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Jul 13, 2011
Users are suspended for a variety of reasons. Breaking rules, asking for their account to be locked out, etc. IIRC, usually the mods don't really give much detail.

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
Why was a user suspended? The same answer applies to any forum account.

The reasons for forum suspensions are outlined in the Why was my account banned? FAQ. Suspensions are always based on the Forum Rules, which apply equally to all users. As the FAQ says, suspensions are a disciplinary action of last resort. Users are given ample warnings before suspensions are given.

Moderation and suspensions are handled privately, so MacRumors does not share details when questions like this are asked by anyone else. Exception: Users can waive their right to moderation privacy if they want these details to be shared. See Is moderation handled privately? Users always know why they are suspended and are given every opportunity to appeal and have their case reviewed.
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