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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 29, 2015
MacRumours in their wisdom will not give a category for discussing Snow Leopard - they only go back to Lion. This is probably because Snow Leopard remains the best version of OS X even today, and Apple are determined to bury it and force us all to buy inferior products.

I use SL on my 2010 Macbook Pro because it has the last Mail interface I can live with - I struggle with remembering things and find scrolling hard to live with - therefore an easily sortable list of emails, with one-per-line listing, allowing many more items per page, is essential. This was dropped on or after Lion in order to make it more like iOS. Furthermore, the Disk Utility on SL is far superior to anything since. The stability and reliability of 10.6.8 is also well understood.

I do not like at all the latest snooping backdoors insisted on by State and Commercial interests, which I consider to be even less secure than old operating systems. These cannot be turned off, are constantly being updated without my knowledge or consent, take away suddenly functionality I rely on and then install most unwanted bloatware and adware, and rely on the Cloud rather than offline storage, meaning that my data can be held to ransom by some corporation somewhere. I never forget or forgive how Google destroyed the Panoramio archive, nor the recent wiping of the Disqus Channels archive.

I use and keep updated as much antivirus software I can lay my hands on, and take the usual precautions about not clicking on dodgy email links. I also turn off my WiFi and router often in an attempt to thwart hackers. I know all too well that SL has not had security updates for many years.

I also run XP through an old version of Parallels Desktop, which fills a number of OS X's shortcomings - my printer likes XP better; XP has a better file management interface, and there are a number of legacy apps that only run on XP. XP has not had any security updates since April 2019, so in a sense it is a little more secure than SL, even though hackers do prefer to do their business through Windows.

My problem right now is the warnings coming up from Facebook, iPlayer and possibly YouTube that they will not support my browser any longer. The latest browser I have found is Firefox 45 ESR, although that has recently started crashing my system, so I had to revert to Firefox 48, which is stable for now. Other browsers such as Roccat and Arctic Fox are older technology. The Google/Opera family will not load on SL, insisting on a poorer later of OS X before they will install. One of my internet banking websites also no longer works on FF48 - coming up with white pages when clicking on links, although it still works on FF53 running through XP. I don't like to hang around XP online for too long when banking. though.

What I am after is a workround that enables me to keep using Facebook, iPlayer and internet banking without exposing me to the horrors of current software and website design upgrades that I find I cannot live with. Or do I need to go back to pen-and-ink and give up on the internet as it closes down around me? Is there some mileage in going down the Linux route? If so, which is the best distro, ideally one which works on Parallels Desktop 8 (later versions of that require the inferior later versions of OS X)?


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
10.6.8 was good in its day.
But... "it's day" has passed.
It may not work for some tasks any longer. I know that Safari (in 10.6.8) simply won't connect to some web sites any more.

Your options (as I see them):
1. Update the Mac OS to something newer (I suggest 10.12 "Low Sierra" if you can run it).
2. Use a different OS (Linux, something else...)


macrumors 604
May 22, 2008
Milwaukee, WI
I agree with the above. I hung with SL until El Cap. Switched to Firefox for the final couple of years. It was tough going even then online. I can only imagine how disfunctional it is now.

Option 3.0 - get an iPad for browsing the internet


macrumors 68000
Jul 1, 2010
Yes, it is interesting that Macrumors does not have a Snow Leopard section, but I see now they have a Panther....? They list the older OS X in order down to Lion and skip Snow Leopard and Leopard and go to Panther? Does not make sense.

I still use Snow Leopard on my Macbook Pro 2010. i have used every other OS That can install on it, but always eventually go back to Snow Leopard. Have some legacy programs I run on occasion and basically I just still like Snow Leopard.

Yes, Disk Utility runs better, the OS is faster than my new machines...including the USB 2.0 port compared to my three other systems that have 3.0 when copying, including faster blue tooth and wifi. Really don’t understand why...?

I still use firefox on Snow Leopard, but just go to sites I trust since it is no longer supported. Banking...well..I would not risk it personally. I too would love to run Snow Leopard server (have the disks still), but would keep it off the internet and just use it locally if desired to use.

Snow Leopard also to me was the best OS overall. I do like some of the other newer ones, but to vote overall what has been the best...Snow Leopard gets the prize.

Yes, it is outdated, but it is fast, handles issues with it...did its job as an OS without any bells and whistles. Would I go back to using it Capitan runs generally well and I like actually MacOS Catalina since I have a Macbook Pro 2018. Yes, the OS still needs some work, but Logic Pro X and Final Cut Pro X, including Motion is far better now than the old Logic Pro 9 or FCPX 7. I also use OS X Yosemite to run iDVD as well.

But for internet stuff on Snow Leopard...I would make it minimum and pass generally. Unfortunately, it is probably time to move on from Snow Leopard If that is your main OS, especially if you rely on the internet. It will go down in memory as a great OS for its time. Made me switch from being a die heart Windows User for many years before. Never looked back and glad for it.


macrumors 68000
Jul 1, 2010
Nice to see Mac-rumors bring back a Snow Leopard section. How long has it been?

Noticed this post and wanted to add a browser to be used for Snow Leopard. Arctic Fox still works and does well on Os X Snow Leopard. They still updated security on the browser in the year 2020!

Thanks Arctic Fox!
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