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macrumors 68020
May 9, 2001
As a video editor I liked the closing titles composition :rolleyes:

How long did it take you to edit?


macrumors 68020
Sep 3, 2004
London, UK
Good cinematography. Some creative camera angles.
The only criticism I have is that the music switched too abruptly. I would have liked to have seen at least a bit of a transition between the different styles.
Good job overall.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Dec 1, 2003
sorryiwasdreami said:
Where in PA are you from? I saw something similar to this in a university art gallery in southern PA, but I think it was a lot longer.

Northeastern PA. Took about 3 days to edit. Thanks for the comments!

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
Not bad...some of the edits were a bit abrupt, going directly from a handheld camera view to a tripod. And you had a classic goof on the final battle scene where you were all sweaty and then had a clip in there with a clean/dry shirt, and right back to sweaty :D

The titles at the end were fun seeing how the sweat got on your shirt.

Good job - what did you edit it on?



macrumors 65816
Original poster
Dec 1, 2003
Mr. Anderson said:
Not bad...some of the edits were a bit abrupt, going directly from a handheld camera view to a tripod. And you had a classic goof on the final battle scene where you were all sweaty and then had a clip in there with a clean/dry shirt, and right back to sweaty :D

The titles at the end were fun seeing how the sweat got on your shirt.

Good job - what did you edit it on?


Thanks. Yeah I didn't know my post had been moved. I thought it got deleted-- The continunity of the wet shirt is a blooper, but oh well. And I agree with the quickness of the transitions, and I should have used a tripod more for the shots. It was only supposed to be a 2-5 min. movie for our TV/Video class in school, with a storyboard behind it. We had to incorporate something in that starts the movie and also ends it (that's why we did the trophy case). (Another example is the storybook in SHrek)

It was decent for a week-long video to make. I'll post more once we make more in class.

Oh and I used iMovie - emacs in school, imac g4 @ home


macrumors 604
Jan 20, 2005
True. That whole table tennis sequence, I found my attention drifting. In editing terms, that's a bad thing to have happen to your audience. It means your editing either needs to be tighter or video to make some sense.


macrumors 68000
Sep 15, 2004
I too thought it was a bit long, but I liked the use of the music and the end credits really were great.


macrumors 68020
Jan 23, 2005
I began watching and ended up skipping through 1/2 of it...

...uh, so what WAS the point of it??


macrumors 6502a
Jul 23, 2002
In a Mauve Dream

I am not a budding film maker, but if I was, I would probably not post that movie on the inrternet.

I thought it was okay: visually: even though I disliked teh whole 80's music, training for battle crap.

There was no real story...

Keep trying!


macrumors newbie
Apr 4, 2005
Cumbria, England

Hey, nice one Messrs. freakboy and gangst, that's the way to encourage young film-makers :mad: How about some positive and constructive criticism instead of grinding young MacFan into the dirt?

crap freakboy

macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2002
nar in Gainsborough, me duck
Langly said:
Hey, nice one Messrs. freakboy and gangst, that's the way to encourage young film-makers :mad: How about some positive and constructive criticism instead of grinding young MacFan into the dirt?

I don't think I was harsh. I've been at countless meetings where some stiff in a suit ripped apart design work simply because he/she didn't like 'blue', 'that style of type', 'text is too small', 'prefer the old brochure', 'its too trendy' etc, etc. If you believe you have a talent in a particular field then you have to stand strong in that belief against mountains of criticisms, if youre not able to then perhaps you arent good enough.
I'd rather people be honest when viewing anything I've produced.
Or I could lie to him and say "Yeah brilliant, best thing I've seen in years, could you rip me a DVD?' Least this way he'll take on board that 70% were positive and the rest werent. With that, if he's got potential, he'll try and look at his efforts with a critical eye and improve upon the weak areas. Its really so easy to get so wrapped up in the creative process that you loose your own critical eye on what you are producing. Be your own harshest critic.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 27, 2004
maybe i was harsh but an opinions an opinion, i edit video myself and that is probably why i was honest. it will help the kid more if he is told the truth instead of lied to and told its good when its not. okay, maybe i could of offered advice, but the kid might not even want it.


macrumors regular
Feb 5, 2004
Clever little Rocky spoof, though it felt a little too familiar. The trophy case was a nice touch to bring it together. I liked the editing and camera angles but the big Match seemed too long and a little loose. The music selection was good, but the transitions need work (get on that GarageBand or Soundtrack). I would've went a little farther with the Rocky references and shown the "Villain" training (or not training). I wasn't really sure what to think of him when he showed up.

I certainly wouldn't call it a POS, but it could use a little more polish. It's quite funny, I think.



macrumors 68000
Sep 6, 2003
Langly said:
Hey, nice one Messrs. freakboy and gangst, that's the way to encourage young film-makers :mad: How about some positive and constructive criticism instead of grinding young MacFan into the dirt?
How about not making it suck.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Dec 1, 2003
Wow, guys I'm all really suprized on the amount of criticism here. Never did I say it was an academy award winning video- it was a 5 minute video that (not only me but 3 other people had input) worked on it (AMATEURS) and made this in about 5 class days.

I wanted to post it because it was (I thought) somewhat entertaining.

I never said it was my best work, ect. Heck, somebody could have posted a "jackass" type video with just cropped clips one after another and you probably would have liked it better.

I appriciate the comments, whether they are good or bad, and I respect what everyone has to say, but if you feel it wasn't worth your time, then you didn't have to watch it did you? I kinda wish I never posted it to begin with.


macrumors regular
Feb 5, 2004
I hope you didn't get the wrong idea. We were (most of us) just trying to help. When you post something like that, you have to expect a little bit of criticism (which can be positive and negative). I thought it was quite entertaining. One thing you have to remember about a message board is that you're likely to get flamed (A Mac user should especially know this). It's the nature of the beast. Don't be discouraged by it.



macrumors 65816
Original poster
Dec 1, 2003
Capt Underpants said:
Holy crap, people. This isn't a freakin blockbuster movie here. Four guys wanted to have some fun, so they made a video. Stop being so rude...

THANK YOU somebody who understands the purpose of it
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