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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Feb 28, 2009
Did something change in 8.3?

I have several alarm times in the phone.

Two nights ago, I turned on the alarm for 7:30AM. This is not a recurring alarm.

Yesterday morning, it went off. Great, that's what I wanted.

In the past, once I silenced a non-recurring alarm, it was off.

Last night, I saw the 7:30AM alarm was still on, so I (thought I) left it on.

This morning, no alarm. Woke up late (arrrgh) and checked the alarm settings, yes, it says it's on, but no notation for recurring.

Certainly not what I expected...


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Feb 28, 2009
You're not wrong... but resetting the phone every night seems excessive.

Note: once I reset the phone, I received a slew of emails and messages and other alerts from yesterday. Great - apparently in 8.3 the phone can LOOK like it's working (for example, I talked to a few people in that timeframe, so the telephony portion was working), but it's not really 100% functional.

Not good.


macrumors 65816
Jun 15, 2013
Sounds like a bug. I've never ever had an alarm not go off when I expected it to, and that's even when I silence and airplane mode my phone.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Feb 28, 2009
I'd like to know if Kyotoma knows more about why a reset would fix this myself.

I googled around quite a bit and didn't see any other people complaining about this, at least not in any amount that would scream widespread bug.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Still a bug, if it exists.

Right, if it's a bug and not caused by some side effect of an app or one of those generally unexplainable things that sometimes happen to battery electronic devices. A bug that one person experiences, generally isn't a also could be hardware related.


macrumors 68020
May 16, 2013
Kansas, USA
I had some trouble with alarms with iOS 6, so I always set new ones each day and delete them after I get up. I also get up at different times every day depending on my class and work schedules.


macrumors newbie
Jan 2, 2012
Louisiana, USA
I have never had an alarm fail me. After going 8.3 and Taig, I checked and my normal reoccurring alarm was set. It failed and I overslept. Next day I changed another alarm to 10 min after the reoccurring one. Both failed, but the second alarm was no longer lit like it was still active, like it had worked. No notifications of any alarms having worked. Tonight I am setting a brand new alarm and adding an alarm clock app as backup.

I also use international/military time. I note my phone reverted back to normal time. I changed the setting back to military.
I looked a few mins ago and its back to normal. I am leaving it normal for now.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
My alarm almost failed me this morning (iPhone 5S 8.4) for the first time since I got an iPhone on iOS 4. I say almost because it went off for a split second and I woke up but it near instantly stopped. Surprised I looked at it and it still said Alarm on the screen and Tap to snooze or whatever like it was working but was completely silent. Thankfully I'm a very light sleeper and it woke me up.

This is unnerving for me since I use my iPhone as my main alarm. Now I feel obligated to use a back up alarm for a few days to verify its reliability. Might go back to using Sleep Cycle too.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
My alarm almost failed me this morning (iPhone 5S 8.4) for the first time since I got an iPhone on iOS 4. I say almost because it went off for a split second and I woke up but it near instantly stopped. Surprised I looked at it and it still said Alarm on the screen and Tap to snooze or whatever like it was working but was completely silent. Thankfully I'm a very light sleeper and it woke me up.

This is unnerving for me since I use my iPhone as my main alarm. Now I feel obligated to use a back up alarm for a few days to verify its reliability. Might go back to using Sleep Cycle too.

I have a 5S on 8.4 as well. Generally I haven't noticed any issues at all and seems to be operating properly. I haven't had an issue with the alarms...


macrumors newbie
Dec 15, 2015
I just had this issue today, my alarm would work but it wouldnt make a sound nor did my timer, so i looked a little and figured it out. All i did was go to general... settings... sounds and the sound was turned right down so no sounds would work on my phone other then music, i turned it back up and everything works now.
Alot of people were saying to reset everything on your phone and it fixes the problem and it does because the sound goes back to its factory setting of medium level. Somehow people have just accidentally turned the sound off thats it... no need to reset everything. Hope this helps :)
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