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  1. MacPro61

    D300 Vs D700 for FCPX

    Hello!! I'm the owner of a basic Mac Pro 6,1 with 4 Core and D300 graphic card. Editing 1080 videos works nice but I'm interested to work with 4K videos right now and I'm on serious problems with the timeline and the kind of files... Thinking about upgrade the Mac Pro to 12 Core 2.7GH, and I...
  2. GreppMichaels

    MP 6,1 Mac Pro 6,1 Late 2013 D300's occasionally won't output video, sometimes get Kernel panic

    I'm troubleshooting remotely for a client that I sold a 6,1 to, it has D300's and occasionally won't output video, it takes 2-3 boots sometimes for the GPU to output a signal however once its up and running there is zero issue. It needs to be rebooted several times, and also has shown this...
  3. N

    MP 6,1 Macpro6,1 D300 crashes

    Can't find old thread so will create a new one. Since Catalina got installed to my nmp (with d300) crashes became more often. But it's different to Mojave. As usual, gui freezes, only mouse pointer is moving, then after some time watchdog doesn't see event from windowserver and causes KP ( and...
  4. T

    Mbp to nMP swap

    Hi all I don’t use my MacBook pro enough so I’m thinking about switching it to a Mac Pro 2013 quad core base model. I have a old pc I use for CS GO once a week, maybe the Mac Pro can replace that machine too. Do you guys think this is a fair deal...
  5. S

    MacPro 6,1 - BootCamp/Gaming Check-in Thread

    Hey, anyone still gaming on your trashcan? I am, so I thought I'd start a post to share information about what games work, issues, tips and tricks. I'm not a huge gamer, but these days everything I do play is in Windows 10 on a bootcamp partition. I'm currently using the bootcamp drivers from...