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Matt The Moose

macrumors newbie
Mar 13, 2003
no new PBs 'til October?

Apple HE store (UK) is running a finance promo on iMac, iBook and pBook until 30th September, and I doubt they'd be running that over into new models. It looks like they're trying to clear out stock for something new in early October... :(


macrumors newbie
Jun 23, 2003
Re: 15inch PowerBooks Missing and the 19th?

My local Apple store has taken the 15" Powerbook off the laptop display. Only the 12" and 17" where displayed and no spot for a 15". Are they waiting for the new models or is there no stock of the old to sell? I don't think it's as simple as a 15" missing (being repaired, whatever) if they bothered to redo the layout. The few 15" were only present on the sidelines. No prices, etc...

I asked one of the reps if he could comment about the missing 15" and of course the answer was a nope.

I think they're coming, could be shipping problems... as they hadn't received the new G5s yet either, and they were just as surprised...


macrumors newbie
Jun 23, 2003
Going, going...

Another local Apple Store with no 15" Powerbooks on display... but they did have the G5... one sweet looking machine...
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