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macrumors 6502
Aug 31, 2010
What have you done with your life?

I can absolutely assure you that the Pope and the church has given more to the world than you and your kin for a thousand years.


I always love the "demographic x were better off being oppressed" position.

What do you mean with 'me and my kin', the ones that don't discriminate on gender, sexuality, race, religion and so on? The ones that do not prohibit other people of common practices and create taboes? I can't believe that the Pope (who discriminates continuously (the irony)) alone did more good than 'my kin'.


macrumors 6502
Feb 23, 2008
Great guy, big proponent of freedom and liberty. Of course if you didn't agree with him he could always send .

Wowza. Way to go, unearthing that particual false equivalency from the 1980's. Reagan used to make that very same, racist argument as his justification for vetoing anti-apartheid legislation. Blech.


macrumors 6502
Sep 22, 2008
There have been a lot of nonsensical comments in this thread, but I think you win the prize. No real libertarian would care what Newt Gingrich has to say.

Would that also be along the lines of "true Scotsmen" and the like?

Fine, then consider it Republicans/conservatives.

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
George Washington emancipated his slaves and signed the fugitive slave law...contradiction and yet Washington is the most revered figure in American history. Revolution and revolutionaries is a dirty business.

Historically Mandela will be remembered as one of the good guys, with good reason.

True, although George didn't free his slaves. He granted them freedom only upon his wife's death, but she freed them about a year after he died.

What's really amazing is that he wanted to give them land, money, education, and even brief stays at Mount Vernon until they could get back on their feet all in return for their "service."

Gandhi beat the colonists peacefully..

True, but he had many other demons.

No he didn't! Read his speech after he was released from prison!

True he didn't say exactly that, but he didn't advocate violence. Read his WHOLE SPEECH IN CONTEXT.

How did it get worse for black people? Explain.

Were black people better off under apartheid?

Sure, because the racist/white supremacist always thinks things are better when everyone else takes a back seat.

I think it's because there are so many white people in tech, and when you have so many white people, a large percentage of them aren't going to be able to contain their racism.

Many of them have no idea that they're racist scum. There are people posting that actually think black people were better off under apartheid than they are now.

Now, I wouldn't call them racist scum, but most on these forums are indeed blind and ignorant to their conditioning. Apartheid was by far worse than anything that could be compared to North American slavery. Although, blacks in the North have to fight an uphill battle that involves getting white people to open their eyes to their own supremacist, bigoted, and racist attitudes.

It's so bad, that even other whites that have lifted the veil are shunned.

I don't disagree that European colonialism has brought literacy, science and technological and medical advancement to many dark corners of the globe.

But people do have a right to self determination/destruction over being occupied and oppressed by a foreign power.

Though if one were to ask if it is better to live under Mugabe or in Rhodesia...

Not true at all. Colonialism didn't bring literacy, science, and tech and medical advancement to any corner of the globe. At it's root European colonialism's sole purpose was to bring the riches of the dark corners back to Europe which is why many countries that have only gotten rid of European oppression recently are still dealing with the robbery that occurred.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 24, 2012
Indeed, you are 100% correct.

I'm South African and so sick of this white vs black nonsense. Apartheid is over, can't we just move on without mentioning it every 5min on the news, radio, everywhere I go. Dammit, it's one huge circus.


BTW, it was us, the white south africans that voted to end apartheid in the end.

Yes, because black south africans couldn't vote.... that was sort of the point.

Gasu E.

macrumors 603
Mar 20, 2004
Not far from Boston, MA.
Incorrect. Mandela said that there is "no alternative to armed and violent resistance" and helped organize the ANC into a cell structure to facilitate persistent violence. Over the years, the ANC was involved in the deaths of thousands. This went on for thirty years, during which time Mandela somehow convinced a bunch of people he was a man of peace.

Rather than sweeping statements, how about some specifics, please, and some sources. I will stipulate that Mandela was a Marxist and organized many acts of sabotage, primarily against property. But how about some specifics from you on actual deaths, and perhaps a comparison of the number of such deaths to the number of people who suffered under apartheid for decades.

I find your comments interesting in the light of the reaction of the many white South Africans I know, all of whom have great admiration for Mandela as the one individual who drove unity and reconciliation among all South Africans.


There have been a lot of nonsensical comments in this thread, but I think you win the prize. No real libertarian would care what Newt Gingrich has to say.

No real libertarian would favor suppression of the majority by a brutal minority government over armed opposition to such a government.


