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macrumors 65816
Jul 14, 2015
Some Apple fans seem genuinely hurt at the potential for Apple's profitability to be reduced slightly. Seeing the EU as viscously attacking their beloved corporation, and catastrophising about it being broken up and going bankrupt.

Sure, Apple have done a great job with establishing a desirable product and platform - and have been handsomely rewarded for it. They're the richest company in the world FFS. But Apple built on the shoulders of giants like everyone else, and don't deserve unchallenged milking of handheld computing activity forever, just because they're one half of the duopoly that emerged once the dust settled.

It's understandable for some to be narrowly focussed on how the DMA affects 'their team', but it's designed to limit the power of all six megacorps at the top of the pile in the digital space. As @j26 observed, if it affects Apple more, it's because as an instinctually controlling company, they have the furthest to go in terms of opening up.
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