Price:
Developed by A-onesoft, Zombie Smasher now is released on App Store at a competitive price of $0.99. Your primary defensive tactic is to control the ball via Gravity Sensor to smash the zombies. What’s more, touch screen enables you to use some special skills. Thirty levels in total and two tasks in each level increase the difficulty of the game. All in all, you'll enjoy the new gaming experience with the touch screen and the Gravity Sensor.


Various Zombies + Special Attack:
Some common zombies in Zombie Smasher HD can be easy to smash, while some special zombies are not. You might hurt yourself when smashing them, so these special skills are provided for you – Jump, Sprint and Spin. Also Fury? -- special attack let you clear all zombies in the screen.

Coins+ Upgraded Skills:
Get coins during the game and purchase special skills to smash many more zombies in a large scale. Also, you can spend money upgrading your skills. In order to move to the next level, you'd better buy those stuff with the money you make!

It’s been a long time to come out, but this iOS version Zombie Smasher HD deserves to buy and spend your time on it.No money-consuming trap in it, but it may just suck you into the "app addiction"
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