The most amusing aspect of the right-wing anti-Mandela rants is that some of you are the same people who argue for the Second Amendment as the guarantee of the rights of the people to bear arms against an oppressive government.

Apartheid denied the right to vote to the majority, forced millions to live in designated "homelands", denied the rights to own property to millions, suppressed political opposition and curtailed freedoms of the press. Please explain why this did not qualify as an oppressive government worthy of a "Second Amendment Solution".


macrumors 6502a
Aug 13, 2008
Coventry, UK
It's all about you, isn't it?

A world figure who did change the world for the better dies, and it's all about you. There are people who do care about worldly matters.

The sense of entitlement in this post is atrocious.


We live in a digital age. We have 24 hour rolling news channels coming out of our ears. In the UK we ALL have digital TV and access to these free news channels.

Even so, they interrupt regular programming on other channels to show this.

I am in no way saying have a news blackout. People who are interested know where they can see it. Why stop me watching something else?


macrumors 6502a
May 27, 2009
We live in a digital age. We have 24 hour rolling news channels coming out of our ears. In the UK we ALL have digital TV and access to these free news channels.

Even so, they interrupt regular programming on other channels to show this.

I am in no way saying have a news blackout. People who are interested know where they can see it. Why stop me watching something else?
And now we return you to X-Factor already in progress.


macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
We live in a digital age. We have 24 hour rolling news channels coming out of our ears. In the UK we ALL have digital TV and access to these free news channels.

Even so, they interrupt regular programming on other channels to show this.

I am in no way saying have a news blackout. People who are interested know where they can see it. Why stop me watching something else?

Because it's a mark of respect. Go and watch Atlantis on iPlayer -or wait until tomorrow night.


macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
We live in a digital age. We have 24 hour rolling news channels coming out of our ears. In the UK we ALL have digital TV and access to these free news channels.

Even so, they interrupt regular programming on other channels to show this.

I am in no way saying have a news blackout. People who are interested know where they can see it. Why stop me watching something else?

  1. You aren't the only important person in your country,
  2. You can't assume that everyone has access to a TV, let alone on the digital tier,
  3. You have people who are natives or ex-pats of that country whose numbers and interests outnumber/outweigh yours, and
  4. A major leader in the free (western) world has died; someone who does command that respect. The last two people who died that commanded that type of respect, were one Coretta Scott King, and one Diana Spencer.

For the latter, you would be amiss to find a single country in the western world who did not adjust their schedules to broadcast her funeral. Australia rearranged football and cricket matches for it. The USA re-arranged football matches for it. India, S. Africa, France, Germany, and Canada all did the same, for your country's princess.

And you whinge about reciprocity, because only you want to watch the shows you want to watch?

As I stated, the sense of entitlement here is atrocious.



macrumors 6502a
Aug 13, 2008
Coventry, UK
  1. You can't assume that everyone has access to a TV, let alone on the digital tier,

As I said in the UK EVERYONE had digital TV as the analogue service has been turned off. These channels are available on ALL TVs for everyone to see.

What is the point of 24 hour news channels if they cancel other shows to insert this?

It's like living in a Communist state being forced to watch something. It's not 1984.

Is free will a dirty word?

I don't give a * about NM, let those who do tune to the news channel. Is that too much for them to do in their grief?


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
As I said in the UK EVERYONE had digital TV as the analogue service has been turned off. These channels are available on ALL TVs for everyone to see.

What is the point of 24 hour news channels if they cancel other shows to insert this?

It's like living in a Communist state being forced to watch something. It's not 1984.

Is free will a dirty word?

I don't give a * about NM, let those who do tune to the news channel. Is that too much for them to do in their grief?

Is it not the free will of the TV station management whether or not they provide live coverage of world events?


macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
As I said in the UK EVERYONE had digital TV as the analogue service has been turned off. These channels are available on ALL TVs for everyone to see.

Are you able to successfully verify that EVERYONE in the UK has a TV and access to the digital tier for it? Yes, Analog is gone, but there are different tiers to digital TV, and you can not say that everyone has access to the tiers that may or may not be running this.

What is the point of 24 hour news channels if they cancel other shows to insert this?

You assume that this is only running on 24-hour news channels. Not everyone is interested in the 24-hour news cycle, but wants to know about or see the proceedings for Mandela's funeral.

You know, we graciously canceled a lot of our shows for Diana's funeral. Perhaps it is too much for us to expect you to do the same thing when another world leader dies. It just interferes too much with your schedule.

And you wonder why the British give off the impression of being too stiff. Luckily, I have plenty of friends over there, including those on this forum, who don't have to go totally out of their way to show otherwise.

