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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Aug 4, 2002
Madison, Wi
According to Spymac (which we all know is sooo trustworthy): According to a source close to the iPod development team, Apple is preparing to release a new iPod Docking station in Quarter One of 2003.

In the article they also mention that "Apple's hoping that two upcoming announcements will further secure the iPod as the leading portable MP3 player" although the only announcement that are rumouring upon is the dock, what is the other supposed to be eh?



macrumors regular
May 28, 2002
Scotland, UK
iPod dock

What a great idea - I know another company makes them but I don't think they work with the new IPOds which have a FW port cover. It'd be especially good now that iSync is coming out in the next few days.
I "switched" recently to a TiBook and the Mac experience just keeps getting better and better!


macrumors 65816
Apr 25, 2002
Seattle, WA
So will I have to dock my ipod upside down? Has spymac ever seen an ipod? Are they trying to say that apple will redesign the ipod with a firewire port on the bottom?

Very unlikely, someone was smoking too much ganga when they made that one up.


macrumors newbie
Jul 16, 2002
Re: Apple to release iPod Dock

Wow! I want a donking station for the ipod with 802.11g and rendevouz for streaming to itunes and others ipods....

Sun Baked

macrumors G5
May 19, 2002
It's really sad when you find people that make Homer Simpson seem like a Nobel Laureate.


macrumors G3
Feb 7, 2002
ahhh. i'm curious about the 2 other announcements, that's for sure.....

hopefully it's not just new pods or hardware cause that wouldn't help me with my existing 5 gigger.... i'm hoping for aac support (in itunes as well of course)

but that's not THAT big an announcement.... we'll see i guess


macrumors member
Jun 28, 2002

Pure speculation follows...

What about a bluetooth-enabled ipod which allowed you to sync wirelessly to the mac and possibly fileshare with macs and other ipods (not the music though... unless you hacked it!). Also, then you could have bluetooth headphones (already available for cell phones). I think it'd be pretty amazing to have wireless headphones on while the ipod sits in my bookbag or pocket. Less wires would be a good thing.

As for the dock, I don't think I'd use it.



macrumors 68020
Sep 18, 2001
Denver, CO
Re: iPod? Bah!

Originally posted by Ervino
Yawwwn! I can't belive that somebody is *still* wasting money & time with that lame iPod.
Please, get a look on a *real* little wonder:


And, please, not again the boring reply "but the iPod have FireWire by default"... ;-)))


Hey, you try sending 20GB of data over USB 1.1 and see how you feel about that being the default. In the best case, assuming nothing else on your USB, it'll take you almost four hours to sync. Firewire, seven minutes. So as not to bore you, the other reasons I wouldn't have an Archos JukeBox are:

  • The controls suck. No effort was put into them. I can operate the iPod without looking at it. And it's not like Apple is the only company to make a player with decent controls. Archos just didn't bother.
  • That Archos JukeBox is HUGE. It won't fit comfortably in a coat pocket, much less a pants pocket. With the exception of my PowerBook, I don't carry things that don't fit in a pocket.
  • From an industrial design perspective, the iPod is gorgeous, while the Archos JukeBox looks like ass. Granted functionality is more important to me than appearance, but all else being equal, I'd rather have a non-assy-looking player.
  • The tiny movie screen function is a neat-o gadget, but it doesn't really address any need I have. I can see owning one just so I could say I had a player that did video, but I couldn't see actually watching video on the thing. Likewise, it's clear Archos just added the feature so they could say their product has something the iPod doesn't. It's a novelty.

I see your yawn and raise you a sigh and a grumble.


macrumors regular
May 2, 2002
Re: Re: iPod? Bah!

Originally posted by Gelfin

Hey, you try sending 20GB of data over USB 1.1 and see how you feel about that being the default. In the best case, assuming nothing else on your USB, it'll take you almost four hours to sync. Firewire, seven minutes. So as not to bore you, the other reasons I wouldn't have an Archos JukeBox are:

  • The controls suck. No effort was put into them. I can operate the iPod without looking at it. And it's not like Apple is the only company to make a player with decent controls. Archos just didn't bother.
  • That Archos JukeBox is HUGE. It won't fit comfortably in a coat pocket, much less a pants pocket. With the exception of my PowerBook, I don't carry things that don't fit in a pocket.
  • From an industrial design perspective, the iPod is gorgeous, while the Archos JukeBox looks like ass. Granted functionality is more important to me than appearance, but all else being equal, I'd rather have a non-assy-looking player.
  • The tiny movie screen function is a neat-o gadget, but it doesn't really address any need I have. I can see owning one just so I could say I had a player that did video, but I couldn't see actually watching video on the thing. Likewise, it's clear Archos just added the feature so they could say their product has something the iPod doesn't. It's a novelty.
doesnt i have any connection u want? Usb 1, 2, and firewire? at least archos got something right...this is the beginnning of portAble porn

