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  1. Wowfunhappy

    Other Steam API Emulator

    You can buy lots of video games on Steam. Many of them support old versions of OS X! In fact, many of them only support old versions of OS X, because Apple removed 32-bit support in macOS 10.15 Catalina. Too bad Steam only supports macOS 10.15 and above! And most Steam games need Steam to run...
  2. J

    Tri boot Mavericks, Catalina (Or any other 13.5 or higher), with Windows 7

    Hello, I am trying to Have 3 different installs on my mac book pro (2014 mid). I have been able to use and install Mavericks; I have installed windows 7 normally with mavericks. Everything had worked, until I tried to install Catalina. I want to boot from windows 7 as my main os, Mavericks as my...
  3. M

    Macos Mavericks theme

    Hello - I stumbled upon HungX's post and wanted to try to get back in touch with some of the people on that thread so I can use the google drive links there. I don't have access, but would really like to have the files. Does anyone have his original files from the post? My finder back and...
  4. TheLion01

    OS X Mavericks appreciation + question

    I just bought an used MacBook Pro 13,3" late 2013 in really good condition. It was my first Mac but I sold it a few years ago (which I later regretted). Really happy to have it again so I decided to restore the OS X it came with (and the first OS X I used): OS X Mavericks. Wow, I am blowed away...
  5. Jazzzny

    Java 17 for 10.8, 10.9, 10.10, and 10.11 & Java 11 for 10.6-10.11 (JDK)

    Hello everyone, After a lot of trial and error and many patches, I have finally gotten the Java 17 JDK compiling properly for OS X 10.8-10.11 and the Java 11 JDK compiling for OS X 10.6-10.11. These operating systems have not run a modern version of Java for quite a while, so this should be...
  6. N

    Can't install older OSX

    I am having the worst time trying to install an older OSX on a second drive on 10.13.6. I have a early 2009 Mac Pro 2.23 8 core, yada yada. I need to install DVD Studio Pro with FCP 7. Need to use DVD SP. I have formatted external, internal as well as USB drives and have tried to load Mavericks...
  7. M

    Updating to newer OS from Mavericks

    I have a 2007 imac. I've been kinda stuck on Mavericks because I only have an old version of Photoshop. However the client I do most of my work with now has signed up to the Adobe suite and got me a login, so I can finally ditch my old CS6 & update my Operating system. Also, I have a lot of...
  8. Ryan Bremer

    Watch YouTube in 360p in Safari 7 (2013, included with Mavericks) while you still can!

    You have to search the videos on Google tho (because the website is broken, only videos will play)
  9. Spookytree

    ISO/DMG for OS X Mavericks

    I need an OS X Mavericks iso/dmg image. Where can I find one? I’ve tried internet archive but my internet always times out before I complete the download. Any help would be appreciated.
  10. R

    getting spammed by xpcd in the console?

    Does anyone know what this is and how to stop it? In the sidebar's System Diagnostic Report in the second screenshot, you can see a SecurityAgent crash as well. Currently on Mavericks 10.9.5.
  11. F

    Magic Trackpad 2 on 10.9 (or lower)

    It should not actually be too difficult to get the magic trackpad 2 to work on 10.9 or lower, complete with native multitouch gestures (excluding force touch of course(. Basically, you will need 2 parts: 1) Kernel driver to communicate with MT2 and receive frames containing transducer (finger)...
  12. tensixturtle

    Prevent Visual Studio Code From Updating

    Hello, I have tried to use Visual Studio Code on Mavericks (v1.35) but it keeps updating automatically in the background to the latest version and I cannot use it. I have even tried turning off the autoupdate setting but still no luck (please see screenshot). Has anyone experienced this? Thanks.
  13. Rimmsi

    Windows 10 on Mavericks

    Hi, is possible install Windows 10 via BootCamp on MacBook Pro 2014 with OS X Mavericks? Thanks.
  14. Wowfunhappy

    After installing a Windows 10 update on my PC, I can no longer connect to it from Mavericks...

    So this has been bugging me for a while, but I'm pretty clueless as to what's wrong. I have a PC I use for video games, which runs Windows 10 LTSC 1809. I have Windows 10's native file sharing enabled, which I used to be able to connect to from my Mac running Mavericks. At some point in the...
  15. O

    Can someone give me a Mavericks download link?

    Hey! I searched a lot on the web for OS X Mavericks installer file, but i didn't find any, but the updates. It was removed from the App Store, so that's not an option, it is why i'm here. Can someone give me a link for the full Mavericks installer? I want to create a bootable disk. An Apple ID...
  16. bbbc

    DNS over TLS (DoT) client for Mavericks?

    Any of you know of a DNS over TLS (DoT) client for Mavericks? Hoping to configure NextDNS on someone's machine that can't do it via their router. The official NextDNS client on the MAS is for 10.11 - . This solution was only for macOS Sierra...
  17. daveyanthony

    Safari 9 won't load youtube

    Hi, I'm having an issue where safari won't load youtube for some reason, it was working fine one day and then stopped and causes errors now. I was able to grab the log, I will attach it here. Did youtube finally axe support or am I doing something wrong? thanks!
  18. maverick28

    Support of Wikipedia ended in Dictionary app

    It looks like just a couple of hours ago Wikipedia changed something on its end to drop support of several old versions, including Mavericks. I was able to read their articles as recently as today. Now, the window is empty when typing in search terms and keywords. The previous year they did that...
  19. bbbc

    BiglyBT / Vuze developer trying to make a macOS legacy version

    The most current versions of bittorrent clients that work on Mavericks (from what I've found) are from over a year ago. I rarely download torrents, but I want a current client that binds with a VPN. I submitted a ticket to the BiglyBT (ad-free fork of Vuze & Azureus) folks and a developer is...
  20. Hanna Morales

    High Sierra or just Sierra

    Hi, I need some advice. I have a mid 2014 Macbook Pro still running on Mavericks, I need to upgrade to use some upgraded versions of Autocad/Revit.. at first I thought of jumping to Mojave or Catalina, but after reading some threads now I don't know this is a good idea. I think Sierra or High...