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  1. E

    Charter email no longer sends on cellular data

    I've had the same Charter email address for 10+ years and also have had this iPhone 13 Pro for several years with Charter email working. I noticed a few weeks ago that Charter will not send email when on cellular data...they just sit in the Outbox until I get home on my Charter wifi. It...
  2. B

    iCloud Scammer used one of my iCloud aliases to send me aggressive email

    I got a junk (and aggressive, a bit threatening) scam email where the sender spoofed one of my iCloud aliases (that I never use) as both the sender and the recipient. How do they do that? Do they pick up the alias on the dark web (like everything else) or has my Apple iCloud account been...
  3. F

    Just discovered another annoying "feature"of the Mail app

    The "feature" I'm referring to is far from new, having been introduced with Sierra I believe, but has only recently started to become an annoyance to me. I'm referring to the default option to "Automatically select best account" when sending mail. I've always assumed, wrongly it seems, that an...
  4. N

    Lost All Inbox From Mail

    Hi Somehow I lost my Inbox that includes my Spectrum email and Gmail. Right now I've put together separate Inboxes, but I'd like to have my all in one Inbox back. Mail v16 Help. :)
  5. L

    Stuck "Remind Me" notification in Mail (Mac, iOS, iPadOS)

    This one has been driving me nuts for a few months now. Mac Mail is showing an indicator of 1 message in the "Remind Me" mailbox (same on iPhone and iPad). Clicking that mailbox, I have no emails in there. I've also deleted old emails out of trash, cleared out sent items, rebuilt the mailbox...
  6. P

    Apple Mail bug, found and logged!

    There’s a bug in Apple Mail that “randomly” deletes emails - locally and on the server. Completely. It’s been going on for years and drives me CRAZY. It just seems to happen randomly. I live in email, it’s where I work. So Mail is open with an email that I’m reading as I’m making changes in...
  7. A

    Universal Alternative to Canary mail (with OpenPGP support but without AI)

    Hello! For a long time I used Canary Mail because of its OpenPGP integration and lack of alternatives. Unfortunately, not only have they switched to a subscription-based model, but they've also shifted their focus from security / OpenPGP to AI, which even seems to be enabled by default after...
  8. strayduck

    Sonoma script testers needed for Apple Mail message mover

    A few of us were chatting in this thread about Apple dropping support for plugins in Mail for macOS Sonoma. We have a possible solution for folks who were using Mail Act-On to assign keyboard shortcuts to move messages into designated folders. It uses a combination of Automator, Applescript, and...
  9. L

    Long-time issue: New Email Count after SEARCH

    Something buggering me for years. Wondering if anyone has a real solution. After I search through my Gmail emails (Apple native Mail), occasionally - but more and more frequently - the unread email count craters. I have ~60 unread emails, and after searching this morning, it went to 4. The...
  10. Racineur

    Safari 15.6.1 and dreaded blue question marks

    Hi to all. Well known problem as I found scouring the Net for answers. Safari (Catalina) displays blue question marks on Ali express site. Also Mail shows question marks instead of pictures from Ali. iPad (iPad OS 16.7.2), iPhone (iOS 16.7.2) and even iPhone 6s (iOS 14.8.1) displays pictures...
  11. K

    Where is Mail config stored?

    I have had huge problems with Mail since 14.1, after reading a mail message it wont be displayed again only new. I have removed the Mail accounts, removed the Library/Mail folder, the /Library/Preferences/ file etc but all mail config with its errors are kept even after reboot...
  12. GH1852

    Mail - how to reset/repair one user

    A friend using MacOS 12.7.1 is having problems with Mail. Mail works quite well as long as they don't activate their IMAP account; they have some local mailboxes from an old POP account. Connecting and trying to synchronize with their one IMAP account causes Mail to increase its memory usage (in...
  13. M

    Mail app keyboard shortcut to display Rules?

    I'd like to have a shortcut when in Mail to display the Rules I have defined. I've opened App Shortcuts and can get part of the way there by creating a custom shortcut to get to the Mail Settings with: Mail->Settings... But how do I then select "Rules"? Nothing seems to work. I'm running...
  14. A

    Primary language is set to UK English - but suddenly autocomplete (Notes/Mail) is using US spelling

    I've just been typing something in Notes and autocomplete is completing words we spell with an 's' with the American 'z' spelling. I have checked System Settings and the default (primary) language is set to English UK. Mail is also affected. It only affects autocomplete, autocorrect isn't...
  15. Buadhai

    iCloud Mail: Can't connect to the account "iCloud". Enter the password for user "".

    This on an M1 MBA running 13.5.2 Suddenly I cannot send mail from this machine using an iCloud mail address. The mail fails with the message: Connection Doctor says that the iCloud SMTP server is down with the following error: READ Sep 22 15:15:03.104 [kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelTLSv1_2] --...
  16. P

    All iPads How to make all email available offline?

    How can I have all my email from a given account downloaded and available offline on my iPad? I was hoping that being able to do this would be an advantage of getting 2TB of storage, but I’m having trouble figuring out how to make it happen.
  17. P

    Mail - After Highlighting A Message In Message List It Reverts To Greyed Out

    After the installation of beta 8 yesterday on my iPad Pro I didn’t see any obvious issues but today after restarting it, as I always do the day after a new OS, this issue occurred. Go to Mail, tap on a message in the message list, it becomes highlighted in blue. Wait a few seconds and it will...
  18. L

    Smart Mailbox Folder fails after 20 mailboxes

    A curious thing that I just noticed. When creating a smart mailbox folder in the Mail app (Mail 16.0 on Ventura 13.4), it completely fails when more than 20 smart mailboxes are added. Up to 20 it works great, showing the cumulative emails pulled from the smart mailboxes, but after 20 it...
  19. aquasky

    How to open Apps at login but keep the windows closed

    Hi there Anyone knows how to open Apps at login but keep their windows closed? I use these Apps on a regular basis and I'd like them to "load" when computer starts but without opening the App windows. This is different from having the window minimised. Basically, I need the App to be running...
  20. haralds

    Mail - rule with "***SPAM***" in header not firing

    One of my email servers marks potential spam as "***SPAM***" in subject line. A mail rule to track this and put them into Junk is not firing. - Search finds these - A SpamSieve rule to put everything into Junk first works. I have that disabled, since I ran into too many issues with its "corpus."...