I see your yawn and raise you a sigh and a grumble.


macrumors 68000
Jan 3, 2002

Originally posted by Ervino
Yawwwn! I can't belive that somebody is *still* wasting money & time with that lame iPod.
Please, get a look on a *real* little wonder:


And, please, not again the boring reply "but the iPod have FireWire by default"... ;-)))


Hey does this multimedia jukebox thing even exist? They've yet to see any real product shots on their page. All you see are the same renderings they've had up for over 6 months now. Are there any reviews of this thing? I'm thinking vaporware...


macrumors regular
May 31, 2002
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Re: iPod? Bah!

Originally posted by Ervino
Yawwwn! I can't belive that somebody is *still* wasting money & time with that lame iPod.
Please, get a look on a *real* little wonder:


And, please, not again the boring reply "but the iPod have FireWire by default"... ;-)))


that ugly thing looks like it would take a backpack to make it portable...:p


macrumors newbie
Jun 5, 2000
Trieste, Italy
Re: Re: iPod? Bah!

Thanks for your kind reply! :)

Hey, you try sending 20GB of data over USB 1.1 and see how you feel about that being the default. In the best case, assuming nothing else on your USB, it'll take you almost four hours to sync. Firewire, seven minutes.
USB 2.0 *AND* FireWire connection kits are optional and out soon.

So as not to bore you, the other reasons I wouldn't have an Archos JukeBox are:
[*]The controls suck. No effort was put into them. I can operate the iPod without looking at it. And it's not like Apple is the only company to make a player with decent controls. Archos just didn't bother.
Hmm, have you really used the Archos Multimedia Jukebox? It took to me about 5 minutes to learn the controls. And I'm a computer journalist , so hardly a rocket scientist... ;-)

[*]That Archos JukeBox is HUGE. It won't fit comfortably in a coat pocket, much less a pants pocket. With the exception of my PowerBook, I don't carry things that don't fit in a pocket.
4.5x3x1 inches is HUGE for you? I pity your girlfriend! (Ooops, sorry, but I can't resist! ;-)

[*]From an industrial design perspective, the iPod is gorgeous, while the Archos JukeBox looks like ass. Granted functionality is more important to me than appearance, but all else being equal, I'd rather have a non-assy-looking player.
Well, on this point I haven't anything to object: design tastes are subjective.

[*]The tiny movie screen function is a neat-o gadget, but it doesn't really address any need I have. I can see owning one just so I could say I had a player that did video, but I couldn't see actually watching video on the thing. Likewise, it's clear Archos just added the feature so they could say their product has something the iPod doesn't. It's a novelty.
Hem, have you read attently the specifications? The Archos Multimedia Jukebox include the output and cable to see the Mpeg4 *on a TV* with vhs resolution. And it work as a charm, I can assure you!

Beside all this, the Archos Multimedia Jukebox have an integrated microphone, and, being modular, it can be integrated with a camera module that shot photo and REAL TIME ENCODED ***MOVIE***!
And it is both Mac AND Pc conpatible at the same time, and it cost THE SAME as the equivalent size HD iPod, and it has a *REPLACABLE* battery (so you haven't to throw it away when the battery die, or pay Apple $$$ to replace it...), and no, I'm not paid by Archos... ;-)

I see your yawn and raise you a sigh and a grumble.
Seen your sigh & grumble, I rise a sarcartic sneer...



macrumors newbie
Jun 5, 2000
Trieste, Italy
Re: Vaporware

Originally posted by dongmin

Hey does this multimedia jukebox thing even exist? They've yet to see any real product shots on their page. All you see are the same renderings they've had up for over 6 months now. Are there any reviews of this thing? I'm thinking vaporware...

Hmm, do you want a photo of me using mine? Beware that I'm not exactly a beauty...:D



macrumors 6502a
Sep 4, 2002
Raleigh, NC
iPOD vs JukeBox

I have two friends that have archos jukeboxes, and all they do is say they should have gotten an i-pod. (these are the non-video versions) the things freeze up constantly, and take forever to access the drive. Of course, thats just my experience. Plus if you want a video jukebox with a tiny pointless screen get the damn thing, but if you want simple, easy, quick, reliable music....... c'mon, get real have you even used the iPOD?? nothing comes close.

