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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains

Wow, what a show! Thanks @D.T. for recommending it. :) Caveat, there is a tech element, science talk, quantum mechanics, and SciFi, so not for everyone. It’s about a murder at a tech firm on the cutting edge, with creative writing, an atmosphere with music that reminds me a bit of Ex Machina (another great movie) and it’s not predictable.

Eight episodes, I’m through the first 6 episodes, and I was hooked at episode 4. Having high hopes for a satisfying ending. :D
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Only for those who have watched this.

I thought it was really strange of Forest to fire Lyndon after she (created?) and applied a logarithm that cleared up their data, because it might not be our world they are seeing, but I mean who cares?? It’s freaking amazing and how does he know if it’s our Jesus or not they are looking at, or if one hair is not right? Maybe we are not supposed to know the answer to that. ;)

I realize he is trying to see his daughter again, but his action was harsh ond overboard.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Finished this Mini-series and I highly recommend it, if you like this kind of story. ;) Vaguely, it has to do with quantum computers, the multi-verse, the ability to see into the past and the future, and pushes the notion of Determinism, how much control do individuals have, how much real free will?

The final episode is a bit of a stretch, but the story makes an attempt to support it :)
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macrumors 65816
Aug 13, 2011
Northern Virginia
Loved the way the show started, not too sure how I feel about the last episode. There's some definite plot holes, and things left unresolved, IMO, but overall, I liked it. 4/5 stars for me
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Loved the way the show started, not too sure how I feel about the last episode. There's some definite plot holes, and things left unresolved, IMO, but overall, I liked it. 4/5 stars for me

I agree. The ending, imo opens up a reveal about what the Devs System was about, and takes it from somewhat grounded science as far as the possibilities of quantum computing (kinda ;)) moving into a completely ungrounded, but often speculated upon science fiction territory of what our existence can be equated to.

Here is a good spoiler summary of the Series Final:

The big reveal is that not only can Devs observe “existence” past, present, and furture, but that a simulation of that universe has been created and the entities of people can be transferred into it. This fundamentally changes my perception of what this story was about. I’m not saying that’s bad, just saying it‘s beyond what I had imagined the story was originally about, taking it farther into the realm of ungrounded science fiction, if that makes sense. :)

More Dev talk here.
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