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macrumors 601
Aug 14, 2010
Brooklyn, NY
Pretty much impossible since Apple assembles millions of iphones per year over there. This isn't like Google who builds and sells very little hardware. Apple can't just pack up and move all manufacturing to India and Vietnam
If or should I say when China invades Taiwan, Apple may not have a choice. Apple had a great run in China, but as we all know all good things eventually come to an end.


macrumors 6502
Feb 2, 2024
Thankfully there are none otherwise I would lose respect for China.

Sovereign countries don't let foreign entities dictate their national security policies.

It was a deliberately impossible question to answer. Sorry.

The histrionic style undermines your message. Criticism China receives over human rights, business practices, and the social corruption from top to bottom isn’t completely unwarranted. Being a bit objective would serve you well.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 7, 2007
As much as I want to agree with our tech companies pulling out of china markets altogether, it just isn’t possible.

Because if they stopped selling a product in the market, china would just pay a nationalized company to make the exact same thing and there’d be nothing that could be done about it.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 2, 2007
Look at the crap Apple has been giving the EU for the past months/year over it's DMA (Digital Markets Act) requirements, they have moaned, complained, gone to court, still moaned and complained, rumoured to leave the EU if Apple was forced to comply with certain rulings and yet when China tells Apple to comply with it's rulings/law, Apple complies with nothing more than 'we comply with the law even if we disagree'. That is not exactly how Apple behaved with the EU was it. Just goes to show how important China is to Apple because when China say's 'jump' Apple replies with 'how High'. When the EU tells Apple to 'jump', Apple replies with 'F off, we'll see you in court'.
They may have given the EU more crap than China, but they still complied with the EU orders.
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macrumors 65816
Jul 27, 2010
Facebook having a WhatsApp button under EVERY post is so annoying. Accidentally press it and WhatsApp opens, which I don't even use. And WhatsApp makes you use your phone number as a username, so if someone text messages you it comes through WhatsApp. What a PITA.

Just uninstall whatsapp. And no, text messages come through the message app. Whatsapp only uses your phone number to identify and track you.
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Sep 13, 2014
It was a deliberately impossible question to answer. Sorry.

The histrionic style undermines your message. Criticism China receives over human rights, business practices, and the social corruption from top to bottom isn’t completely unwarranted. Being a bit objective would serve you well.

Yet, it’s answered. Peculiar.

You’re avoiding my question because you know it’s impossible to answer no so you invented an entirely different question which is whether or not China has anything to critique at all and then tried to distract from your avoidance by bringing up tone and a meaningless statement about objectivity lol.

Won’t work, answer the question.


macrumors 65816
Jul 27, 2010
As much as I want to agree with our tech companies pulling out of china markets altogether, it just isn’t possible.

Because if they stopped selling a product in the market, china would just pay a nationalized company to make the exact same thing and there’d be nothing that could be done about it.

Which wouldn't make it impossible, just money left on the table, which Apple could afford.

The impossible part is, that atm only China can provide the manufacturing capacity, Apple needs. So Apple has to bend over backwards to stay in good faith with the Chinese regime. Same reason they had problems with Jon Stewart trying to make an episode about China on his AppleTV+ show. In capitalism, profits obviously trump free speech.


macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
[…]. In capitalism, profits obviously trump free speech.
Incorrect. Only the government guarantees freedom of speech. And even that guarantee is not without stipulations. For private enterprise there is no guarantee of freedom of speech. Companies may do what’s best for their bottom line as long as all applicable laws are followed.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Apple has to be told what is right.
Apple follows all applicable local statutes. That isn’t a surprise to anyone.
Otherwise, Apple will only do what gives it more money because, according to Apple, that is the right thing.
Yes. The return on a company for providing a service is $$$.
It might not be the right thing according to the government.
Apple is pretty good about following local laws when they are made clear enough. (Looking at you EU)
Since governments make legislations, Apple has to follow. Both in China and the EU.
Yes, already established.
However, Apple is quick to follow the rule in China because it needs to stay in China at any cost to make more money.
The ruling in china was very straightforward remove an app. A procedure that has been done before.
It fights EU law or complies maliciously because it wants to defend its revenue.
The ruling in EU was ambiguous and was meant to give competition to the apple ecosystem for no $$$ to the competition thus depriving apple of its rightful revenue. In addition apple didnt wasn’t to create a situation where iPhones were used for terrorism, csam, sedition, and etc without someway to stop that. But posters who are quick to criticize apple for everything miss that point.
For Apple, everything is about revenue.
It’s not. Check apples news feed to see what they do outside of apple even if posters disagree with their philanthropic efforts.
Ethics and Privacy are also about revenue.
No ethics and privacy are about doing the right thing. The above is a jaded comment that is more reflective of the post than apple.
If there is no revenue, they would chuck them in a heartbeat, just like they do so regularly in China.
Why should apple operate in a locale where there is not revenue. Makes no sense to even say that.


