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Blue Velvet

Moderator emeritus
Jul 4, 2004
Really interesting. I'm still trying to find the Dell here in the UK, but haven't been looking THAT hard... I'll be in the market for a new monitor later this year.


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Blue Velvet said:
Really interesting. I'm still trying to find the Dell here in the UK, but haven't been looking THAT hard... I'll be in the market for a new monitor later this year.

I'm sure you can just go over to edesign's place and "borrow" his. :D


macrumors 68000
Jun 22, 2004
Kushiel's Scion
Yes, AnandTech confirms what we've known here for sometime...the Dell monitor is superior and a better price.

But now that Anand says it, it must be true. :)


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Blue Velvet said:
Nahh... his will have burnt-in ghost-images of Ms. Knightly all over it.

Hehehe...they'll just remind you of how much better looking you are. :p ;) :D

Oh, and if you accidentally hit the green ball on Safari, the burnt-in image of MacRumors will help you line it back up to where it used to be! :D


macrumors 603
Jun 19, 2003
Chicago, IL
I'm saving my money for the 2405. The 2005 is a solid LCD as long as you aren't overly sensitive to backlight bleed. I am, so I ended up returning mine. I know several people who own the 2005 and are perfectly happy with it. I just like gaming in the dark and in such an environment the backlight really stands out. From what I’ve see the 2405 has no such issues. It really is a beautiful display. I may have to break into a buds house while he’s on his next business trip and steal it for the week. :D


macrumors 603
Jun 19, 2003
Chicago, IL
Don M. said:
Yes, AnandTech confirms what we've known here for sometime...the Dell monitor is superior and a better price.

But now that Anand says it, it must be true. :)

Actually I thought the article, read it a few days ago, said that there were a couple benchmarks where the ACD beat out the Dell but it was damn close not worth the $300 diff.

What I want to see is the 24" 2405FPW go up against the 23" ACD.


macrumors G5
May 2, 2002
Not to mention getting the USB hub, Firewire hub (if the Dell has those, the specs page don't say so) and styling that doesn't look from the back like the underside of a microwave :eek:


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
nagromme said:
Not to mention getting the USB hub, Firewire hub (if the Dell has those, the specs page don't say so) and styling that doesn't look from the back like the underside of a microwave :eek:

It has a USB hub and a memory card reader (dunno if the latter works on a Mac), but no FW...which I guess is unsurprising, considering how few Dells have FW. :)

And yes, there is the styling issue....


macrumors G5
May 2, 2002
I'm contemplating a BYO PC (never done it, but the hobby appeals to me) and if I do, I think I'll go with a Sony display. Lots of cheap displays at, and that's a name brand that comes out reasonably cheap. At least at 17". I first looked at Dells and they cost more... but the FIRST thing that made me think I should keep looking was that awful back :D My computer is set up facing my living room so these things matter... Assuming my PC is permitted next to my Mac ;)


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
nagromme said:
but the FIRST thing that made me think I should keep looking was that awful back :D

I think the line of Sony's that have the inverted arch at the bottom, like this one:


are among the more beautiful LCD displays from the front. But aside from Apple, are there any other LCDs that look good from the back? I could only find a picture of part of the back of that Sony....



macrumors G5
May 2, 2002
Well, good is relative :D Here's the Sony I was contemplating (no decision for a few months) along with a cheaper 17-incher:

Sony $290

CTX $239

And (791 clicks later) the 20" Dell 2005FPW, $562

My eyes!!!! Sadly, the situation is much the same with PC cases. Lessened only slightly if you pay a LOT more.

redeye be

macrumors 65816
Jan 27, 2005
I've been flirting with the checkout button on the site for a few days now. I have to find a worthy replacement for my dead 21" Apple Studio Display.
The 2001FP and 2005FPW are just so tempting.
I'd go for the apple but it's still 150 € more expensive than the dell here in blgm, and it doesn't have all the inputs (not to mention PIP).
As much as i like their monitors, i hate dell for not doing coupons here in blgm. That's 666,95 € i have to convince myself of spending.

mkrishnan said:
It has a USB hub and a memory card reader...
What monitor are you talking about? Just want to make sure i haven't missed anything (about the memory card reader).


macrumors 6502
Jan 6, 2005

I have the Dell and it rocks IMO. No backlight issues and no dead pixels that I can see. It was a great investment. And it may not be the prettiest monitor especially from the back, but who cares? You're not staring at the back all day!


macrumors 68020
Jan 23, 2005
The worst part - destroying the Apple Cinema Display by running Windows on it - and they used a converter. They should have ran BOTH on a Mac also to compare the results.

I still think Apple Cinema Displays are the greatest LCDs ever made but the price tag definately ruins the "shine"


Moderator emeritus
Mar 25, 2002
London, England
Knox said:

Curiously enough, it comes out at almost exactly the same price as the Apple 20" - the Dell is £5 cheaper.
They have had it on sale at least 3 times for about 3 weeks at a time since it came out. Each time it has had a 20-25% discount IIRC. So it's still a significant saving then.

Things that put me off the Apple besides the price (which is now better I know):
Can't adjust the height - I mean seriously, WTF.
Single input - A complete joke IMO.


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
edesignuk said:
They have had it on sale at least 3 times for about 3 weeks at a time since it came out. Each time it has had a 20-25% discount IIRC. So it's still a significant saving then.

Did you buy from the US site and choose shipping to the UK, or from the UK site, btw?


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
edesignuk said:
UK site. Didn't even know you could buy from the US site to ship to the UK :confused:

I don't know if you can, either. I just wasn't sure, because a lot of the deals that have been posted have been posted from the US, and you *know* how ethnocentric we are! :eek: :D And also, recently, there was a thread with someone from Portugal trying to find a Dell monitor, and their store had a very different selection of items....


macrumors 6502
Apr 6, 2004
In terms of companies that can make a monitor that actually has a good looking hindside, there is always the Danish company Eyegonomic. Not sure how there display performance is, but the industrial design is in the same general category as B&O and Apple. There products kind of remind me of Artemide Lighting as well (see the last picture) which is a good thing as well.



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