Later:) :D :eek:


macrumors regular
May 2, 2002
Re: iPOD vs JukeBox

Originally posted by technocoy
I have two friends that have archos jukeboxes, and all they do is say they should have gotten an i-pod. (these are the non-video versions) the things freeze up constantly, and take forever to access the drive. Of course, thats just my experience. Plus if you want a video jukebox with a tiny pointless screen get the damn thing, but if you want simple, easy, quick, reliable music....... c'mon, get real have you even used the iPOD?? nothing comes close.

Later:) :D :eek:

yes i have an ipod...y is everyone so drop dead in love with its design? its a freakin deck of cards shaped player. Granted the spinwheel nav is cool..its not the GREATEST design in history. I would rather have a tiny little ball that fits inside my ear...when i think next song, it does it, when i feel like blasting the music, it's reads my every thought. all via a bluetooth wireless chip inserted in your brain.


macrumors regular
May 31, 2002
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Bonghits, your request has been submitted.

Reminds me of Farenheit 451's "shell." Can't wait to see the tv walls that were the counterpart...


(Alabama game start in 2 hours and 24, rather 23 minutes...)

Future Man

macrumors member
Jul 17, 2002
Re: Re: Re: iPod? Bah!

Originally posted by Ervino

"I'm a computer journalist"

"And it work as a charm, I can assure you!"
Journalist eh? Your Editor must love you Strunk.

Do you really think some backwoods nowhere company called Archos is going to put out a superior product to Apple's? Their website doesn't even work properly in IE on my mac. And where are the pictures of this thing, they can't even afford proper coverage of it on their site! But I guess if you use a PC you don't really care about quality in design and workmanship anyway.

Why do trolls insist on buggering the good people of this website?
Go back to your cave and your windblows box.


macrumors newbie
Jun 5, 2000
Trieste, Italy
Re: Re: Re: Re: iPod? Bah!

Originally posted by Ervino

"I'm a computer journalist"

"And it work as a charm, I can assure you!"
Originally posted by Future Man

Journalist eh? Your Editor must love you Strunk.

Do you really think some backwoods nowhere company called Archos is going to put out a superior product to Apple's? Their website doesn't even work properly in IE on my mac. And where are the pictures of this thing, they can't even afford proper coverage of it on their site! But I guess if you use a PC you don't really care about quality in design and workmanship anyway.

Why do trolls insist on buggering the good people of this website?
Go back to your cave and your windblows box.

Wonderful! You quoted my words totally out of contest! You work for PR, right? :p

BTW: FYI, I'm Italian and work in Italian, so I can miss some third person "s" when I post in a forum... ;)

What's your problem with Archos? Hmm, OK, now I understand, they are: 1) European, and 2) with way less money than Apple to spend in pumping they products, so they are, by definition, inferior, right? Why give their stuff a real look, when you can much more easily go with bias... :rolleyes:

Beside all this, I use a Mac from 1990 and I started my career in 1993 writing about Apple Newton (*THE* Pda still now!), so I can hardly be defined a "PC Troll"... :)



macrumors 68000
Feb 3, 2002
Originally posted by peterjhill
So will I have to dock my ipod upside down? Has spymac ever seen an ipod? Are they trying to say that apple will redesign the ipod with a firewire port on the bottom?

Very unlikely, someone was smoking too much ganga when they made that one up.

well, i've already thought of a couple ways to make this possible. and
im not even working at apple. so i believe if they wanted to they would
be able to THINK of something.

Future Man

macrumors member
Jul 17, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: iPod? Bah!

Originally posted by Ervino
"Beside all this, I use a Mac from 1990 and I started my career in 1993 writing about Apple Newton"

"Wonderful! You quoted my words totally out of contest!"


I really hope you don't write in english.


macrumors regular
Feb 1, 2002
North Carolina

Originally posted by Ervino

USB 2.0 *AND* FireWire connection kits are optional and out soon.

Keywords here: "optional" and "out soon" ... the iPod boasts Firewire as a standard and since its very inception. You don't have to dish out more $$$ for reasonable transfer speeds.

Hmm, have you really used the Archos Multimedia Jukebox? It took to me about 5 minutes to learn the controls. And I'm a computer journalist , so hardly a rocket scientist... ;-)

Doesn't take rocket science to realize that you've obviously taken sides with a vastly inferior product. The Archos Pukebox has NEVER been touted for its interface design whereas its among the very first praises sung for the iPod. Most people understand the iPod interface within seconds of first seeing it.

4.5x3x1 inches is HUGE for you? I pity your girlfriend! (Ooops, sorry, but I can't resist! ;-)

This has nothing to do with dick size. We're talking about portable music players. Putting the Puxebox's dimensions into the context of male endowment only proves two things: you're an idiot and are prone to thinking regularly about cock.