macrumors 65816
Aug 26, 2007
Not even in your wildest dreams… china alone makes amost a quarter of apple’s total sales.
Exactly. Apple will continue to do business with China while it still generates a profit. What the CCP leadership do not understand is that China has destroyed good will. Apple's statement clearly demonstrates this. Short. Devoid of anything other than compliance. When there is no profit to be made and there is no good will, financial decisions tend to be very quick. So, the upshot is, Apple will continue to take money from China but I highly doubt they will invest anything more into China. China has remade themself into only a customer and that is all they are now to Apple. When they feel confident they can manufacture their products elsewhere and it is more profitable for them to do so, they will without hesitation.
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macrumors regular
Jul 28, 2015
Look at the crap Apple has been giving the EU for the past months/year over it's DMA (Digital Markets Act) requirements, they have moaned, complained, gone to court, still moaned and complained, rumoured to leave the EU if Apple was forced to comply with certain rulings and yet when China tells Apple to comply with it's rulings/law, Apple complies with nothing more than 'we comply with the law even if we disagree'. That is not exactly how Apple behaved with the EU was it. Just goes to show how important China is to Apple because when China say's 'jump' Apple replies with 'how High'. When the EU tells Apple to 'jump', Apple replies with 'F off, we'll see you in court'.
if you disagree once in china, the CCP doesnt care they will just ban you entirely.

They did it for government employees and they told a lot of those employees they can't even own an apple product personally.

Different beasts. There's no " laws " or courts. The CCP rules supreme in china


macrumors 68000
Aug 18, 2023
Southern California
Which wouldn't make it impossible, just money left on the table, which Apple could afford.

The impossible part is, that atm only China can provide the manufacturing capacity, Apple needs. So Apple has to bend over backwards to stay in good faith with the Chinese regime. Same reason they had problems with Jon Stewart trying to make an episode about China on his AppleTV+ show. In capitalism, profits obviously trump free speech.
I disagree. The Chinese market and Chinese manufacturing are not linked that way. Apple obeyed Chinese commands about deleting app to maintain access to the Chinese market and because deletion of 3rd party app is in Apple best interest. Apple loves driving business away from 3rd parties.

The [mainland] Chinese government loves Apple manufacturing. It a huge source of income for the Chinese economy. China is very unhappy with the divestment of Apple manufacturing resources from China to Vietnam & India. China only tolerates Apple sales in China, they would love it if Apple stopped Chinese sales but retained Chinese manufacturing. If the opposite occurred (Apple manufacturing ceased in China), most certainly the Chinese government would find a way to prohibit the sales of Apple products. Apple sales are only tolerated in China because of the presence of significant domestic Chinese manufacturing.
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macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2013
if you disagree once in china, the CCP doesnt care they will just ban you entirely.

They did it for government employees and they told a lot of those employees they can't even own an apple product personally.

Different beasts. There's no " laws " or courts. The CCP rules supreme in china
And that is why Apple is one of the most disgraceful companies in the world. When they feel they are wronged in countries that have democracy and an established well used functioning rule of law Apple will use such countries law's to try and get their way but when it comes to China, a country well known for hacking other countries IT systems, theft of company and state secrets, the worlds No.1 one producer of fake/illegal/counterfeit goods, a country with one of the worlds worst human rights records and yet instead of saying they do not want to be associated with a country with such appalling behaviour, Apple bends over backwards to make sure they have a continued presence in China. The recent removal of the social media apps proves that with Apple responding with they obey the laws in the country even if they disagree with them.

As a business Apple is within a group of the worlds worst for one reason and one reason only when it comes to China, extremely cheap labour, millions upon millions of it and a country that has little to no effective employee law protection. Perfect for the tens of thousands of companies that do business with China on a daily basis.

If the EU or the US had done what China had done in banning the apps you know full well Apple would have taken the matter to court saying that governments are wrong to intervene in the business affairs of private companies but when the Chinese government does it, Apple has no problem what so ever agreeing to what ever the Chinese government wants.
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