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macrumors 68030
Apr 14, 2006
Clemson, SC
brbubba said:
If I have time I'll drop by the store this weekend. Until then here is the underbelly of my little baby.
ew. that sucks. :(

let us know if you end up going to the apple store, and what they say.


macrumors 68030
Oct 7, 2003
kmarketing said:

Good Luck to all the black macbook owners! It would be terrible if this becomes and issue like the discoloring on the white ones.

I hope not, I'm have a white one i'm about to take back cos i think it might happen and want to be on the safer side.


macrumors regular
May 29, 2006
jesus! i thought the plastic was matte, not that it had a coating of some sort. that is disgusting


macrumors 68020
Nov 16, 2005
manic said:
jesus! i thought the plastic was matte, not that it had a coating of some sort. that is disgusting

Sadly not. I thought Apple would have learned from the powerbook titanium paint fiasco, but they didn't. Having said that, it doesn't appear to be a widespread problem - yet. The question is how the heat will affect that thin rubber layer and whether we will see more blackbooks turn shiny with time....


macrumors 68000
Nov 10, 2004
Definitely take those back for returns or exchanges. It's just not good enough to charge people extra for the "luxury" of having a matt black MB and then this occurs. I wouldn't even accept a repair, I'd want a complete exchange.

Having said that maybe best to exchange for a white one.


macrumors 6502
Jul 11, 2006
that sucks. i just ordered a black macbook and if that happens i will most definitely return it. is it still a problem with the newer ones :eek: :eek: :eek:


macrumors 68030
Apr 14, 2006
Clemson, SC
drummerbooker14 said:
that sucks. i just ordered a black macbook and if that happens i will most definitely return it. is it still a problem with the newer ones :eek: :eek: :eek:
it seems to be a rare problem (so far, anyways) so i wouldn't be too worried.


macrumors regular
Jan 13, 2005
Houston, TX
Oddly enough, this is happening to my powerbook. The shiny coating on the latch release button is peeling away for no obvious reason, revealing a rather ugly undercoating.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 20, 2006
Well I guess I am too lazy to go to the apple store and bitch about the peeling. I decided to take a different route. Hopefully I will post pics tomorrow, I just need to stop and grab some rubbing compound on the way home from work tomorrow to finish the final touches, hint hint ;) .


macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 20, 2006
Here it is.... You can see that the finish isn't quite mirror black yet in some parts. I've been polishing the hell out of the thing and don't know what to try next. I basically peeled the remaining coating off, then began sanding away with 1500 grit sandpaper. I guess I could order some 2000 or greater sandpaper, but we'll see if the polish can do the job.


  • CIMG1421.jpg
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macrumors 6502
Mar 5, 2006
What are you using to clean the laptop? That could be the problem...

I use a paper towel and very little water. I have no problems..


macrumors 65816
Jan 19, 2006
North Carolina, US
I was hoping this wouldn't become a bigger issue.... my week 7 MacBook Pro had part of its paint flake off similarly, showing the underlying material. I made a thread here about it back in April when it happened and several people said I was lying, etc. Of course it's for real, and my MacBook Pro is currently at Apple right now in order to get the case replaced on it. Or so I hope... the guy I've talked to on the phone several times now has been extremely helpful in trying to help me get this taken care of, but it's taking forever and really getting on my nerves. They didn't fix it the first time I sent it in, and all he apparently can do is suggest that they replace the case and nothing more. I hope it finally comes back *this time* fixed.

Pic of my MBP for anyone interested:


and the full thread:


macrumors 68030
Apr 14, 2006
Clemson, SC
brbubba said:
Here it is.... You can see that the finish isn't quite mirror black yet in some parts. I've been polishing the hell out of the thing and don't know what to try next. I basically peeled the remaining coating off, then began sanding away with 1500 grit sandpaper. I guess I could order some 2000 or greater sandpaper, but we'll see if the polish can do the job.
the underneath is kinda hott.. :cool:

but uhm.. why are you making it worse rather than not just taking it back? at this point they'll point the finger at you and claim it's a "mod" gone wrong and you'll be hard pressed to get them to fix it.. whereas before you could have showed them the few spots and had a fairly strong argument for getting a replacement or a fix. i guess you've decided to keep it, then?


macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 20, 2006
xfiftyfour said:
the underneath is kinda hott.. :cool:

but uhm.. why are you making it worse rather than not just taking it back? at this point they'll point the finger at you and claim it's a "mod" gone wrong and you'll be hard pressed to get them to fix it.. whereas before you could have showed them the few spots and had a fairly strong argument for getting a replacement or a fix. i guess you've decided to keep it, then?

Yep, I wanted to see how it would turn out and if I ever hated it I could always replace the battery. However I have gone over the deep end and I am doing the whole thing. Its going to take me a long time, but I am hoping the final result will be worth it. And yes, I am nuts.

The only areas I can see running into a problem are around the iSight, the screen hinge, the keyboard, and the apple logo. I think I might leave the keyboard coating on inside the rim area, see how that looks. I have a feeling though that I will have to take the screen apart. I have started on the bottom and I am working my way around and I can tell you that the body coating is much harder to get off. I could use my fingernail to pull the battery coating off, that doesn't come close to cutting it on the body coating.


macrumors 68000
Mar 10, 2006
hmmm, though it's very rare cases, I think it's mostly from some poor quality controls. No offence, but all the little chinese/malaysian kids who assembled your notebooks did a poor job. Mine however, doesn't peel:D j/k


macrumors 65816
Mar 1, 2006
I have the same problem like elbirth's and I really don' want to send it in to AppleCare if I don't have to. It sucks having to reinstall everything unless I can make a complete image of my partitions. I would be more than happy if they just replace the panel, but I've already been rejected by one AppleStore and am trying another today.


macrumors member
May 17, 2006
...i am going to buy a black macbook in the near future and to be earnest got scared ... I have been using IBM T42 (and T43 - work laptop) for last 2 years and there are no issues with case..I use them a lot ..matte black is still matte black....


macrumors 65816
Jan 19, 2006
North Carolina, US
n8236 said:
I have the same problem like elbirth's and I really don' want to send it in to AppleCare if I don't have to. It sucks having to reinstall everything unless I can make a complete image of my partitions. I would be more than happy if they just replace the panel, but I've already been rejected by one AppleStore and am trying another today.

The first time I got it back from AppleCare, all of my data was intact. They just replaced the logic board and a heat sensor, but everything else was fine.

I sent it back and it's now been 2 weeks that I've been without it :mad:
It's now sitting at the DHL terminal a couple hours away from me, so I won't have back until Monday... this time they said specifically that they're going to replace the casing, and I doubt they touched the hard drive this time.. but I can update Monday with actual results
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