Well, on this point I haven't anything to object: design tastes are subjective.

On the contrary: established design principles are often referred to when weighing the design value of a product and the Pukebox pales in comparison to the usability and aesthetic of the iPod. Calling all things relative is a textbook example of side-stepping a valid rebuttal.


Piss off.


macrumors member
Aug 27, 2002
Re: Apple to release iPod Dock

Originally posted by medea
In the article they also mention that "Apple's hoping that two upcoming announcements will further secure the iPod as the leading portable MP3 player" although the only announcement that are rumouring upon is the dock, what is the other supposed to be eh?

I sure hope the other is better prices. $300 to $500 is alot of money to spend on a music player. It's by far the best on the market but come on? I can't see that many people spending that kind of money for such a thing. And this is coming from a guy that's planning on happily shelling over a little more than $4K for the new PowerBook :)

Where's that credit card... :rolleyes:


macrumors 68020
Sep 18, 2001
Denver, CO
Re: Re: Re: iPod? Bah!

Originally posted by Ervino
USB 2.0 *AND* FireWire connection kits are optional and out soon.

So I have to pay extra to compensate for Archos' design mistake? USB 1.1 is not sufficient for this application by any stretch of the imagination.

Hmm, have you really used the Archos Multimedia Jukebox? It took to me about 5 minutes to learn the controls. And I'm a computer journalist , so hardly a rocket scientist... ;-)

Obviously, else you might have noticed I didn't say it was hard to learn how to use the controls. What I said was that Archos adopted a fairly arbitrary and uninspired set of buttons for their jukebox with no particular attention to usability. There's a difference between the difficulty of learning an interface and the convenience of using it under real-world circumstances.

I tried out a lot of MP3 players before the iPod arrived, including offerings from Archos. I chose not to get any of them because I didn't like the compromises I had to make in quality, capacity, size, battery life and so forth. The iPod was the first player I found that didn't make me compromise.

4.5x3x1 inches is HUGE for you? I pity your girlfriend! (Ooops, sorry, but I can't resist! ;-)

For something I expect to be able to carry around in my pants pocket, yes that is huge. Perhaps you just have more free space in your pants pocket area than I do.

Well, on this point I haven't anything to object: design tastes are subjective.

That's an easy cop-out, isn't it? You could make a shallow appeal to the subjectivity of taste to argue that there's no substantive difference between a Picasso and a three-year-old child's crayon drawing. But it's the iPod that wins the design awards.

Hem, have you read attently the specifications? The Archos Multimedia Jukebox include the output and cable to see the Mpeg4 *on a TV* with vhs resolution. And it work as a charm, I can assure you!

I read the specs. I already have plenty of ways to show video on my TV.

Beside all this, the Archos Multimedia Jukebox have an integrated microphone, and, being modular, it can be integrated with a camera module that shot photo and REAL TIME ENCODED ***MOVIE***!

And is this ***MOVIE*** you speak of going to compare in any way to the video I can shoot on my existing DV camcorder? Or the pictures I can take with my existing digital still camera? Is there any reason I should believe that this camera is anything but a toy?

And it is both Mac AND Pc conpatible at the same time, and it cost THE SAME as the equivalent size HD iPod, and it has a *REPLACABLE* battery (so you haven't to throw it away when the battery die, or pay Apple $$$ to replace it...), and no, I'm not paid by Archos... ;-)

Really? Because Archos' site doesn't list a replacement battery in their accessories and spare parts section. And in fact, the FAQ says:

19. Can I replace the JBMM batteries?
No, we hardly recommend you not to replace the batteries.

Now, I admit their English is about as clear as yours, but that "No" seems pretty clear to me. And for that matter, if my iPod's battery were to expire, the first thing I'd do is go to the Apple Store and try to get them to sell me a replacement battery, which I could, in fact, replace quite easily myself. Opening the case would violate the iPod's warranty, but if the iPod were still in warranty, they'd have to replace the battery for free anyway.

What's your problem with Archos? Hmm, OK, now I understand, they are: 1) European, and 2) with way less money than Apple to spend in pumping they products, so they are, by definition, inferior, right? Why give their stuff a real look, when you can much more easily go with bias...

First, I didn't even realize Archos was a European company until you mentioned it today. Second... do you have some delusion that Americans have a problem with people from Europe? Where would you get that idea? I've never heard such a thing. Since you're the one who seems to be operating under this assumption of cultural bias, could it be that you're pushing Archos products because they're European?
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