It's like living in a Communist state being forced to watch something. It's not 1984.

I seriously doubt you would even know what Communism is.

Is free will a dirty word?

When you own a TV station, you are free to air what you want.

I don't give a * about NM, let those who do tune to the news channel. Is that too much for them to do in their grief?

Then you could exercise your FREE will by turning off the TV and doing something else active. Read a book, go out for a walk, ride your bike, meet some friends. There's much more to your life than sitting on your bum in front of the TV.

That is, unless you enjoy being a slave drone to the media.



macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
Are you able to successfully verify that EVERYONE in the UK has a TV and access to the digital tier for it? Yes, Analog is gone, but there are different tiers to digital TV, and you can not say that everyone has access to the tiers that may or may not be running this.

Much as I detest his argument he is right that everyone has access to BBC News 24.


macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
Much as I detest his argument he is right that everyone has access to BBC News 24.

And conversely, that does not mean that everyone can or should only turn to that channel to watch this. He doesn't control the station or that channel, and it doesn't exist only to please him.

Like I said, sense of entitlement.



macrumors G4
Nov 3, 2005
And conversely, that does not mean that everyone can or should only turn to that channel to watch this. He doesn't control the station or that channel, and it doesn't exist only to please him.

Like I said, sense of entitlement.


I agree and I hope I have made that clear.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 13, 2008
Coventry, UK
Are you able to successfully verify that EVERYONE in the UK has a TV and access to the digital tier for it?


We have a system in the UK called Freeview. It is Free digital terrestrial TV.

EVERY TV that is watchable now will have at least those channels and they include both BBC and SKY 24 hour rolling news channels.

If they can watch BBC1 (which is the channel I was trying to watch when my program was taken off) then they have access to at least two news channels as mentioned above.

Come on, he was 95. He'd been ill for ages. He wasn't in office. It's still sad I know but his appeal is limited.


macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008

We have a system in the UK called Freeview. It is Free digital terrestrial TV.

EVERY TV that is watchable now will have at least those channels and they include both BBC and SKY 24 hour rolling news channels.

If they can watch BBC1 (which is the channel I was trying to watch when my program was taken off) then they have access to at least two news channels as mentioned above.

Come on, he was 95. He'd been ill for ages. He wasn't in office. It's still sad I know but his appeal is limited.

The tens of thousands of people as well as foreign dignitaries and leaders who were there at his funeral seem to disagree with you.

As far as Limited Appeal? Seeing that he was voted Time Magazine's Person of the Year, I would say that your statement is a crock.



macrumors G3
Feb 26, 2011
New England, USA

We have a system in the UK called Freeview. It is Free digital terrestrial TV.

EVERY TV that is watchable now will have at least those channels and they include both BBC and SKY 24 hour rolling news channels.

If they can watch BBC1 (which is the channel I was trying to watch when my program was taken off) then they have access to at least two news channels as mentioned above.

Come on, he was 95. He'd been ill for ages. He wasn't in office. It's still sad I know but his appeal is limited. to most of the world.


macrumors G3
Sep 21, 2010
So, anyone that labels Mandela a "terrorist" just means they hate black people and supports apartheid.

Testimony from the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission about an act of "necklacing":
Moloko said her sister was burned to death with a tire around her neck while attending the funeral of one of the youths.

Her body had been scorched by fire and some broken pieces of glass had been inserted into her v*****, Moloko told the committee.

Moloko added that a big rock had been thrown on her face after she had been killed.

Call me whatever you want, but I consider these acts of black-on-black torture and murder to be terrorism and anyone condoning them to be a terrorist.

I also think apartheid was completely horrifying, brutal, and tragic.

Sorry to blow your stereotype.


macrumors G3
Oct 27, 2009
Testimony from the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission about an act of "necklacing":

Call me whatever you want, but I consider these acts of black-on-black torture and murder to be terrorism and anyone condoning them to be a terrorist.

I also think apartheid was completely horrifying, brutal, and tragic.

Sorry to blow your stereotype.

Can you provide any type of source linking Mandela to this act?

Should we dishonor our American presidents for some of the acts the military has committed? Like torture in prison camps, urination of the dead, or the video showing US troops killing innocent people from an Apache helicopter.

Also .......
The first recorded instance took place in Uitenhage on 23 March 1985 when black African National Congress (ANC) supporters killed a black councillor who was accused of being a white collaborator

What's the difference from the quote VS spies from the US being sentenced to death?

For such a brutal apartheid regime, you really think any backlash was going to be lenient?
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