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  1. J

    New Macbook design?

    For 25 years I have always felt a desire to upgrade my MacBook Pro/Air when new versions are released. However since two years that feeling is gone. I honestly hate the fat looking rounded edge design of the MacBooks, feels like a tribute to MacBooks 20 years ago. I guess Ive/Jobs would never...
  2. con2apple

    New Displays only with Thunderbolt 5

    I am new here and would like to start with a thought. The Studio Display is really nice. It can't do much, but it looks very good and thanks to Samsung we know that it's not as expensive as we all thought at first. It's also virtually unique on the market in terms of build quality. The Pro...
  3. M

    Do Apple designers use iPads or pen and paper?

    I’m wondering if Apple designers still use pen and paper instead of the iPad drawing capabilities? the last video I saw of them was when Jony Ive was talking about design by Apple book ad. You can see the designers with pen and paper. what are your thoughts?
  4. pdoherty

    Back to plastic chassis on Macbooks - why not?

    So we all know laptops used to all be plastic cases. Then eventually either tastes changed, metal chassis construction got cheaper, or a need for the chassis to be a heat sink made most of them switch to metal cases. But metal chassis are COLD and uncomfortable on the lap, wrists and hands...
  5. ale1981

    All new mac app for my SwiftUI design/code/animation tool 'Kolibri'

    I launched Kolibri for SwiftUI earlier this year on iOS, iPadOS and as a mac catalyst app. But I quickly noticed that the catalyst app felt kinda bad on macOS. So for me it was clear that I had to remake the mac version as a proper native mac app. And after lots of work and refactoring I...
  6. M

    WatchOS10 Design choices

    Is anyone else not liking some of the big changes across WatchOS 10? Namely: - Info that used to all be on one page split across multiple pages (Activity App, Heart Rate) - Tiny buttons (that sometimes don’t respond) to navigate to different pages that used to be a swipe (Weather, the – button...
  7. Z

    Figma or Xd ?

    Are these two apps to be compared? What can i do with each?
  8. Z

    designing on curved displays?

    The Studio Display is a great display but maybe not big enough. Im looking for a bigger display for designing stuff using Illu/Pshop/Indesign/Xd etc. Maybe a curved display like the LG UltraWide 40WP95C-W, but the curvature kinda worries me... will it work ok for the apps that i will be using to...
  9. P

    Trying to find a Twitter about a Google Material Icon glitch and Jony Ive...

    I've been searching for a Twitter thread I saw in early 2022 or so talking about a Google Material icon with visual glitch due to an svg rounding error. They say that it was reported around 2016 and only fixed recently. Then, someone who worked for Jony Ive also chimes in on something about how...
  10. Royal Gala

    iPhone 14 Pro Corner radius - 14 Pro

    Hello all, Starting this thread to gather thoughts on the new iPhone 14 pro corner radius, now that the phone is in the wild. Four questions, relative to the older corner radius design: do you notice the new corner radius in your day to day use? do you enjoy it aesthetically? why do we think...
  11. W

    iPhone 13 Pro Does anyone prefer the design of the non-Pro to the Pro?

    I find myself torn - I want the features of the Pro line (cameras, screen mostly), but MUCH prefer the design of the non-Pro line. I really prefer the matte sides and the colors offered on the backs of the non-Pros. The polished edged of the Pro feel way too "blingy" to me and also kinda look -...

    To Taper or Not to Taper?

    Should the MacBook Air be designed with a taper? It's iconic and a key element of the design. While more practical and perhaps more solid, thinner even, without the wedge-shaped design I can't help but miss it on the M2 MacBook Air not having owned a MacBook Air before. I envisioned owning a...
  13. 1

    All iPads Why isn’t there an iPad/iPad Pro Art Thread?

    I’m simply curious why there isn’t an iPad/iPad Pro art thread. If there is, point me to it, please! Just as we have photography and pics of the day shot with different model iPhones, shouldn’t we have a design/art one for iPads? Or am I the only artist that thinks it’s a good idea?
  14. M

    iPhone 13 I’m thinking of upgrading from the X to 13 due to bad battery life, but I’m worried about that build quality won’t be the same.

    The battery life on my X is very disappointing. I’m often left with just 50% battery by the time I get to work. It gets very warm as well, so I’m thinking of upgrading to a 13. However, I’m worried about the build quality wont live up to my X. I absolutely love the stainless steel on my X. It’s...
  15. nilsfris

    Is there someday the Apple printer will come?

    Do you think Apple will design its own printer? If the engineers from Cupertino develop something new, better, and more efficient in this area, they would completely revolutionize the printer market. That would be great... What do you think?
  16. S

    Clock's bizarre design choice

    Hey there, Long time reader but first post, here's a design question that's been on my mind for a while. Does anyone understands why when an alarm runs, the snooze button is the obnoxiously large orange one in the center, and the stop button is the rather discrete one at the bottom: While...
  17. M

    iPad Best App to create websites on iPad?

    Anyone got any experience building a website on a iPad? if so, what apps and are they good? Thanks.
  18. Z

    design elements to create a striking feeling

    The small white lightnings (pointed by the red arrows) are used to show that the title is "a striking one". What other elements -other than lightnings- can i use to souround a title in order to give this striking feeling? I hop im explaining this correctly to give the idea of what im looking for. :)
  19. O

    Change and details in macOS Monterey design

    Hi! Change and details in macOS Monterey design I think that since macOS Big Sur the design has evolved well. It seems to me that the windows and other elements have a good evolved design but there is something in the menu bar that seems wrong to me from a design logic point of view. Next I...
  20. mrwood

    2021 iMac design - chin is also glass 🤯

    The entire front of the 2021 iMac is all glass. When watching Apple's 2021 iMac commercial you can see crystal clear reflections on the chin. It appear's that the chin isn't aluminum but rather glass, indicating that the entire front of this new iMac is all glass. I assume the glass is...