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  1. anthyme

    Hybrid AI development + video editing with Macbook pro

    Hi Mac rumors community, I am trying to choose a macbook pro for my use cases but it's not eazy. My context : I am a developper working with differents technologies (Python, Javascript, C#, R, ...) and I want to dive more into IA/Deep learning work. I am also doing video editing with DaVinci...
  2. B

    Macports development for PowerPC (10.4, 10.5, 10.6): [unofficial] invitation to cooperate

    During the past year much has been done in Macports for PowerPC systems. We got gcc10-bootstrap (credit to @catap and @iains) compiler that builds with just Xcode tools and is able to then build the latest GCC – gcc12 12.2.0 confirmed on 10.5.8, 10.6 PPC (10A190) and 10.6.8 Rosetta (10.4.11 may...
  3. revyTH

    macOS Is VR development possible on M1 pro/max chips?

    Hi guys! I would like to know if it is possible to develope VR applications on the new apple silicon M1 pro/max chips. What I have found so far doesn't seem very promising: Not possible to use external GPU (eGPU) Not possible to connect an headset like Oculus Quest for debugging Not possible...
  4. B

    Student confused on which M1 MacBook to buy

    So I am a second year computer science student. My 2017 15" MacBook pro recently had some problems so I need a new laptop. I read the buying guides on this forum but I still don't have a clear decision Currently, I am deciding between: 256GB MacBook Air 7 Core GPU and 8GB of RAM 256GB MacBook...
  5. Rikintosh

    Does anyone here have any knowledge with PPC development?

    I would like to compile PPC on my windows 10 or my OSX 10.14 Intel, but I have no idea how to do it (I'm learning everything on my own), I have git on my windows and the source code of the OSX version
  6. maverick28

    macOS How to get the Web-Inspector of Safari 7 in Safari 9?

    Hello, My question is as stated in the subject: how to get the web-inspector of Safari 7 back in Safari 9 for Mavericks?
  7. A

    New application for YouTube

    I like to watch and collect educational videos on YouTube. As we all know, doing this in browser is not a pleasant experience: it is slow, overloaded with ads and doesn't let download videos easily. After unlucky attempts to find a good application or some alternative way to consume YouTube...
  8. L

    Help w/ 2018 MBP 15" Options: Linux Application Development / Integration

    Hello, first time Mac noob here! I'm in the market for a Macbook Pro primarily for coding / Linux application development and integration. Some things I'll be doing also is running multiple applications for learning / testing (Docker apps, Apache Kafka, Ansible provisioning, Web apps, etc)...
  9. MadDoc

    Switch To Mac mini 2018 From MacBook Pro?

    Hi, I do a lot of dev work (Xojo, Ruby, Swift) with my 2.8Ghz i7 16GB 15" 2017 MacBook Pro. I have recently started working full time for myself so I now tend to use the notebook in clamshell mode hooked up to a nice 4K LG monitor that I like. I'm thinking of switching from a notebook to a...
  10. A

    Does upgrading to macOS mojave break development environments?

    Does upgrading to macOS mojave break development environments?
  11. Vignesh Raja

    Best Mac for programming

    Hi, I use Xcode, Android studio(java), Photoshop, do some web development and also I'm getting started with Machine learning and deep learning. So, what is the best Mac that I can buy? I don't value portability. I was looking at getting the MacBook Pro or iMac 5K. What specs should I choose? Thanks!
  12. MacSoftware3

    Newer version VLC?

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if it isn't possible to compile a newer version of VLC (with support for playing YouTube) on an older version of Mac OS X (10.4.11+). If that's possible, how can someone start with doing that? I was wondering this because we also have TenFourFox running on 10.4.11...
  13. Wild_Rose

    Wannabe iOS app developer, which MBP to get?

    Hello everyone! I'm about to purchase my 1st Mac! I already have a decent PC for what I'm doing right now (web design, video editing, Photoshop) but I wanna dive in to the Mac world. I'd like to learn and start developing apps with XCode, plus I'd love to have the best of both worlds for...
  14. A

    Upgrade to High Sierra?

    Was wondering if anybody upgraded to High Sierra APFS with any problems. Somtimes upgrading to a new OS can cause development environments to be messed up. Any defects anybody noticed?
  15. etx

    what VR development machine to buy?

    Hey guys, I fell in love with OS X and want to buy a powerful Apple machine for developing VR games. Since recently Apple announced eGPU support and new products seem to be "made for VR", I think it is time to go for it! Can you suggest me something, because I am really confused about which...
  16. scottwb

    iOS Tips fo app marketing

    Have had a super cool paid weather app on the App Store for 9 months now but sales going nowhere. Have a very limited budget and looking for way to promote my app? Anyone got any good advice? What about paying Youtubers to review the app?
  17. S

    Different name on WWDC ticket

    Hi everybody, hope somebody can help me! I got picked for the WWDC lottery, but my fathers name is on the ticket. And since the tickets are not transferable, I'm not sure if i can actually go? I don't live in USA, so it would be a waste to travel so far, if I couldn't get in just because my...
  18. V

    How to disable unnecessary processes/services on my Macbook Pro?

    Not sure if this is the right sub-forum to post in but here goes: Im wondering if there are any resource hungry and just things I don't use like iCloud and etc I can turn off. Im an IT student, studying software development and I strictly do only school stuff on my mac. For security and...
  19. Thrao

    iOS Looking for Career Advice (iOS Developer or Front End Web Development?)

    Hello everyone, Hopefully I am posting this in the correct location if not please let me know and I would be happy to move it. I am a senior in college finishing up my last semester as well as working full time for a company called Allegion, we make a lock or push bar that you touch everyday...
  20. smacrumon

    MacBooks and Xcode development worth their weight in gold or rose gold?

    So considering a new MacBook. Anyone have experience with MacBooks and Xcode development? Are the new MacBooks released earlier this year powerful enough for Xcode development? The display at 12 inches, is that going to be too small to be useful? Appreciate any guidance and views on this.